Good to know: techniques of self-massage
Four million three hundred thirty one thousand twenty six
If you do not have time to visit a professional masseur somewhere in the cabin, or if you think it's too expensive, and the practice of yoga does not allow you to fully work out some clipped areas, then you could do a self-massage in order to relax the body (chained, clamped areas) or to ease the pain.
Against headache
If you were to visit the frequent pulsating pain in the head, then you should definitely try the following.
Put two tennis balls in a sock and tie it to the balls wouldn't get out of there. Lie back on a flat surface, the lap should enclose the pillow. Made an arrangement of balls put under his head so that the tennis balls touch the base of the skull (lying on the same level with the earlobes). Relaxed and eyes closed, you need to lie in this position for ten minutes or twenty.
Against tension in the back
Someone self-massage your own back may seem like an impossible trick, but in fact it is not so difficult. Normal probs will provide you with assistance and help to work out your back, open your chest, stretch your muscles exactly in the place where you feel pain, release tension.
For this massage you need to take the roll of foam and two tennis balls tied in a sock.
Your actions:
To open the chest, put the roll on the floor, lie down on it so that it lay along the spine from head to buttocks, the knees should be bent and the soles of the feet to stand firmly on the floor, arms at sides. For at least 20 seconds lying relaxed, and your Breasts will begin to unfold. You can do smooth movement left and right, this will help stretch your back muscles.
To remove stress from the spine, place your roll perpendicular to the spine. Lie on your back, but your head and neck hold with his hands, knees bent, feet rested in the floor, the buttocks must not touch the floor. Ride up and down on the roll back to the roll worked and relaxed the muscles enough for 20-30 seconds.
Deep massage. Lie on your back, under the muscle put tennis balls tied in a sock. Balls must be on either side of the spine, buttocks off the floor, the lower back does not bend. The neck and head, hold hands. Roll back on the balls, especially in the clamped areas walk many times while pressing muscles will be relaxed. A similar procedure can be done while riding in the car, just put the balls under your back in a tight spot when driving a car, they will work your muscles.
Against pain in the legs
You need Golf balls or empty bottles of mineral water (chilled in the fridge). Put the balls or bottle to the floor and circular movements massage the locations where you see pain or stiffness. If the pain is too great, and you can't massage this very spot, work the area around it.
When you need a professional
If you are experiencing severe pain, especially in the back, it can be a serious signal that you have problems that self-massage can not do, and should consult a doctor. About serious problems, evidence of the need to consult a professional doctor, saying such symptoms are:
The loss of sensitivity.
— Numbness.
Incessant pain in the joints.
— Back pain that radiates to the arm or leg.
That the pain persists even after self-massage and/or relaxation.
— Any pain that lasts more than seven days.
Of course, do not necessarily have these symptoms or wait for the deterioration to go to a professional chiropractor or a yoga therapist. Better to do it in advance, because a professional will not only help you to get rid of pain, but also to prevent its occurrence, explain the reason of a problem and help to deal with it in the future. published
Source: dayoga.ru/knowledge/povsednevnaya_yoga_/priemy_samomassazha_
If you do not have time to visit a professional masseur somewhere in the cabin, or if you think it's too expensive, and the practice of yoga does not allow you to fully work out some clipped areas, then you could do a self-massage in order to relax the body (chained, clamped areas) or to ease the pain.
Against headache
If you were to visit the frequent pulsating pain in the head, then you should definitely try the following.
Put two tennis balls in a sock and tie it to the balls wouldn't get out of there. Lie back on a flat surface, the lap should enclose the pillow. Made an arrangement of balls put under his head so that the tennis balls touch the base of the skull (lying on the same level with the earlobes). Relaxed and eyes closed, you need to lie in this position for ten minutes or twenty.
Against tension in the back
Someone self-massage your own back may seem like an impossible trick, but in fact it is not so difficult. Normal probs will provide you with assistance and help to work out your back, open your chest, stretch your muscles exactly in the place where you feel pain, release tension.
For this massage you need to take the roll of foam and two tennis balls tied in a sock.
Your actions:
To open the chest, put the roll on the floor, lie down on it so that it lay along the spine from head to buttocks, the knees should be bent and the soles of the feet to stand firmly on the floor, arms at sides. For at least 20 seconds lying relaxed, and your Breasts will begin to unfold. You can do smooth movement left and right, this will help stretch your back muscles.
To remove stress from the spine, place your roll perpendicular to the spine. Lie on your back, but your head and neck hold with his hands, knees bent, feet rested in the floor, the buttocks must not touch the floor. Ride up and down on the roll back to the roll worked and relaxed the muscles enough for 20-30 seconds.
Deep massage. Lie on your back, under the muscle put tennis balls tied in a sock. Balls must be on either side of the spine, buttocks off the floor, the lower back does not bend. The neck and head, hold hands. Roll back on the balls, especially in the clamped areas walk many times while pressing muscles will be relaxed. A similar procedure can be done while riding in the car, just put the balls under your back in a tight spot when driving a car, they will work your muscles.
Against pain in the legs
You need Golf balls or empty bottles of mineral water (chilled in the fridge). Put the balls or bottle to the floor and circular movements massage the locations where you see pain or stiffness. If the pain is too great, and you can't massage this very spot, work the area around it.
When you need a professional
If you are experiencing severe pain, especially in the back, it can be a serious signal that you have problems that self-massage can not do, and should consult a doctor. About serious problems, evidence of the need to consult a professional doctor, saying such symptoms are:
The loss of sensitivity.
— Numbness.
Incessant pain in the joints.
— Back pain that radiates to the arm or leg.
That the pain persists even after self-massage and/or relaxation.
— Any pain that lasts more than seven days.
Of course, do not necessarily have these symptoms or wait for the deterioration to go to a professional chiropractor or a yoga therapist. Better to do it in advance, because a professional will not only help you to get rid of pain, but also to prevent its occurrence, explain the reason of a problem and help to deal with it in the future. published
Source: dayoga.ru/knowledge/povsednevnaya_yoga_/priemy_samomassazha_