Squats with the load on different muscle groups
A — anyway, beginners — people mistakenly believe that squats help to build muscle mass only on the legs: the muscles of the buttocks, hamstring and quadriceps. But with the right approach to this, at first glance, a simple exercise you can pump up almost all of the body. We invite you to explore 14 of the most effective varieties of squats that will help you to improve the body.
1. On one leg Each of us noticed that the support foot we are always stronger. Squats on one leg is the best way to correct muscle imbalances. To do this, stand in your original position for normal squats. Lift the left leg up, slightly bending your knee. Can optionally take the foot forward or backward to find the most stable position. Now, relying only on the right leg, scroll down as much as you can. Return to the upright position. Try not to put your left foot on the floor between repetitions. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. At the initial stage of this exercise can lean a hand on a chair or the wall.
2. Squats with surge
Perform a regular squat, but instead to return to a standing position, hold the bottom point on my thighs parallel to the floor. Take three small quick springy movements of the pelvis up and down a few inches.
3. Squats with legs crosswise Stand up straight, feet on width of shoulders, hands on hips. Move your right leg back and to the left. Sit down on both legs. Both knees should be bent at a right angle. Weight need to keep on the front foot. Return to starting position and switch legs.
4. The gun Is another exercise to "trim" the leg power. Stand up straight, hands extend forward palms down. Put your weight on the right leg, and left leg straight raise in front of him parallel to the floor. Slowly squat on the right leg until your thigh touches your heels. At the lowest point of the squat your left leg should be at a height of several inches from the floor. Now slowly stand back up. Try not to fall and do not drop on the floor left leg. Repeat the squat on the other leg.
5. Sumo starting position for this exercise is the position of sumo. You need to place wide-leg, while the socks to expand outward. Take your hips back and squat to a right angle at the knees. In this position, tighten your glutes. Return to starting position. There is also a more complex version of this kind of squats: squatting sumo wrestler standing on tiptoes. Doing it this way, you will increase the load on the thighs and buttocks. Doing squats sumo, try to not put your heels on the floor.
6. Squats with jumping Squats jumping with, first of all, add cardio to your weight training. From the starting position, like simple squats, sit down, and then sharp force straightening the knees, you jump up. Repeat the exercise. To avoid injury, landing on slightly bent legs.
7. Squats "on a chair"
Stand up straight in starting position, with your feet together. Sit down, averting the pelvis back until the thigh will not be parallel to the floor. Side must feel you sit down on a chair. To make it easier to keep his balance, hand pull up. Return to starting position. If you're ambitious athletes, try for a few seconds to stay in a sit position. Squatting is also more difficult: take a seat "in the chair" on the socks. In this case, extend hands in front of him parallel to the floor, and already sitting "on a chair", slowly lift them up. So it will be easier to cope with balance.
8. Surfer Sit down, legs apart wider than shoulder width. My hands spread to the sides, imagining that you are standing on a surfboard with the right side forward. Now jump, turn around, landing on the Board the other side.
9. Grand plie Stand with your heels together, toes apart. Keeping your hips back, bend your knees and sit straight down. Try to sit as deep as possible. If this exercise is given very hard, at the lowest point of the squat you can off the floor heels. Slowly return to starting position.
10. Frog Deep squat, legs wide apart: toes apart, the pelvis is nearly touching the floor. Put your hands in front of him on the floor. Abruptly jump out from this position, hands up in the air will Land back in the frog pose, and jump out again.
11. Squats with a jump with the flipping of the knees Place your feet on the width of the basin. Drop down into a low squat and jump out dramatically. At the top jump as high as possible, try to pull your knees and slam on them (either side of the shins) with your hands. Landing in a low squat and immediately, without a break, jump out again.
12. Squats with a jump on the obstacle, the squat can be attributed to the complicated version of the previous exercise. Stand in front of an obstacle, such as a step platform. Before performing this exercise, be sure to check that the design to which you'll jump, was strong and steady. Sit down and, with the force pushed off from the floor, jump both feet on the obstacle. Squat again and jump back. Don't start with high obstacles! It is better to choose a small step and gradually increase the height. Also very gently land on the floor, because without some physical training this exercise can be very traumatic.
13. Buttocks to the heels For this exercise stand straight with feet combine together, hands extend forward palms down. Bend legs at the knees and drop your buttocks touched the heels. In the bottom of the squat put your hands on the floor to keep his balance. Return to starting position.
14. Squats with twist stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Sit down. The output of the squat, lift your right knee and twisting the body, reach a knee to left elbow. Repeat on the other leg.
Source: fitfixed.com
1. On one leg Each of us noticed that the support foot we are always stronger. Squats on one leg is the best way to correct muscle imbalances. To do this, stand in your original position for normal squats. Lift the left leg up, slightly bending your knee. Can optionally take the foot forward or backward to find the most stable position. Now, relying only on the right leg, scroll down as much as you can. Return to the upright position. Try not to put your left foot on the floor between repetitions. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. At the initial stage of this exercise can lean a hand on a chair or the wall.
2. Squats with surge
Perform a regular squat, but instead to return to a standing position, hold the bottom point on my thighs parallel to the floor. Take three small quick springy movements of the pelvis up and down a few inches.
3. Squats with legs crosswise Stand up straight, feet on width of shoulders, hands on hips. Move your right leg back and to the left. Sit down on both legs. Both knees should be bent at a right angle. Weight need to keep on the front foot. Return to starting position and switch legs.
4. The gun Is another exercise to "trim" the leg power. Stand up straight, hands extend forward palms down. Put your weight on the right leg, and left leg straight raise in front of him parallel to the floor. Slowly squat on the right leg until your thigh touches your heels. At the lowest point of the squat your left leg should be at a height of several inches from the floor. Now slowly stand back up. Try not to fall and do not drop on the floor left leg. Repeat the squat on the other leg.

