Secret: About all sorts of "essential fish"

Really funny when someone uses the word "indispensable". Essential fats, amino acids, vitamins ID. There are few essential things in General, like people. Say, even I replace, well, it's only a rumor. People successfully through a terrible starvation on inedible food. Live in cities on junk food, I'm not talking about the local characteristics of food in different countries. Any netnanny the product is easily replaced — it's usually necessary to remember.
And for the advanced rule looks like this — "there is No product, without which man could not live, but there are products that are killing us."©
Today we will talk about fish. Or rather, why it should not have. I will not write many words about what fish has the same right to life as we are with you, as there are trolls with the phrase "tomatoes, too have a soul" or something like that.
And so the first than it is to praise the "usefulness" of fish is an omega 3 fatty acid. And immediately a failure, as the receiving omega 3 from fish are not unfairly from the point of view of the economy, not poleznoe for the body, not ethics. Ethics and Economics will leave for later.
The amount of omega 3 Flax seeds or Chia are not inferior fish. And to use them easier and faster than to cut or fry the fish. But aside from omega 3 Flax seed retains all other nutrients, and the fish after frying/boiling/parks do not have a single vitamin. Moreover, like any source of animal protein, denatured fish protein is dangerous for the body. Therefore, any talk about proteins in the fish need to stop. Moreover, to extract protein from plant foods is much easier and more useful. Vitamins are all "killed" when heated to different temperatures. Wrote about it and the doctors and laymen like me, even Artemy Lebedev once resented the stupidity of parents who give children juice, in the hope of getting vitamins from it. No Vitanov boiled/fried products remains. Therefore, all articles in journals who cry about Vitamins A, b and D in fish is to be considered false because it is contrary to science — they were there when she swam in the water. Calcium phosphorus and iron is exactly the same in organic form are more easily absorbed from seeds, herbs and vegetables. And unlike heat-treated fish that rots every minute after slaughter, all the minerals and vitamins from plant foods do not cause harm to the body, and more importantly contain all the supporting elements inside the natural, not damaged. And finally, the iodine that gets fish eating algae. "Why do you need to eat fish to get the iodine that she got from algae" — ask Japanese scientists. And really — why?
If you still want to eat fish:
1. Fish can be eaten only one minute after the slaughter. So my friend who is Japanese asked me if I had seen the Japanese in Japanese restaurants... that's Right — none of you saw. Japanese would rather eat junk food or meat stuffed with antibiotics(this is due to the fact that the culture of meat consumption younger in Japan) than rotten fish.
2. The fish can not be termoobrabotki — neither cook nor fry, nor soar. Edinsvennoe that you can do is to pickle it.
3. Better give up this idea.
In writing this article was not injured any living creature. Use your head and Google to help you. Do not bother to eat.
Kali Shankar 2014, Himalayas.

PS When cooking flax cereal(photo) was harshly premalatha a lot of flax seeds, bananas and honey and sprinkle with marijuana seeds — all done without the slightest sympathy for the products and under the reading of Buddhist Sutras from the nearby monastery. Cooking time is one minute in the blender.
P. P. S. marijuana Seeds have no narcotic effect. They are insanely useful and contain a lot of "irreplaceable aminexil". Cooking does not cost anything, everything is done in blender.published Author: Eugene Nebozhenko P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203637199148132&set=a.1508615592946.2067856.1161019676&type=1&theater