12 exercises to tighten butt and legs for 1 week
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Alex silver-Fagan, coach, Nike, believes that to get nice shape legs and buttocks, you need to do squats. These exercises are convenient to combine with other exercises or perform individual complex. They are simple, you can perform them at home, and they take no more than 15 minutes.
For convenience, the Website has made a training plan for the week. Engage with pleasure and follow a pleasant change.
1. Classic squats
Start with squats, familiar from childhood.
2. Squats with abduction feet to the side
The splaying of the legs will include the work of the buttocks.
3. Squats sumo
These sit-UPS simultaneously strengthen the body and buttocks.
4. Squats "sumo" with the rise of the hands
It will add elements of cardio.
5. Squats with exercise oblique abdominal muscles
Your waistline will thank you.
6. Jumping from a sitting position
In this exercise, you at the same time strengthen muscles of hands.
7. Squats in position "feet together"
Preparatory warm-up exercise before the "pistol".
8. Squat "pistol"
A difficult exercise with a heavy load on the knee. Therefore, use it cautiously and don't squat too low. For starters, you can perform with support.
9. Squats reverans
In this exercise simultaneously involves many muscle groups.
10. Squats on one leg
This exercise significantly strengthens the calves, thighs and buttocks.
11. Squats with a step to the side
Also called "burning butt", because the muscles are maximally stretched.
12. Squat jump
This exercise gives the muscles to relax after the previous static postures, washes away lactic acid and adds cardio.
Workout plan for a week
Photographer Roman Zakharchenko, model Olga Zakharchenko specifically for the Website
via www.instagram.com/olga_zaharchenko/
Alex silver-Fagan, coach, Nike, believes that to get nice shape legs and buttocks, you need to do squats. These exercises are convenient to combine with other exercises or perform individual complex. They are simple, you can perform them at home, and they take no more than 15 minutes.
For convenience, the Website has made a training plan for the week. Engage with pleasure and follow a pleasant change.
1. Classic squats

Start with squats, familiar from childhood.
2. Squats with abduction feet to the side

The splaying of the legs will include the work of the buttocks.
3. Squats sumo

These sit-UPS simultaneously strengthen the body and buttocks.
4. Squats "sumo" with the rise of the hands

It will add elements of cardio.
5. Squats with exercise oblique abdominal muscles

Your waistline will thank you.
6. Jumping from a sitting position

In this exercise, you at the same time strengthen muscles of hands.
7. Squats in position "feet together"

Preparatory warm-up exercise before the "pistol".
8. Squat "pistol"

A difficult exercise with a heavy load on the knee. Therefore, use it cautiously and don't squat too low. For starters, you can perform with support.
9. Squats reverans

In this exercise simultaneously involves many muscle groups.
10. Squats on one leg

This exercise significantly strengthens the calves, thighs and buttocks.
11. Squats with a step to the side

Also called "burning butt", because the muscles are maximally stretched.
12. Squat jump

This exercise gives the muscles to relax after the previous static postures, washes away lactic acid and adds cardio.
Workout plan for a week

Photographer Roman Zakharchenko, model Olga Zakharchenko specifically for the Website
via www.instagram.com/olga_zaharchenko/
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