Chapatis and Alu Preparations : we prepare traditional Indian flat bread

Traditional Indian flat bread "Chapati"
Chapatis means "pancake." Chapatis, anointed with oil, or with any filling. Traditionally, chapatis are served with the main dish, rice, such as vegetables or traditional "wet dishes", such as spinach with paneer cheese.
Chapatis are easy to cook in ordinary Russian conditions.
1 Cup flour whole grain
1/4 Cup melted butter
Warm water
Mix the flour and water, adding water gradually until the dough becomes soft but not wet, and it will dent. Knead the dough until it becomes soft (8 to 10 minutes). Place the dough in a container, cover and let stand for an hour or more. Sprinkle with flour place for rolling out dough and the rolling pin, and make 1-1/2 inch balls of dough. Roll each ball into a pancake (as shown in the video)
Place the chapatti on a heated skillet (dry, no oil) and fry until bubbles appear. Quickly flip the chapati to the other side, until bubbles appear again. Using tongs, remove the chapati from the pan and hold it over an open fire or burner a few seconds until the tortilla will not be inflated.
If you use an electric stove, you can put the tortilla on the grill so it does not touch the surface, it too will swell, but not for long, to not burnt. Quickly flip to the other side. Put the tortilla on a plate and on both sides of the brush brush all over with oil. Cover with a clean cloth to tortillas stayed warm, while others are not ready.

The Ala PARAT — tortilla stuffed with spicy potatoes
When chapatis are prepared layered (like a cake), or filled with stuffing, they are called "PARAT". Original preparations had appeared in the Punjab, but spread all over India, including South Asia. "Ala", in Hindi means "potato", so Ala., is a flatbread with potato stuffing. This dish appeared initially in server India.
Paraty can be stuffed with potatoes, cauliflower, cottage cheese, cheese (paneer), onions or just lightly mashed vegetables, as long as they are dry. The Ala PARAT served with yogurt, and sometimes pickled vegetables.
In the preparation of parathas, you need to remember the most important thing that the vegetables must be thinly sliced so that they can be easily wrapped in a tortilla.
200 grams of flour
1/2 tsp chat masala (Indian seasoning)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 tsp cumin powder
4 green pepper
1/2 bunch green coriander leaves
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 onion
3-4 boiled potatoes
salt to taste
Preparations can be prepared as well as chapatis, or add a little vegetable oil. The recipe below uses butter. Oil makes preparations a little crunchy when they are cooked.
1. In a saucepan through a sieve to strain 200 g of flour. Add vegetable oil (a little bit, otherwise the dough will be torn, as in the samosas) and salt. Add water (basic rule: use 55% of water, i.e. 100 grams of flour and 55 ml of water).
2. Mix well and knead the dough. It is very important that the dough was well kneaded, then preparations will be fine. The dough needs to "rest" for 15-20 minutes.
3. For stuffing, you need all the ingredients to cook separately and have to wipe on a grater. Grated wipe the potatoes.
4. In a pan add the powder of coriander, Chile, cumin, chopped green chilies, green coriander leaves, finely chopped onion and stir.
5. Add to the pan grated potatoes. Well stir fry but not for long, as the potatoes are ready.
6. Move the stuffing into a bowl and add a few drops of lemon juice. Roll the dough to Paraty, as shown in the recipe above for chapatis (or on the video below to Paraty), only the core needs to be slightly thicker. In the center put the stuffing and close up the ends of the dough to form a pouch as shown in the video below.
7. Next, gently roll Paraty again in the cake, but that it is not broken. If there are bubbles, gently pierce the plastic with a fork to release the air.
8. Fry Paraty on both sides.
Bon appetite...or in Hindi "AP ka Khan cadista Ho" (āp kā khānā svādiṣṭa ho)! published
Source: www.newsps.ru/dom-i-sem-ya/gotovim-sami/chapati-i-parata-mdash-indijskie-lepyoshki-i-lepyoshki-s-pryanoj-nachinkoj-iz-kartofelya.html