A simple way to stop a headache in three minutes
Five million fifty three thousand nine hundred forty
People who suffer from migraines, you know what real pain is. Real pain is when he can't do anything even the simplest cases. And if the migraine becomes a chronic problem, then life can go generally downhill.
If you regularly take pills for suppressing headaches and no end of chew candy (glucose helps make it a lot easier), you probably realize that your health is not very good. Though, because and painkillers, and sweets are addictive and only exacerbate health problems.
Most of us are trying not to go to the doctors as long as there is any one "working" way to deal with the pain. We don't like doctors, because they rarely trust them because they are costing us.
But what if right now you have a big day, and my headache is driving you crazy? There is one simple, proven and affordable way to come back to normal.
You need only lemon juice, zest of a lemon and a little Himalayan salt.
This salt, by the way, is useful by itself: it increases the level of serotonin (i.e., it has a calming effect) and strengthens your immune system.
So. Mix the juice of two lemons Vyatich with the lemon zest in a bowl and add two tablespoons of salt. Stir. And then drink in one gulp a small glass. Taste, of course, is not the best in the world, but you will feel relief in just a few minutes.
If you drink this drink as vodka every time you have dramatically had a headache, eventually you will be able to see that your pains are not as intense. And they did leave.
NOTE: This treatment is not suitable for hypertensive patients, ie people suffering from high blood pressure. Salt can raise it even higher! published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Prostoy-sposob-ostanovit-golovnuyu-bol-za-tri-minuti
People who suffer from migraines, you know what real pain is. Real pain is when he can't do anything even the simplest cases. And if the migraine becomes a chronic problem, then life can go generally downhill.
If you regularly take pills for suppressing headaches and no end of chew candy (glucose helps make it a lot easier), you probably realize that your health is not very good. Though, because and painkillers, and sweets are addictive and only exacerbate health problems.
Most of us are trying not to go to the doctors as long as there is any one "working" way to deal with the pain. We don't like doctors, because they rarely trust them because they are costing us.
But what if right now you have a big day, and my headache is driving you crazy? There is one simple, proven and affordable way to come back to normal.
You need only lemon juice, zest of a lemon and a little Himalayan salt.
This salt, by the way, is useful by itself: it increases the level of serotonin (i.e., it has a calming effect) and strengthens your immune system.
So. Mix the juice of two lemons Vyatich with the lemon zest in a bowl and add two tablespoons of salt. Stir. And then drink in one gulp a small glass. Taste, of course, is not the best in the world, but you will feel relief in just a few minutes.
If you drink this drink as vodka every time you have dramatically had a headache, eventually you will be able to see that your pains are not as intense. And they did leave.
NOTE: This treatment is not suitable for hypertensive patients, ie people suffering from high blood pressure. Salt can raise it even higher! published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Prostoy-sposob-ostanovit-golovnuyu-bol-za-tri-minuti