5. Sumo starting position for this exercise is the position of sumo. You need to place wide-leg, while the socks to expand outward. Take your hips back and squat to a right angle at the knees. In this position, tighten your glutes. Return to starting position. There is also a more complex version of this kind of squats: squatting sumo wrestler standing on tiptoes. Doing it this way, you will increase the load on the thighs and buttocks. Doing squats sumo, try to not put your heels on the floor.
6. Squats with jumping Squats jumping with, first of all, add cardio to your weight training. From the starting position, like simple squats, sit down, and then sharp force straightening the knees, you jump up. Repeat the exercise. To avoid injury, landing on slightly bent legs.
7. Squats "on a chair"
Stand up straight in starting position, with your feet together. Sit down, averting the pelvis back until the thigh will not be parallel to the floor. Side must feel you sit down on a chair. To make it easier to keep his balance, hand pull up. Return to starting position. If you're ambitious athletes, try for a few seconds to stay in a sit position. Squatting is also more difficult: take a seat "in the chair" on the socks. In this case, extend hands in front of him parallel to the floor, and already sitting "on a chair", slowly lift them up. So it will be easier to cope with balance.
8. Surfer Sit down, legs apart wider than shoulder width. My hands spread to the sides, imagining that you are standing on a surfboard with the right side forward. Now jump, turn around, landing on the Board the other side.
9. Grand plie Stand with your heels together, toes apart. Keeping your hips back, bend your knees and sit straight down. Try to sit as deep as possible. If this exercise is given very hard, at the lowest point of the squat you can off the floor heels. Slowly return to starting position.
10. Frog Deep squat, legs wide apart: toes apart, the pelvis is nearly touching the floor. Put your hands in front of him on the floor. Abruptly jump out from this position, hands up in the air will Land back in the frog pose, and jump out again.

11. Squats with a jump with the flipping of the knees Place your feet on the width of the basin. Drop down into a low squat and jump out dramatically. At the top jump as high as possible, try to pull your knees and slam on them (either side of the shins) with your hands. Landing in a low squat and immediately, without a break, jump out again.
12. Squats with a jump on the obstacle, the squat can be attributed to the complicated version of the previous exercise. Stand in front of an obstacle, such as a step platform. Before performing this exercise, be sure to check that the design to which you'll jump, was strong and steady. Sit down and, with the force pushed off from the floor, jump both feet on the obstacle. Squat again and jump back. Don't start with high obstacles! It is better to choose a small step and gradually increase the height. Also very gently land on the floor, because without some physical training this exercise can be very traumatic.

13. Buttocks to the heels For this exercise stand straight with feet combine together, hands extend forward palms down. Bend legs at the knees and drop your buttocks touched the heels. In the bottom of the squat put your hands on the floor to keep his balance. Return to starting position.
14. Squats with twist stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Sit down. The output of the squat, lift your right knee and twisting the body, reach a knee to left elbow. Repeat on the other leg.
Source: fitfixed.com
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