When was the last time You confessed his love to his children
Tell me, do you often say words of love? Praise someone I admire?
When was the last time you made a Declaration of love? And your children? Yes, the children... they need Your love..
In a series of everyday life, at work, bustle, we forget our own children... and them what? After all, parents are their Whole World... no matter how old they are, they are still children... boys and girls, princes and princesses...
We build a career, create home coziness, make money, wash the dishes, sit on the Internet... "in haste" - we eat the son-daughter of the night and say — Sweetie, good night!.. all...Oh no, we want to hand them toys, gadgets, money, because our time is much more expensive... time is money... and we buy the Smile of a child sparkle in the eyes..
Reassure yourself that it's not that we are obliged... Yes, Time requires ...to become closer, warmer to each other..
The clock is ticking..
Counting down the minutes... tick-tock, tick-tock... the clock ticks before parting... Parting with loved ones is inevitable, Live Now! Talk about Your Feelings today! Tomorrow may never come!.. how do you tell your children that you love them? When praise for good grades?- Well done, I raised you right –I love you!
No, you even had Love Himself, take vengeance on the child...
Do not splash out their grievances out on the kids! They are guilty only in the fact that they have you... but love you and so perfect... they don't need your ambitions... they need Parents... and their love..
Please accept them..
children are perfect... they are Great Teachers... they are... not adults... they all just – I feel bad — I'm crying... good laugh, they still believe in fairy tales, dragons, unicorns and Unconditional Love... adults are hiding behind masks, grimaces..
Learn to confess your love..
Looking straight into his eyes, touching hands, skin to skin, heat to heat... this Proximity... Call name... call now... do not invent pet names-Honey, Bunnies Mice, Masik, Babies –they're impersonal... this crowd is empty, incomprehensible creatures, but it is not Your Child, now... you don't see it... didn't find him yet with his eyes, not allocated from the General flow of people Around you...many have "Bunnies" ...
And the child — individual unit...... call his name... remember how I chose his name... the love, respect for you... it meant so much... remember how tasted his name..
How it got in your mouth... I was dancing on the tip of my tongue... melodic?.. what a Delicious melody... restore to consciousness THOSE feelings... feel... Say, referring Exclusively to Your Child... acknowledge his Uniqueness, Uniqueness... Ivan (Maria, Lyudmila, Nazar..)I love you! Just for you!
Look at his (her) eyes... hug... kiss...
A moment of Togetherness... Click Nirvana... it's so easy... Just Magic!.. Waving the magic wand... and your son or daughter blossom... blooming Flower in their heart..
Your Attention is the Sun and Rain Water for Flower
It can safely grow... to break through the thickness is not always fertile soil...Your "I love you" directed right on target and has the effect of a nuclear bomb, affecting Happiness...hundreds of millions of crystal shards of happiness flying in all directions..
Hurt All... all are wounded in heart ...and this still beats the thin thread that connects you - the parents and the child trembled, sparkle with new colors.became more evident...in the heart blossomed Dandelions... soft, spring, Sunny... light, airy Dandelions..
After all, "I love you" means I NEED YOU... we all suffer from loneliness - irrelevance... do not give their children such unwanted "gifts", and spread the Love! Learn to Express your feelings... You are a Magician, though still learning! we all have the Magic! Let's spread sticks!.. on one-two-three... posted
Source: www.facebook.com/aktivaciaDNK/photos/a.577334685621618.1073741832.573391916015895/834927263195691/?type=1