Diet day 3 plus of the diet
You know, when women get excess fat? According to French nutritionists weekends. Why? Yes, because at the end of the week, we most of the time spend in the kitchen and can't resist the temptation to eat something delicious. Offer low-calorie diet (no more than 1300 kcal a day), developed specially for the weekend, will help to cope with this problem. To tame appetite, you can between meals to hold harmless for the figure snacking. Ride offer diet four weekend in a row, and you will lose a couple extra pounds, 'stuck' to the abdomen, waist and hips.
Three plus the day off diet
1. It has nothing to do with starving diets, often depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals. A deficiency of these nutrients can badly affect the condition can lead to anemia, the disorder and exhaustion of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the digestive system and kidneys. As a rule, such superdeity ineffective, they do not form the skills of proper nutrition: ceasing to observe them, hungry losing weight rapidly begin to recover again. The basic principle of the diet of the day — low fat, limited carbohydrates, the fraction of the diet composed of varied, low-calorie, but rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals of food products.
2. Observing this diet, you will not have to resort to laxative and diuretic means: fresh vegetables and fruit, juices could not be better normalize the bowels and kidneys.
3. Diet of the day, made up of 'fast' food is a godsend for the modern business women. She doesn't tie you to the stove that will give a lot of free time, but will not leave hungry households. Besides, there are many delicious foods that can deliver a real pleasure from the process of weight loss.
BREAKFAST (optional)
* 25 g unsweetened cereal with skim milk, banana;
* hard-boiled egg, 2 bread with bran, a glass of warm milk;
* fresh fruit salad (Apple, pear and a few grapes, served with a Cup of yogurt, a Cup of coffee with milk;
* toast with baked tomatoes, 20 g of Russian cheese, a Cup of tea with honey.
SNACK (optional)
* an Apple, a Cup of coffee with milk (sweeten shares amenities);
* two fresh cucumber and 50 g of cottage cheese, 1/2 Cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice;
* medium orange and a small bunch of grapes;
* half of a grapefruit and pear.
LUNCH (optional)
* soup-mashed potatoes from vegetables;
* nenavisti Cup beef broth;
* Cup of chicken broth.
Main dishes
* 100 grams of cooked white meat chicken, fresh cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, linen), crisp bread;
* 100 g peeled shrimp, 2 medium potatoes in their skins, one tablespoon of mayonnaise, a slice of bran bread;
* 150 g stewed carrots or 100 grams peas, 100 grams of cooked salmon (salmon, trout), sprinkle with lemon juice, low-calorie bun.
* Fruit (Apple, orange, grapefruit, black currant, pomegranate, plum) or vegetable (carrot, tomato) juices.
SNACK (optional)
* fruit yogurt;
* half of a grapefruit and 2 slices fresh or canned pineapple;
* 100 g fresh or frozen strawberries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) artificial sweetener;
* 100 grams of canned or fresh peaches.
Afternoon TEA (optional)
* 50 g stewed carrots, bread, a glass of fat-free yogurt;
* 75 g cottage cheese, 50 g boiled cauliflower, a Cup of coffee with milk and sweetener;
* banana, bread with honey, a Cup of tea;
* low fat muffin from flour stuffed with vegetable salad or green salad, a glass of tomato juice.
DINNER (optional)
* 100 g lean ham with a slice of pineapple, 100 g stewed (canned) red beans, vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, a slice of bran bread, a pear;
* 100 g of boiled chicken fillet with grated cheese (25 g), fresh tomato, one potato in a uniform, low-calorie bun ( bread), a Cup of tea with milk and sweetener;
* omelet of two eggs and 50 g of lean ham, 25 g canned green peas, 25 g of canned corn, a glass of natural yogurt;
* 150 g boiled cod with butter sauce, braised 50 g beet, 50 g of boiled rice, a slice of bran bread, orange.published
Source: vfitnesse.ru/diety/1542-dieta-vykhodnogo-dnya
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