Fasting increases lifespan

23, 2015
According to a recent study published in Cell Metabolism , low-calorie diet based on fasting, which is practiced by no more than 5 days once a month, can increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Diet with elements of fasting Scientists have developed a diet with elements of fasting. It is based on a low-protein and low-calorie diet with a high content of healthy fats. By activating markers – low glucose and high levels of ketone bodies, the diet mimics the effects of fasting.
Initially, the diet used on mice of middle age cycle. A similar diet was carried out for 4 days twice a month. Status of mice involved in the experiment were compared with the state-controlled mice.
Scientists discovered that the 1st group of mice showed an increased content of stem cells. In addition, the cells of bone and muscle tissue regenerated faster than the controlled mice.
In addition, a diet based on fasting contributed to lengthening life expectancy and improving overall health. Improved memory, decreased risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases.
The experiment and conclusions Next, the researchers carried out the experiment in the participation of 19 people aged 18-70 years, whose state of health was noted as good. The participants were dieting for five days for 3 months. Diet provides participants 34-54% of the calories from their usual consumption, from 11 to 14% proteins, 42-43% of carbohydrate, and 44 to 46% fat.
Performance of 19 participants in the experiment were compared with 18 people, aged 18-70 years, whose state of health was noted as good. 18 people followed their usual diet.
In comparison to participants followed their normal diet, 19 participants observed a decrease in indicators that are responsible for aging, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. In addition, decreased level of glucose contained in the blood, and decreased the markers for inflammatory processes in the body.
News source: Medaboutme.ru
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