Every woman deserves her man (test for wives)
Wives are invited to analyze the various everyday situations that arise daily. Our whole life consists of small things, any small trifle can seriously spoil the mood.
Think about which expression is more characteristic of your husband: dissatisfied and sullen or joyful? Do you think your husband loves you? Or are all feelings long gone? Or maybe your marriage is bursting at the seams, and you have not yet thought about it?
Try to answer questions as truthfully as possible.
1. Does your spouse have a photo of you or a family photo with your children?
2. Have you caught the admiring look of your husband by wearing a new dress, doing a new hairstyle or completely changing your image?
3. Will your spouse give you a seat in front of the TV (if you only have one TV at home) when you’re playing football or a criminal action movie while your favorite TV show is on?
4. Would he be willing to explain to you if you were curious how a football midfielder differs from a forward?
5. When you wake up, do you find your husband’s eyes full of tenderness?
6. Will he wash the dishes on his own initiative if you are very tired or sick?
7. Let’s say you have a fight and both think you’re right. Will your spouse be the first to reconcile?
8. Will he ask for your advice in a case considered purely male?
9. Can your husband laugh at something that you think is funny, even though he doesn’t laugh at all?
10. Will he say, “Honey, everything suits you” when you’re scratching your head about what to wear?
11. Will your spouse agree to leave the guests when the fun is in full swing, the table is bursting with food and drinks, but you have a headache?
12. Does he meet you at the stop if you come home late?
13. Does he take your bags from you, even if they're not very heavy?
14. Is your husband able to give up a bachelor party, going to the bath with friends, going fishing or hunting to spend the weekend in your company?
15. Will your spouse give up cold beer in the heat if you come to visit your mother or close relatives and ask to take you by car?
16. Suppose you have one raincoat for two. Will the husband give it to you?
17. Will he say, “You don’t spoil anything” or “I like you better” if you put on 5 pounds?
18. Will he wear a stale shirt without reproach or objection if there is not one clean at home?
19. Will your husband approve of buying another face cream by saying, “A woman should take care of herself,” or something like that, even if the bathroom is already full of cosmetics?
20. Will he agree to vacuum or do at least a minimum house cleaning, if you do not have a minute of free time?
21. Will he listen calmly to your tips, where to turn and which road is better to drive while driving?
22. Will he be upset to learn that you’ve dated someone who has done dishonest things to you?
23. Does your husband take care of you at a party – puts the best pieces on the plate, pours wine, dances with you?
24. Does he give you compliments in front of others?
25. Would you feel safe if you accidentally burned his favorite thing when you ironed it? ?
Results of the Test/ Each “yes” is rated at 1 point, and “no” is rated at 0.
Now summarize what you have accomplished.
If you have not scored more than 3 points: Your worst fears have probably come true - your marriage is in jeopardy. In any case, your spouse is clearly dissatisfied with his family life and you. He may have idealized you before marriage, but now he is disappointed. You are no longer a lover, you are just a wife. He doesn’t find you attractive and doesn’t even consider it necessary to hide it. A lot of things annoy him. It is possible that he compares you to other women and is clearly not in your favor. There is a risk that he may meet another woman who, unlike you, seems to him full of virtues. But your spouse is not a gift. It does not leave a single ounce of a gentleman, it does not give you even the elementary signs of attention that any husband should show, regardless of the length of marriage. Your well-believing, complete egotist is used to taking more than giving. The saddest thing is that he is not used to judging himself objectively. For some reason, he is overly critical of you, but I am sure that everything is forgiven him. All you have to do is sympathize. Your faithful as a life partner is unreliable.
If you score between 4 and 10 points: Your marriage leaves much to be desired. In principle, the situation is not hopeless, but your family life has given a serious crack, and there is something to think about. Again, analyze different everyday situations, not only those that are given in the test. Wasn't it your fault? Do you often say nice things to your husband? Do you praise him if he does something for your family? Are you grateful if he wanted to make you feel good, or are you taking it for granted? Perhaps you have become inattentive to your husband, because he has become less attentive to you? After all, compliments and affectionate words are loved not only by women, but also by men. Try to say pleasant things to your husband more often, and you will see that he will answer you in kind. Praise him, you can even flatter (men are very fond of flattery, even obvious!), let your spouse know that you still love him, that he is for you “the most, the most!”. You may not agree with this in your heart, but it’s an affectionate word for “pleasing the cat,” isn’t it? And any action causes adequate opposition: you will say something pleasant, and your husband will give you a compliment in return. You both feel good and he feels good. And the more a man says compliments to a woman, the more he believes in it - the effect of autosuggestion works. Try it, you won't regret it!
If you score 11 to 20 points: You can only be envious – you have a strong family, a wonderful husband, he loves you. I guess there's a reason. Not every woman is able to evoke strong feelings of a man, and to keep the love of her husband - and even more so. You are a true woman and you have something to be proud of. But don’t relax, you haven’t scored a maximum of 25. So there's some disagreement. Though inconsequential, make no mistake that your husband’s love will last forever if you don’t make any effort to keep it.
If you have scored more than 21 points: You can assume you're newlyweds. Or... No words! Your spouse may well take part in the “perfect husband” contest and will most likely win. He is in love with you, ready to kiss the ground on which you walk, and blow dust from you. If you are married not the first year, you can share with others a secret, how did you manage to keep such ardent feelings of your spouse? Actually, you're doing great! Every woman deserves her man. A real man means that a real woman is next to him. published
Prepared by Anna Tsipris
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.web-globus.de/articles/kazhdaja_zhenwina_zasluzhivaet_svoego_muzhchinu
Think about which expression is more characteristic of your husband: dissatisfied and sullen or joyful? Do you think your husband loves you? Or are all feelings long gone? Or maybe your marriage is bursting at the seams, and you have not yet thought about it?

