Nikolai Amosov: do Not expect that doctors will make you healthy
Talking about medicine, about life and death, finally, of himself, Amos Frank, to the point of ruthlessness, he has a conversation with his own conscience. And it teaches you to think more precisely and deeper, makes you think about how to live.

Do not expect that doctors will make you healthy.
They can save lives, even cure the disease, but only fail to start, and then — to live securely — rely on yourself. I'm not downplaying the power of medicine, since it serves as her whole life. But I also know a lot about health — theoretically and practically. On this occasion boasted: I spend a half year experiment on himself three hours of physical training with weights and Jogging.
Doctors treat disease, and health need to get yourself to exercise.
Because health is "spare capacity" bodies, all of our physiology. They are required to maintain normal functional performance — at rest and during exercise — physical and mental, as well as not to get sick and ill, possibly die. For example, to blood pressure and heart rate did not rise more than half during exercise or running, and the inevitable shortness of breath quickly calmed down. To not be afraid of drafts and cold passes quickly without drugs themselves. And generally that worked well, sleep well, "ELOS and pilos".
So: these "power" drugs are not mined, only exercise, exercise, exercise. And — work, patience to cold, heat, hunger, fatigue.
What is the disease, each feels: unfortunate breakdown of different functions that might be detrimental to feel happiness and even live.
Reasons are also known: external "harm" (infection, ecology, social upheavals), his own irrational behavior. Sometimes birth defects.
Claim: human nature is strong. At least most people. However, minor illnesses are inevitable, but serious more often from unreasonable lifestyle: reduction in reserves as a result of detrenirovannosti. External conditions, poverty, stress — in second place.
Training provision must be reasonable.
This means gradual but persistent. For example, in the exercises, running or even walking every day can add 3 to 5% from the achieved level, in terms of number of movements, speed and distances, and depending on the age and reliability of the source of health. The same applies to hardening, fire, and even work.
If to speak about the essence of coaching — it is the regime of restrictions and stress (RON, as now like to reduce). This is my strong point. However, nothing original, I invented.
The three main points:
The first is food with low fat, 300 g of vegetables and fruits daily, and that the weight was equal to the figure: the growth of minus 100 pounds.
Second — training. Here it is more difficult. It all needs, and children and the elderly — especially. Because now at work, hardly anyone is not physically straining, then, in theory, to decent health should be engaged for an hour a day each. But not for this character in a normal person. Therefore — at least 20 — 30 minutes of gymnastics, it's about 1000 movements better with dumbbells for 2 — 5 kg. Suggest to practice in front of the TV when the "news" show in order to save time. As an Addendum to the physical training is desirable to allocate land for walking, on the way to work and back, one mile away. Useful and saves nerves, given the poor transport. About Jogging I'm not talking — not really. But — useful.
The third point is perhaps the most difficult: control mentality. "Learn to control yourself". But Oh how difficult it is! Many recipes, up to meditation, will not describe. He use simple trick: when tension and stood out a lot of adrenaline, fix attention on rare rhythmic breathing and try to relax the muscles. The good in such moments is to do vigorous exercises, but the situation often does not allow. But still, as soon as you allow work. Excess adrenaline is burned when you physical exercise, and thus the vessels and organs saved from spasms. In animals, stress shall be resolved by flight or fight, and a person is not allowed.
If you are young — to 60! and symptoms from organs not, then should not the slightest indisposition to run the clinic. As already mentioned, our doctors do not trust nature, focused on medication and rest. Be careful not to get to them in captivity! Find the disease and persuade: "Rest and heal!"
The body has a powerful protective forces — the immune system, mechanisms of compensation. They will work, you need to give some time. Keep in mind that most lung diseases go away, the doctor's drugs only accompanied by natural recovery. You say: "Cured!", and you believe: "the Good doctor".
If you're lucky enough to get to a good doctor, take care of him for nothing do not worry. Remember that the doctor is more than just a specialist. It's not a plumber. Directions doctors perform... to the best of your understanding. And do not ask him extra medication, which have learned from the neighbors.
I repeat: drugs you need to drink less. For example, now in Vogue dropper, not only in hospital but also at home. So: this is stupid, fashion. One thing in intensive care need "heavy artillery", others — at home. Different indications.
What to say in conclusion? To be healthy, you need strength of character. As a weak man to find the optimum behavior in the triangle between the disease, doctors and exercise? My advice: choose the latter — the exercises and limitations. At least to try. Believe me — it will pay off! However — each a master of their own destiny. And health.
Interesting question. Why do people so often get sick?
I think that 90% of people, if they observe the right way of life, would be healthy. But, unfortunately, the regime requires the strength of will. And willpower a person has little... Modern formal treatment is carried out by the "Selection-Busting" (!) antihypertensives, which more than a dozen, and then it is necessary to take all (!)
And again. In the world many, many bad doctors.
Can't indiscriminately say, "all doctors are bad". A lot of good, but also bad — too. Proof? Ask what they are reading and what you can do. Read — from practitioners. Know how — more or less — the doctors of a surgical profile. Because they are without needlework simply cannot heal. Therapists sincerely believe that they do not need to have any analysis to do, no x-ray view or to puncture the pleura. There is, they say, for this narrow specialists. As we say, General physicians. So.
And at the end. There are many misconceptions in medical science. This often depends on improper evaluation of statistics. For example, in your opinion, what is the reason "expansion", "increase" of cancer? In the world there is no particular increase in the number of patients with cancer (except lung cancer). Moreover, the cases of cancer of the stomach even decreased. Took cancer a second or third place in causes of death — and takes. But few people realize that the life expectancy over the past half century has increased, and cancer often suffer from older people. This is only a fraction of the thoughts, opinions, tips Amosov. We decided to limit them. Readers can get acquainted with the rich heritage of the surgeon, writer and journalist Nikolai Amosov published...
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/jivoe_slovo?w=wall-23224608_99009