Love apathy
Ninety eight million one hundred ninety four thousand six hundred
© Andre Kohn
Elusive Joe, whom nobody catches, is a joke. And the prostitute, which no one buys, the real story.
This is read in the ribbon, homespun truth. Indeed, most women support themselves, some even contain ne'er-do men, most men earn little, and knights among them is almost zero.
However, when I write a post that the woman should pay for herself, I get the message that many girls refer to me in their protest posts. That is, the idea that paying for them should man, it seems women something Holy, for what is criminal. That is in fact one of the most women does not pay, but in my head they have pictures that have to pay the man. This gap of reality and fantasy.
It's like how men say that women should have a perfect figure. In reality, these men see women with such a figure only in porn, sometimes, from afar, and in my bed never see, but they say that women have to, otherwise they do not need them. As women say that their men have to pay for them, so men say that their women must be young and slender. But in reality, most men and women live with the usual husbands and wives, far from their ideals, we live badly, and many do without husbands and wives live, getting a divorce and no longer want.
And you know what the reason for this gap between reality and fantasies and those of others? That, and the other nothing from each other do not need.
Here it is "I want an unusual Prince on a white horse" and "I want a Princess of great beauty" — a clear sign of demetilirovannogo. Do not want people simple and real things, unreal wants, and as a result does not receive any. But it is not very worried. He says that a bird in the hand is not agree just for the crane, even in the sky.
A clear sign of the beginning of impotence (not age, of course, and from of their frustration) or I won't be afraid, decline of libido, it is when a man begins to notice even a little cellulite and other imperfections of women's bodies. Yes, sometimes it's from indigestion, given by the woman or women in General, for example, when all day Guria Guria dancing around, and a man accustomed to guriyam from an ordinary woman's nose gate. Not roll it to him, in contrast to what he is used to. But I'm talking about men who are not that close to Guria have not seen, but just a naked woman not seen for a long time, and still turn up his nose.
Some women find that the gloss is to blame, when men criticized the normal figures of women, but the fault is not gloss, frustrirovannosti. This is sour grapes, can't eat, so flamed, that is the beginning of frustration, and sometimes real frustration and even apathy, when it seems the grapes are sour. And then there is this here: if she was perfect, young, but with a third breast size, but still friendly, interested in me, neomercantilist, here then I would Yes, would love at least want to have it!
Women sometimes laugh at these men who write on the Internet under the photo of a Hollywood star, "EW, don't want to Bang her", but they often write the truth. Don't want to Bang her. And sometimes joyful, "would vdul!" because it's a miracle. Wanted! And some, of course, joking, but many write the truth. I do not want men sex with normal women, there is, but if she came and asked, and would have tidied up more. And to spend forces not.
And here on the one hand women "I would have given only oligarch!", on the other hand men, "I would vdul only star!" and pleased with himself like it's something good, and not a sign of apathy.
If people have not eaten, but won't eat potatoes, has no desire to eat bread, and would eat only delicacies, which he is not available, it is possible to ascertain the disorder of appetite. And here is a disorder of libido or in the sphere of wishes. Apathy.
The same unfortunately can be said about women. This is now "the man should always pay, to carry me on hands, to give gifts, but otherwise I don't need" is a requirement in the lives of most women is not implemented, but they do not. They would rather watch TV shows about someone else's love and to go about their business than agree to a normal man. And it is declared somehow like a high bar of aspiration, self-esteem is high, although it is a common frustration. A high bar is what you can achieve and attain, sparing no effort, and the fact that you came up with, but cannot reach it and, most importantly, I don't aspire, it's not a high bar, and not ambition, it is – frustration. You still will be OK, will not, even better.
Remember the anecdote about bearded men on the island, saw on the other side naked girls? The youngest wanted to rush to swim, barely restrained, older — said that you need to find the boat, and whoever was at the age of a solid, said that the girls themselves will come. That's what is impotence sexual apathy.
