10 products, removing the liquid from the body

1. Drinks with caffeine
Tea and coffee are some of the best natural diuretics, so to quench your thirst is by them. Of course, do not take too many caffeinated beverages, because this will also affect the health negatively. The optimal norm will be 250 ml of coffee per day or 5 cups of tea. More than 300 mg of caffeine per day can affect sleep quality and cardiovascular health.
2. Lemon
And the fruit itself and its juice should be part of your diet if you want to withdraw excess fluid from the body. Lemon can be added to a variety of dishes, from salads to casseroles, but you can just add some juice in a glass of water. Lemon water is very useful because it restores the optimum pH of the body.
3. Cranberry juice
In folk medicine it is used to fight urinary tract infections, and as a natural diuretic. In addition to the excretion of excess fluid, he will care about the toxins.
Oats even in a dry form will help you to cope with the problem of fluid retention.
4. Oatmeal
Most natural diuretics are drinks, or fruits and vegetables with high water content. Oats even in a dry form will help you to cope with the problem of fluid retention. Prepare oatmeal for Breakfast, but without the additives and sugar. But I can add yogurt, honey or fresh fruit.
5. Ginger
Ginger root will help to quickly deal with fluid retention is excellent due to its diuretic effect. That is why it is an important part of many cleansing programs. To experience the full effect of the diuretic effect of ginger root use fresh, not dried. Of course, the powder also helps, but much nicer to drink it with fresh ginger.
6. Eggplant
Another vegetable with a diuretic effect can be prepared in many different ways. Some even drink the water in which it is cooked. Replace eggplant, fatty meats in their favorite recipes and enjoy the diet version of a favorite dish, also can eat the eggplant separately. By the way, the eggplant wonderfully complement the salads.
7. Celery
This vegetable with high water content works as a diuretic. You can eat the stems, and can be made from just vegetable juice, which will become a powerful therapeutic tool. It will help flush water from the body and will improve kidney condition.
Natural Apple cider vinegar has remarkable diuretic properties.
8. Apple cider vinegar
Natural Apple cider vinegar has remarkable diuretic properties, it can be used in cooking or simply add a few drops in a glass of water. Its good for the body is not the end, because it also improves digestion. For quick effect, add a couple of teaspoons and a little lemon juice in a glass of water.
9. Watermelon
We all know about the diuretic properties of this berry. An additional benefit of watermelon lies in the antioxidant effect, but don't eat too much sweet watermelon, otherwise, will experience increased blood sugar levels that a few hours will cause increased appetite.
10. Parsley
This antioxidant-rich greens also has a strong diuretic effect. It can be added to salads and other dishes. Besides, if you eat it raw, it will help freshen breath.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdravclub.ru/stati/963-produkty-vyvodyaschie-zhidkost-iz-organizma.html