12 exercises for the slender legs
Alex Silver Fagan coach Nike, said, to get a beautiful shape legs and buttocks, to do squats. These exercises are conveniently combined with other training or perform certain complex. They are simple, they can be performed at home, and they do not occupy more than 15 minutes. The general recommendation is always the same: to do the exercises every day.
For the convenience of Website I put a training plan for the week. Engage with pleasure and follow a pleasant change.
1. Classic squats h3>
4. Squat "Sumo" with the rise of the hands h3>
5. Squats with training oblique abdominal muscles h3>
8. Squats «pistol» h3>
10. Squat on one leg h3>
11. Squat with a step to the side h3>
12. Squat jump h3>
plan workouts for the week: h3> Classic squats - 10 times.
For the convenience of Website I put a training plan for the week. Engage with pleasure and follow a pleasant change.
1. Classic squats h3>
Start with sit-ups, friends since childhood.
2. Squats diverting foot toward
Lead legs involved in the work the buttocks.
3. Squats «Sumo»
This squat at the same time strengthens the body and buttocks.
4. Squat "Sumo" with the rise of the hands h3>
This squat add cardio elements.
5. Squats with training oblique abdominal muscles h3>
Your waistline will thank you.
6. Jumping from sitting
In carrying out this exercise at the same time you strengthen your arm muscles.
7. Squatting in the "feet together»
Preheat the preparatory exercise before the "pistol».
8. Squats «pistol» h3>
This exercise can be difficult to start with support to perform.
9. Squat "curtsy»
In this exercise at the same time involving many muscle groups.
10. Squat on one leg h3>
This exercise strengthens noticeably the calves, thighs and buttocks.
11. Squat with a step to the side h3>
Once this exercise is called "burning ass" because it most tense muscles.
12. Squat jump h3>
This exercise gives the muscles a rest after the previous static poses, washes away lactic acid and adds cardio.
plan workouts for the week: h3> Classic squats - 10 times.
Squats diverting feet away - 5 times on each leg.
Repeat the entire complex. Squat "Sumo" - 10 times.
Squat to lift hands - 10 times.
Repeat the entire complex. Squats with training oblique abdominal muscles - 5 times on each leg.
Jumping from a sitting position - 10 times.
Repeat the entire complex. Squatting in the "feet together" - 10 times.
Squat "pistol" - 5 times on each leg.
Repeat the entire complex. Squat "nod" - 5 times on each leg.
Squats on one leg - 5 times on each leg.
Repeat the entire complex. Squat with a step to the side - 5 times on each leg.
Squat jump - 10 times.
Repeat the entire complex. Squat "Sumo" - 10 times.
Squats with training oblique abdominal muscles - 5 times on each leg.
Repeat the entire complex.
via www.instagram.com/p/775CVNIXKp/
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