A healthy libido men lowers the bar on aesthetic demands exactly to that which he can obtain, or even lower. Below is if your libido healthy and well, too little brains. You know the joke "there are no ugly women, there's a little vodka?" Vodka plays the role of anti-frustrant when frustration easy, vodka slows down the anterior cortex and restorative the libido. Sometimes too release the brake, of course. But the man whose sphere of libido in order (and who is not in love with anyone), got sober and find most women very attractive. Not necessarily to throw at them, just say they are attractive. No, if he is an oligarch and he's got a harem of concubines at home, it can be picky, of course, since the oversaturation of the raise the bar, but if there is no real indigestion at all, a hundred years he had no women, but very critical and immediately notice all of their minor flaws, his libido, frankly, not very. And be proud of his "selectivity" is silly.
And the lonely woman be proud that she's well, very selective, selective, five years anybody can not choose, is not worth it. I'm not saying that she needs to lower the bar to rush to the looking for a date. It's like no appetite to begin to push a food, they will rip out. Moreover, man is not food and have no men to live is possible and even necessary sometimes. Just where does this bravado? And why frustrated women often insult men, calling them rogue and paints describing how they are worthless, uninteresting, miserable. I don't eat, why find fault? It is ordinary men, the same routine as the woman, if the princes crowded around her only in her imagination, but in reality do not pay attention.
And men in response (though here it is not clear who in response, because in a circle) also begin izgalyatsya, describing how unpleasant they are old and fat women and how they do not need them. Yes, it is clear that it is not necessary, of course. I have the feeling that people in frustration don't see how their love apathy abnormal, and proud that they don't need anything, and I'm afraid that someone will think they need love. Although it's obvious that they don't need. And nothing good is not.
In General, if men ceased to speak, they want only young model in the mood, perhaps, and women have less to say that a man they need only money, and only successful on his knees. And Vice versa. Because of the mutual hostility and frustration is also growing, and empathy decreases. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/80824.html
© Andre Kohn
Elusive Joe, whom nobody catches, is a joke. And the prostitute, which no one buys, the real story.
This is read in the ribbon, homespun truth. Indeed, most women support themselves, some even contain ne'er-do men, most men earn little, and knights among them is almost zero.
However, when I write a post that the woman should pay for herself, I get the message that many girls refer to me in their protest posts. That is, the idea that paying for them should man, it seems women something Holy, for what is criminal. That is in fact one of the most women does not pay, but in my head they have pictures that have to pay the man. This gap of reality and fantasy.
It's like how men say that women should have a perfect figure. In reality, these men see women with such a figure only in porn, sometimes, from afar, and in my bed never see, but they say that women have to, otherwise they do not need them. As women say that their men have to pay for them, so men say that their women must be young and slender. But in reality, most men and women live with the usual husbands and wives, far from their ideals, we live badly, and many do without husbands and wives live, getting a divorce and no longer want.
And you know what the reason for this gap between reality and fantasies and those of others? That, and the other nothing from each other do not need.
Here it is "I want an unusual Prince on a white horse" and "I want a Princess of great beauty" — a clear sign of demetilirovannogo. Do not want people simple and real things, unreal wants, and as a result does not receive any. But it is not very worried. He says that a bird in the hand is not agree just for the crane, even in the sky.
A clear sign of the beginning of impotence (not age, of course, and from of their frustration) or I won't be afraid, decline of libido, it is when a man begins to notice even a little cellulite and other imperfections of women's bodies. Yes, sometimes it's from indigestion, given by the woman or women in General, for example, when all day Guria Guria dancing around, and a man accustomed to guriyam from an ordinary woman's nose gate. Not roll it to him, in contrast to what he is used to. But I'm talking about men who are not that close to Guria have not seen, but just a naked woman not seen for a long time, and still turn up his nose.
