How to strengthen muscles at home
To establish a harmonious connection of the body and mind, normalize breathing, restore strained muscles, return the body to symmetry and strengthen internal energy will help regular breathing. backstretching. It is not necessary to be an athlete and visit the gym to experience all the advantages of high-quality static stretching.
Prolonged stretcher leads to strengthening of tendons and muscles, there is an alignment of the skeleton and rejuvenation. Restoration of the spine entails the healing of the whole body!
"Site" I highly recommend these 8 simple exercises to anyone who wants to feel 30 at 70! Just 15 minutes a day without special equipment and at home is what the doctor ordered.
Strengthening muscles at home
Modern man, no matter how hard he tries, is a hostage of a sedentary lifestyle, and the muscles of the back and neck in such a situation experience tremendous tension. In order not to become a victim of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant diseases, to cheer up, strengthen the spine and regain former flexibility, be sure to experience the miraculous power of stretching. It is impossible to negate the aging process, but slowing down is easier!
If you think our article is useful, share it with friends, and our simple set of exercises do not forget to perform every day.

Prolonged stretcher leads to strengthening of tendons and muscles, there is an alignment of the skeleton and rejuvenation. Restoration of the spine entails the healing of the whole body!
"Site" I highly recommend these 8 simple exercises to anyone who wants to feel 30 at 70! Just 15 minutes a day without special equipment and at home is what the doctor ordered.
Strengthening muscles at home
- "Plow."
This posture not only strengthens the muscles of the spine, but also perfectly relaxes the nervous system and contributes to a surge of fresh strength. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the internal organs, improves the respiratory system, relieves headache, hypertension and insomnia. The calves, hamstrings, hips and, as we have already said, the back muscles and spine are effectively stretched. The starting position is lying on your back. On inhalation, using the abdominal muscles, smoothly transfer your legs behind your head. The neck is free, the shoulder blades are reduced, the back is straight, the hands are either on the floor with palms down or support the back. At the end point, the legs are brought together, straightened, slightly tense.
If it is difficult to raise straight legs, you can bend them at the knees. Stretching the tailbone up, feel how the traction of the spine increases. Return to the starting position by lowering your feet to the floor. Do some unhurried repetitions.
DepositPhotos - "Cat"
Exercise not only strengthens the muscles that support the spine, but also has a tangible effect on the abdominal muscles. Regular stretching helps relieve back pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle, and also supports the work of the respiratory apparatus, supplying organs with oxygen. “Cat” is especially useful for those who suffer from frequent bronchitis. Stand on all fours, put your hands tightly on the floor, point your fingers forward. Legs bent at right angles, hands straight. Take a deep breath, apply the pelvis inside, round your back and lower your head. The muscles are tense and the back is stretched.
On inhalation, rotate your back in the opposite direction, raising your head and pelvis. Feel how the muscles of the back work and, conversely, the press relaxes. Stay as long as possible at the top and bottom.
DepositPhotos - "Cat chasing tail"
Variation of the ordinary “Cat”, but with the addition of body movements to the right and left. Everything is similar: on exhalation rounded back and pull the right thigh to the right shoulder in the horizontal direction, then left to left. Inhale your back and do the same.
DepositPhotos - Pretzelek lying down
Lie on your back, legs straight, arms out. Rot your left leg in the knee and throw it over the knee of your right leg. Pull your knee to the left, trying to touch the floor. You can help yourself with your right hand. Hold in this position for 10 breaths, then return to the starting position and repeat the same for the opposite leg.
DepositPhotos - Bridge posture
This exercise is a real panacea for all the troubles of a sedentary lifestyle. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the width of your shoulders. Put your hands along the body or stretch back. Raise the pelvis above the floor, stay in this position for 5 respiratory cycles. In this position, the muscles of the hands are stretched, gluteal muscles are trained and, of course, the back muscles are strengthened. Do a few slow repetitions and remember to watch your breath.
DepositPhotos - Onion posture
The starting position is lying on your stomach. Legs together, arms along the torso, palms and chin are pressed to the floor. On inhale, spread your legs, bend at your knees and grab your ankles with your hands or circle your feet with your palms. Start extending your knees while lifting your head and chest. Pull your head off, take your thighs off the floor, and rot well in your lower back. Do a few swings back and forth, relax and get back to the starting position. Do 3 smooth repetitions.
DepositPhotos - Pretzelek in a sitting position
Regular implementation of this exercise will help not only restore the health of the spine, but also cope with excess fat deposits in the hips and waist. Sit on the floor, your hands rest on the floor, your legs straightened. Put your left leg in your knee and put it behind your right knee. Place the left hand opposite the tailbone point-blank, put the right hand on the thigh of the left leg. On inhalation, smoothly turn the whole body to the left, linger in this position for 8 seconds, exhale and return to the starting position. Feel the stretching of your waist and hip muscles. Change your arms and legs and then do the same for the opposite leg.
DepositPhotos - The Boat.
Regular performance of the "Boat" will lead to an improvement in the general condition, give a surge of energy and lift the mood. We recommend starting with 4 sets of 10 seconds. The starting position is lying on your stomach. Legs straight, socks stretched out. Arms extended forward, palms pointing down. Smoothly and simultaneously raise the upper body and legs to the most comfortable height. The pelvis and stomach are pressed to the floor. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and start stretching your body from your palms to your feet, stretching out in opposite directions. Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.
Modern man, no matter how hard he tries, is a hostage of a sedentary lifestyle, and the muscles of the back and neck in such a situation experience tremendous tension. In order not to become a victim of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant diseases, to cheer up, strengthen the spine and regain former flexibility, be sure to experience the miraculous power of stretching. It is impossible to negate the aging process, but slowing down is easier!
If you think our article is useful, share it with friends, and our simple set of exercises do not forget to perform every day.