Mnogoobraznye squats: training program
Mnogoobraznye squats is a method of squats, which has a greater number of repetitions (in average 20 for one approach). According to many authors evoke a number of positive physiological responses that are beneficial when doing bodybuilding (growth, drawing muscles) and powerlifting (strength, endurance). Often used to exit a training plateau experienced athletes, although it is acceptable to use in the training programs for beginners. Gained popularity after the book Dr. Strossen in 1989 "Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks", also actively used Brooks Dice. Faleev denies the usefulness of this method.
The main advantage is that the leg muscles (quadriceps) contain mostly slow muscle fibers, for training and hypertrophy which requires a greater number of repetitions. National Federation of personal trainers recommends that you do 20-25 reps for your muscles containing predominantly, this type of fiber.
Moreover, there are unconfirmed opinion that mnogoobraznye deep squats allow you to enhance the chest, and cause increased secretion of growth hormone, thus you need to follow the special technique of deep breathing, which is described in the main article.
Mnogoobraznye squats very often, it is recommended to perform during drying and burning fat, as they allow you to burn maximum amount of fat due to more muscle cells. This significantly increases the number of mitochondria — the main energy consumers of fatty acids.
Scientific justification
In 2004 was the study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, in which scientists have come to the conclusion that for muscle growth and strength more effectively combining vysokoporodnyh and nizkobonitetnyh exercise, compared to using only one of these approaches.
Example training programs
Technique mnogofotonnykh squats (Strossen): you must take the weight that you squat 10 times (one should strive to achieve the weight 150% of body mass), and sit down with him 20 times. Because of the weight increase the exercise duration increases to 5 minutes due to the long breaks between reps. This leg workout is completed, the next workout using the weight of 2.5 kg more. Required a long rest between training legs for a full recovery (3-7 days).
Strossen in his book "super squats" argues that the enormous stress which gets the body with such a load, giving a powerful impetus to growth of mass and strength. During execution, it is necessary to intensively breathe. After 10-15 snooze it doesn't matter how many breaths you have to commit to perform one more repetition, the main thing that it did take place, and in proper technique. With each repetition rest time increases. Having trained in squats in a similar manner two to three months, it will be possible to acquire some experience, which is the best way to tell the effectiveness of the suggested training method.
Here is an example leg workout (the split program).
Squats 4x7,10,20,25
Bending legs in the machine 3х15
Rise on socks standing 3x20
Squats 10x10 — rest between sets about 1 minute
Squats 1x20
The leg press 3x6
Bending legs in the machine 3х15
Rise on socks standing 3x20
Basic program for beginners:
Squats: 1x20
Pullover: 1x20
Deadlifts: 1x15
Pullover: 1x20
Bench press: 2-3 x 10
Thrust rod in the slope (video): 2-3x15
The military press: 2-3 x 12
In addition to the squats for 20 reps, trainees are advised to observe proper diet, and enough rest. Don't forget to progressively increase the weights with each new workout legs.published
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TOP 5 most effective exercises for a flat stomach
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/sport_stat?w=wall-25740422_176530

The main advantage is that the leg muscles (quadriceps) contain mostly slow muscle fibers, for training and hypertrophy which requires a greater number of repetitions. National Federation of personal trainers recommends that you do 20-25 reps for your muscles containing predominantly, this type of fiber.
Moreover, there are unconfirmed opinion that mnogoobraznye deep squats allow you to enhance the chest, and cause increased secretion of growth hormone, thus you need to follow the special technique of deep breathing, which is described in the main article.
Mnogoobraznye squats very often, it is recommended to perform during drying and burning fat, as they allow you to burn maximum amount of fat due to more muscle cells. This significantly increases the number of mitochondria — the main energy consumers of fatty acids.
Scientific justification
In 2004 was the study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, in which scientists have come to the conclusion that for muscle growth and strength more effectively combining vysokoporodnyh and nizkobonitetnyh exercise, compared to using only one of these approaches.
Example training programs
Technique mnogofotonnykh squats (Strossen): you must take the weight that you squat 10 times (one should strive to achieve the weight 150% of body mass), and sit down with him 20 times. Because of the weight increase the exercise duration increases to 5 minutes due to the long breaks between reps. This leg workout is completed, the next workout using the weight of 2.5 kg more. Required a long rest between training legs for a full recovery (3-7 days).
Strossen in his book "super squats" argues that the enormous stress which gets the body with such a load, giving a powerful impetus to growth of mass and strength. During execution, it is necessary to intensively breathe. After 10-15 snooze it doesn't matter how many breaths you have to commit to perform one more repetition, the main thing that it did take place, and in proper technique. With each repetition rest time increases. Having trained in squats in a similar manner two to three months, it will be possible to acquire some experience, which is the best way to tell the effectiveness of the suggested training method.

Here is an example leg workout (the split program).
Squats 4x7,10,20,25
Bending legs in the machine 3х15
Rise on socks standing 3x20
Squats 10x10 — rest between sets about 1 minute
Squats 1x20
The leg press 3x6
Bending legs in the machine 3х15
Rise on socks standing 3x20
Basic program for beginners:
Squats: 1x20
Pullover: 1x20
Deadlifts: 1x15
Pullover: 1x20
Bench press: 2-3 x 10
Thrust rod in the slope (video): 2-3x15
The military press: 2-3 x 12
In addition to the squats for 20 reps, trainees are advised to observe proper diet, and enough rest. Don't forget to progressively increase the weights with each new workout legs.published
11 great stretching exercises
TOP 5 most effective exercises for a flat stomach
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/sport_stat?w=wall-25740422_176530