Some women find that the gloss is to blame, when men criticized the normal figures of women, but the fault is not gloss, frustrirovannosti. This is sour grapes, can't eat, so flamed, that is the beginning of frustration, and sometimes real frustration and even apathy, when it seems the grapes are sour. And then there is this here: if she was perfect, young, but with a third breast size, but still friendly, interested in me, neomercantilist, here then I would Yes, would love at least want to have it!
Women sometimes laugh at these men who write on the Internet under the photo of a Hollywood star, "EW, don't want to Bang her", but they often write the truth. Don't want to Bang her. And sometimes joyful, "would vdul!" because it's a miracle. Wanted! And some, of course, joking, but many write the truth. I do not want men sex with normal women, there is, but if she came and asked, and would have tidied up more. And to spend forces not.
And here on the one hand women "I would have given only oligarch!", on the other hand men, "I would vdul only star!" and pleased with himself like it's something good, and not a sign of apathy.
If people have not eaten, but won't eat potatoes, has no desire to eat bread, and would eat only delicacies, which he is not available, it is possible to ascertain the disorder of appetite. And here is a disorder of libido or in the sphere of wishes. Apathy.
The same unfortunately can be said about women. This is now "the man should always pay, to carry me on hands, to give gifts, but otherwise I don't need" is a requirement in the lives of most women is not implemented, but they do not. They would rather watch TV shows about someone else's love and to go about their business than agree to a normal man. And it is declared somehow like a high bar of aspiration, self-esteem is high, although it is a common frustration. A high bar is what you can achieve and attain, sparing no effort, and the fact that you came up with, but cannot reach it and, most importantly, I don't aspire, it's not a high bar, and not ambition, it is – frustration. You still will be OK, will not, even better.
Remember the anecdote about bearded men on the island, saw on the other side naked girls? The youngest wanted to rush to swim, barely restrained, older — said that you need to find the boat, and whoever was at the age of a solid, said that the girls themselves will come. That's what is impotence sexual apathy.
A healthy libido men lowers the bar on aesthetic demands exactly to that which he can obtain, or even lower. Below is if your libido healthy and well, too little brains. You know the joke "there are no ugly women, there's a little vodka?" Vodka plays the role of anti-frustrant when frustration easy, vodka slows down the anterior cortex and restorative the libido. Sometimes too release the brake, of course. But the man whose sphere of libido in order (and who is not in love with anyone), got sober and find most women very attractive. Not necessarily to throw at them, just say they are attractive. No, if he is an oligarch and he's got a harem of concubines at home, it can be picky, of course, since the oversaturation of the raise the bar, but if there is no real indigestion at all, a hundred years he had no women, but very critical and immediately notice all of their minor flaws, his libido, frankly, not very. And be proud of his "selectivity" is silly.
And the lonely woman be proud that she's well, very selective, selective, five years anybody can not choose, is not worth it. I'm not saying that she needs to lower the bar to rush to the looking for a date. It's like no appetite to begin to push a food, they will rip out. Moreover, man is not food and have no men to live is possible and even necessary sometimes. Just where does this bravado? And why frustrated women often insult men, calling them rogue and paints describing how they are worthless, uninteresting, miserable. I don't eat, why find fault? It is ordinary men, the same routine as the woman, if the princes crowded around her only in her imagination, but in reality do not pay attention.
And men in response (though here it is not clear who in response, because in a circle) also begin izgalyatsya, describing how unpleasant they are old and fat women and how they do not need them. Yes, it is clear that it is not necessary, of course. I have the feeling that people in frustration don't see how their love apathy abnormal, and proud that they don't need anything, and I'm afraid that someone will think they need love. Although it's obvious that they don't need. And nothing good is not.
In General, if men ceased to speak, they want only young model in the mood, perhaps, and women have less to say that a man they need only money, and only successful on his knees. And Vice versa. Because of the mutual hostility and frustration is also growing, and empathy decreases. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/80824.html