Beautiful feet: how to build inner thigh
Beautiful and slender legs, you can do regardless of height and build, all you need is to be able to properly work out certain muscle groups.
Of course, it is better to do at the gym and take on the study of the feet of individual workouts (experts suggest to work out different muscle groups in separate days, making a maximum number of sets with the desired number of repetitions) that will yield the most visible results after a short period of time.
But the muscles of the legs, unlike all other muscle groups in our body can perfectly work and at home – for this there is a huge amount of exercise (running, squats, etc.). However, many know very little more exercise on my legs and not know how to perform them correctly.
Forty four million eight hundred fifty nine thousand nine hundred three
First you need to minimize body fat
When working with feet, you need to get rid of body fat, or even a tough workout will not give the desired result.
To burn excess weight in the hall are perfectly suited to the so-called cardio exercise equipment – cross trainers, treadmills, Steppers, etc. Regular or interval running at the stadium, the street is also great help burn excess calories and lose weight. If not overweight and just want to get shapely legs with a nice, moderately developed relief, we need not dwell on such equipment.
To use the cardio machines before, during and after exercise. Even if you run longer than planned — it will not separate you from success.
Effective squat for the inner thigh
To quickly and well to pump the inner part of the thigh, you need to squat, legs wide apart. However, variants of squats in the gym or at home there are many. Consider the most popular and effective.
One million eight hundred three thousand three hundred ten
In the hall to download inner thigh possible in the simulator Smith. It is necessary to take a working weight or a blank fretboard if you are just beginning to engage, to be under him so that he was on the back and buttocks shall not exceed the design. The fretboard needs to be wound neatly on the trapeze shoulder so he was lying comfortably.
Feet need to put wider than the levels of the shoulders, but you can stand very close to the edges of the design. Socks are pulled apart so that the foot was parallel to the fretboard. Begin to perform slowly squats.
The amplitude needs to be good, you need to squat down as much as possible, working with the muscles of the inner thigh.
If you Crouch low enough, the effect will be almost no. Squats in this technique can be performed without equipment, using other sports equipment.
Back when sit-UPS should be perfectly smooth, otherwise the burden will fall on the loins, back, and on anything but not on inner thighs.
We reviewed one version of the work in the gym over the inner surface of the thighs, now talk about how you can develop the necessary muscle.
The house can very quickly lead to muscle tone, if you regularly perform the following exercises.
Exercises for home workout from Cindy CrawfordForty five million nine hundred eighty seven thousand sixty one
Many girls admire the appearance of the world famous model and public persona – Cindy Crawford. However, not all know that the secret of her perfect figure is regular exercise. It has developed in cooperation with professional experts and coaches some very effective training programs that will be able to perform each at home without any special devices or equipment.
Cindy is working on the inside of the thigh with a few approaches with a certain number of repetitions. She performs three types of squats. The exercises themselves are very interesting and to be not boring.
Conducting a quality warm-up, we start to warm up the muscles of the legs and inner thigh. Perform squats on the seat, legs wide apart. Make 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions (see, to not be lazy, otherwise everything will be in vain, but if this is the first workout, don't overdo it, otherwise the next day will be very sore).
When you achieve the desired result (and this will certainly happen if they applied the effort), you will feel not only a burst of physical energy, but also is satisfaction, self-esteem and will to develop and to exercise.
Back to a series of squats from Cindy.
Properly warming up the muscles, go tovery interesting and original exercise:
Work to the maximum as you can, but without fanaticism.
Also interesting: Beautiful arms and shoulders: Department store exercises
30 exercises for every day — slim legs in 1 month!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: stroy-telo.com/domashnij-trening/fitness-dlya-pohudeniya/kak-nakachat-vnutrennyuyu-chast-bedra.html
Of course, it is better to do at the gym and take on the study of the feet of individual workouts (experts suggest to work out different muscle groups in separate days, making a maximum number of sets with the desired number of repetitions) that will yield the most visible results after a short period of time.
But the muscles of the legs, unlike all other muscle groups in our body can perfectly work and at home – for this there is a huge amount of exercise (running, squats, etc.). However, many know very little more exercise on my legs and not know how to perform them correctly.
Forty four million eight hundred fifty nine thousand nine hundred three
First you need to minimize body fat
When working with feet, you need to get rid of body fat, or even a tough workout will not give the desired result.
To burn excess weight in the hall are perfectly suited to the so-called cardio exercise equipment – cross trainers, treadmills, Steppers, etc. Regular or interval running at the stadium, the street is also great help burn excess calories and lose weight. If not overweight and just want to get shapely legs with a nice, moderately developed relief, we need not dwell on such equipment.
To use the cardio machines before, during and after exercise. Even if you run longer than planned — it will not separate you from success.
Effective squat for the inner thigh
To quickly and well to pump the inner part of the thigh, you need to squat, legs wide apart. However, variants of squats in the gym or at home there are many. Consider the most popular and effective.
One million eight hundred three thousand three hundred ten
In the hall to download inner thigh possible in the simulator Smith. It is necessary to take a working weight or a blank fretboard if you are just beginning to engage, to be under him so that he was on the back and buttocks shall not exceed the design. The fretboard needs to be wound neatly on the trapeze shoulder so he was lying comfortably.
Feet need to put wider than the levels of the shoulders, but you can stand very close to the edges of the design. Socks are pulled apart so that the foot was parallel to the fretboard. Begin to perform slowly squats.
The amplitude needs to be good, you need to squat down as much as possible, working with the muscles of the inner thigh.
If you Crouch low enough, the effect will be almost no. Squats in this technique can be performed without equipment, using other sports equipment.
Back when sit-UPS should be perfectly smooth, otherwise the burden will fall on the loins, back, and on anything but not on inner thighs.
We reviewed one version of the work in the gym over the inner surface of the thighs, now talk about how you can develop the necessary muscle.
The house can very quickly lead to muscle tone, if you regularly perform the following exercises.
Exercises for home workout from Cindy CrawfordForty five million nine hundred eighty seven thousand sixty one
Many girls admire the appearance of the world famous model and public persona – Cindy Crawford. However, not all know that the secret of her perfect figure is regular exercise. It has developed in cooperation with professional experts and coaches some very effective training programs that will be able to perform each at home without any special devices or equipment.
Cindy is working on the inside of the thigh with a few approaches with a certain number of repetitions. She performs three types of squats. The exercises themselves are very interesting and to be not boring.
Conducting a quality warm-up, we start to warm up the muscles of the legs and inner thigh. Perform squats on the seat, legs wide apart. Make 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions (see, to not be lazy, otherwise everything will be in vain, but if this is the first workout, don't overdo it, otherwise the next day will be very sore).
When you achieve the desired result (and this will certainly happen if they applied the effort), you will feel not only a burst of physical energy, but also is satisfaction, self-esteem and will to develop and to exercise.
Back to a series of squats from Cindy.
Properly warming up the muscles, go tovery interesting and original exercise:
- Our situation remains the same as in the first embodiment of squats, but now sitting at the highest possible amplitude, we don't stand on two legs, as it did before, and begin alternately raise one leg, then returning to the bottom.
Work to the maximum as you can, but without fanaticism.
- Then do the heaviest squats. If you will not be comfortable for them to perform, it is better to warm up again.
Also interesting: Beautiful arms and shoulders: Department store exercises
30 exercises for every day — slim legs in 1 month!
- Our final exercise is hopping from one foot to the other with wide staging and crossing.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: stroy-telo.com/domashnij-trening/fitness-dlya-pohudeniya/kak-nakachat-vnutrennyuyu-chast-bedra.html