Try to answer questions as truthfully as possible.
1. Does your spouse have a photo of you or a family photo with your children?
2. Have you caught the admiring look of your husband by wearing a new dress, doing a new hairstyle or completely changing your image?
3. Will your spouse give you a seat in front of the TV (if you only have one TV at home) when you’re playing football or a criminal action movie while your favorite TV show is on?
4. Would he be willing to explain to you if you were curious how a football midfielder differs from a forward?
5. When you wake up, do you find your husband’s eyes full of tenderness?
6. Will he wash the dishes on his own initiative if you are very tired or sick?
7. Let’s say you have a fight and both think you’re right. Will your spouse be the first to reconcile?
8. Will he ask for your advice in a case considered purely male?
9. Can your husband laugh at something that you think is funny, even though he doesn’t laugh at all?
10. Will he say, “Honey, everything suits you” when you’re scratching your head about what to wear?
11. Will your spouse agree to leave the guests when the fun is in full swing, the table is bursting with food and drinks, but you have a headache?
12. Does he meet you at the stop if you come home late?
13. Does he take your bags from you, even if they're not very heavy?
14. Is your husband able to give up a bachelor party, going to the bath with friends, going fishing or hunting to spend the weekend in your company?
15. Will your spouse give up cold beer in the heat if you come to visit your mother or close relatives and ask to take you by car?
16. Suppose you have one raincoat for two. Will the husband give it to you?
17. Will he say, “You don’t spoil anything” or “I like you better” if you put on 5 pounds?
18. Will he wear a stale shirt without reproach or objection if there is not one clean at home?
19. Will your husband approve of buying another face cream by saying, “A woman should take care of herself,” or something like that, even if the bathroom is already full of cosmetics?
20. Will he agree to vacuum or do at least a minimum house cleaning, if you do not have a minute of free time?
21. Will he listen calmly to your tips, where to turn and which road is better to drive while driving?
22. Will he be upset to learn that you’ve dated someone who has done dishonest things to you?
23. Does your husband take care of you at a party – puts the best pieces on the plate, pours wine, dances with you?
24. Does he give you compliments in front of others?
25. Would you feel safe if you accidentally burned his favorite thing when you ironed it? ?
Results of the Test/ Each “yes” is rated at 1 point, and “no” is rated at 0.
Now summarize what you have accomplished.
If you have not scored more than 3 points: Your worst fears have probably come true - your marriage is in jeopardy. In any case, your spouse is clearly dissatisfied with his family life and you. He may have idealized you before marriage, but now he is disappointed. You are no longer a lover, you are just a wife. He doesn’t find you attractive and doesn’t even consider it necessary to hide it. A lot of things annoy him. It is possible that he compares you to other women and is clearly not in your favor. There is a risk that he may meet another woman who, unlike you, seems to him full of virtues. But your spouse is not a gift. It does not leave a single ounce of a gentleman, it does not give you even the elementary signs of attention that any husband should show, regardless of the length of marriage. Your well-believing, complete egotist is used to taking more than giving. The saddest thing is that he is not used to judging himself objectively. For some reason, he is overly critical of you, but I am sure that everything is forgiven him. All you have to do is sympathize. Your faithful as a life partner is unreliable.
If you score between 4 and 10 points: Your marriage leaves much to be desired. In principle, the situation is not hopeless, but your family life has given a serious crack, and there is something to think about. Again, analyze different everyday situations, not only those that are given in the test. Wasn't it your fault? Do you often say nice things to your husband? Do you praise him if he does something for your family? Are you grateful if he wanted to make you feel good, or are you taking it for granted? Perhaps you have become inattentive to your husband, because he has become less attentive to you? After all, compliments and affectionate words are loved not only by women, but also by men. Try to say pleasant things to your husband more often, and you will see that he will answer you in kind. Praise him, you can even flatter (men are very fond of flattery, even obvious!), let your spouse know that you still love him, that he is for you “the most, the most!”. You may not agree with this in your heart, but it’s an affectionate word for “pleasing the cat,” isn’t it? And any action causes adequate opposition: you will say something pleasant, and your husband will give you a compliment in return. You both feel good and he feels good. And the more a man says compliments to a woman, the more he believes in it - the effect of autosuggestion works. Try it, you won't regret it!
If you score 11 to 20 points: You can only be envious – you have a strong family, a wonderful husband, he loves you. I guess there's a reason. Not every woman is able to evoke strong feelings of a man, and to keep the love of her husband - and even more so. You are a true woman and you have something to be proud of. But don’t relax, you haven’t scored a maximum of 25. So there's some disagreement. Though inconsequential, make no mistake that your husband’s love will last forever if you don’t make any effort to keep it.
If you have scored more than 21 points: You can assume you're newlyweds. Or... No words! Your spouse may well take part in the “perfect husband” contest and will most likely win. He is in love with you, ready to kiss the ground on which you walk, and blow dust from you. If you are married not the first year, you can share with others a secret, how did you manage to keep such ardent feelings of your spouse? Actually, you're doing great! Every woman deserves her man. A real man means that a real woman is next to him. published
Prepared by Anna Tsipris
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.web-globus.de/articles/kazhdaja_zhenwina_zasluzhivaet_svoego_muzhchinu
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