TOP 9 tips for more effective sit-UPS

Squats in all their diversity — one of the most effective exercises. Use the following 9 tips you will be able to make them even more effective.
1. Deeper and deeper If you just started to squat — or, on the contrary, squats become to you a chore and you don't see them much effect, — pay attention to your technique. Try to squat as deep as possible — so you better include in the process croupie and most powerful muscles in your body: the gluteus, the hamstrings and straightening the back muscles. Deep squats build your knees out to the sides from each other to descend and get maximum tension in the hips.
2. More variety of Varieties of squats there are a lot — use it. For example, try to squat deeper with a more specific statement of the feet, placing the bar higher on trapezes. And then Vice versa — legs apart and lower the bar a little lower on the shoulders. Listen to your instincts, pay attention to how those or other changes in technique to work more or less included those or other muscles and body parts.
3. Strengthen the back in Addition to muscles, squats — and for health in General! a very important spine and everything that surrounds it. For example, straightening the muscles of the lumbar spine and upper back muscles. Work on to strengthen them through exercises focused on these areas of the body such as deadlift, good morning, pull-UPS, etc.

4. Train press For support of the ridge is also critical of the abdominal muscles and core muscles. Exercises for development of static, such as straps, to all kinds of exercises with burdenings: Turkish lifts, squats with weights over your head, etc.
5. Use gravity do Not avoid exercises with large weights. Train with 3-5 approaches 1-2 repetitions with weights, whose weight is 90% or more of your max.
6. Add the speed of the Session with the maximum weights is useful to alternate with the "speed" workouts. They should work with weights that are 50-70% less of your max but to do the exercises as quickly as possible. Recommended plan: 8-10 approaches 2-3 repetition.

7. More resistance Attach to the rod of gum — so you will add resistance at the highest point of the squats. This technique should be used when working with the same weight as when training for speed, that is about 50-60% of your max weight.
8. Be "explosive" Use "explosive" methods such as jerk and jerk from weightlifting, or special cabinets and platforms from plyometric. This not only adds interest and complexity to your workouts, but also help further develop agility, coordination, balance and even flexibility.
9. Pay attention to the recovery Yes, a higher quality restoration can also improve your squats. Apart from the minimum 8-hour sleep, nutrition and stretching after training, add to your regime of massage, including self massage with a roller, contrast showers and a chiropractor. published
Source: fitfixed.com