I don't believe in fate and fate – I believe in solutions...
"The point of no return is a point in which an airplane flying over the ocean, can not turn back, though, and fly further unsafe."
"One day in the life of every man there comes a time when you need to get up and Rob a Bank." I remember this quote from Fisher whenever faced with the need to make a decision. Make my and live with a stranger.
To be strong I learned back in kindergarten, when a boy, Serge tore off my beloved dwarf rubber. – with a special celebration, "special". That day Sergei learned why you should never piss off a woman, and especially to break her toys.
And it's not an ode to the female revenge is a statement of a decision once and for all: never allow contact with you or with what you hold dear as something minor. Otherwise you just devalue all that he had done up to this point, and that is all that made you.
Thank God that I did not understand half-measures and compromises, desires in a subtle way to cheat the system, love one way and the secret hope of a result in lack of action. I don't understand men who say "I'll save you from everything", but the first hurt so bad, in comparison with which any external threat seems to be nonsense, which is not even time to cry. Don't understand women who skillfully manipulate their men, using as an argument in any dispute threatened to spit on everything and go to live with mom, but never hesitant to roll out her pink suitcase, stuffed with rags, over the threshold (because God knows how it is there, beyond the threshold, that you don't rush the words – it's dark).
And it makes me really angry when I hear the phrase "welcome to the real world, Olga".
Like the real world is always some kind of enchanting W...PA. And for a little bit to figure out you have to be born in the most evil and scary area of the city, from childhood to thump on the yards, do poorly in school, where little work little to earn, in the end, finally, to sleep out of the way, but forever to the right with a view full-grown wolf sitting on a bench at the entrance and scattered in terrible platitudes like "life is eternal struggle".
So, for me, it's not "real" life. At least in my Universe.
Yes, it is possible to live, Yes, this is one of the seven billion possible scenarios, but I don't believe in fate and fate, I believe in solutions. Where, with whom to sleep, what poison, what is the relationship to drag, then painfully long to get rid of it; when to say "Yes" when "no", "I don't know" and when to just hit the enemy over the head with a shovel and run away.
I know that make decisions difficult. Feel like every day is torn old skin, to hear the crunches of the mental shell, to feel what a tremendous overload feels comfort zone. But life ought not to destroy itself – I repeat it like a mantra when something starts to go wrong. Back to back on some points and try to realize where it started sliding into the ditch, what exactly the mistake was made. Surely there were some signs and signals that I lightly closed my eyes not wanting to see, like the youngest of the sisters, who, enticed by the rich gifts of a dangerous predator-the groom, kept repeating to himself that his beard "not so blue..."
And rewind to your own point of no return, I don't turn back and change the road. "From this moment forward, I will act differently". Not "fool me, you idiot – no ambition, no will power," and "from this moment forward, I will act differently".
Differently means starting now.
I believe that any decisions are to take them. And don't be afraid to change if they stop working.
Because to be bold as well and happy to cook for Breakfast pancakes. How to sing. How to make love. How to stand half the night by the window and watch the first snow in perfect condition reset.
Because sometimes white sheets most needed the old stories.
Author: Olga Primachenko
Source: gnezdo.by/blog/po-linii-perforacii/
"One day in the life of every man there comes a time when you need to get up and Rob a Bank." I remember this quote from Fisher whenever faced with the need to make a decision. Make my and live with a stranger.
To be strong I learned back in kindergarten, when a boy, Serge tore off my beloved dwarf rubber. – with a special celebration, "special". That day Sergei learned why you should never piss off a woman, and especially to break her toys.
And it's not an ode to the female revenge is a statement of a decision once and for all: never allow contact with you or with what you hold dear as something minor. Otherwise you just devalue all that he had done up to this point, and that is all that made you.

Thank God that I did not understand half-measures and compromises, desires in a subtle way to cheat the system, love one way and the secret hope of a result in lack of action. I don't understand men who say "I'll save you from everything", but the first hurt so bad, in comparison with which any external threat seems to be nonsense, which is not even time to cry. Don't understand women who skillfully manipulate their men, using as an argument in any dispute threatened to spit on everything and go to live with mom, but never hesitant to roll out her pink suitcase, stuffed with rags, over the threshold (because God knows how it is there, beyond the threshold, that you don't rush the words – it's dark).
And it makes me really angry when I hear the phrase "welcome to the real world, Olga".
Like the real world is always some kind of enchanting W...PA. And for a little bit to figure out you have to be born in the most evil and scary area of the city, from childhood to thump on the yards, do poorly in school, where little work little to earn, in the end, finally, to sleep out of the way, but forever to the right with a view full-grown wolf sitting on a bench at the entrance and scattered in terrible platitudes like "life is eternal struggle".
So, for me, it's not "real" life. At least in my Universe.
Yes, it is possible to live, Yes, this is one of the seven billion possible scenarios, but I don't believe in fate and fate, I believe in solutions. Where, with whom to sleep, what poison, what is the relationship to drag, then painfully long to get rid of it; when to say "Yes" when "no", "I don't know" and when to just hit the enemy over the head with a shovel and run away.
I know that make decisions difficult. Feel like every day is torn old skin, to hear the crunches of the mental shell, to feel what a tremendous overload feels comfort zone. But life ought not to destroy itself – I repeat it like a mantra when something starts to go wrong. Back to back on some points and try to realize where it started sliding into the ditch, what exactly the mistake was made. Surely there were some signs and signals that I lightly closed my eyes not wanting to see, like the youngest of the sisters, who, enticed by the rich gifts of a dangerous predator-the groom, kept repeating to himself that his beard "not so blue..."
And rewind to your own point of no return, I don't turn back and change the road. "From this moment forward, I will act differently". Not "fool me, you idiot – no ambition, no will power," and "from this moment forward, I will act differently".
Differently means starting now.
I believe that any decisions are to take them. And don't be afraid to change if they stop working.
Because to be bold as well and happy to cook for Breakfast pancakes. How to sing. How to make love. How to stand half the night by the window and watch the first snow in perfect condition reset.
Because sometimes white sheets most needed the old stories.
Author: Olga Primachenko
Source: gnezdo.by/blog/po-linii-perforacii/
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