50 days in the open ocean
Three teenagers from the islands of Tokelau found alive 50 days after the boat in which they were, went missing in the Pacific Ocean. The boys accidentally discovered by fishermen. Officials stopped the search for a long time. At home, the children's funeral had already taken place.
Miraculously surviving teens 14 -15 years have picked up the fishermen, fished tuna near Fiji. As reported by BBC, is now the boys are in the hospital.
They have been missing since ...
the annual sports event, which took place on the islands of Tokelau, the 5th of October. Their small aluminum boat disappeared in the area of the atoll of Atafu.
After the search, with the participation of New Zealand military aircraft have not been successful, teen found dead. Relatives have long held their funeral.
However, on Wednesday afternoon the fishermen noticed the boys to the north-east of Fiji.
"They were in a fairly good mood for the people who drifted at sea for nearly two months", - said the first mate of a fishing vessel Tai Fredriksen. - "Boys terrible burns. Their bodies were discovered every day tropical sun ».
Fishermen have teenagers first aid, smeared their skin soothing cream and given water.
Fredriksen added that now the boys are happy, listen to music and watching cartoons.
Tokelau Islands - territory in the South Pacific, New Zealand dependent.
from here: infox.ru/accident/incident/2010/11/...a_50_dnye.phtml
From childhood to remember a similar case:
taken from here: vilavi.ru/sud/251008/251008.shtml
Two Ukrainian, Russian and Tatar
As the Pacific floats barge with dudes
Dudes do not lose heart - to play rock gormoshke
Ziganshin boogie Poplawski -rok
Ziganshin ate second boot ...
Ziganshin crepe held,
Bodrov himself pale, like a shadow,
And what was going to say,
He said only the next day:
"Friends!" An hour later: "Dear!»
"Children! - After another hour, -
After all, we did not break the element,
So you break the hunger we?
Forget the food, then there,
And remember about our soldiers ... »
"I would know, - he becomes delirious Fedotov, -
And what we have in terms of eating »...
This line - nearly half a century. Young Vladimir Vysotsky wrote them in 1960, wrote about their peers, whose names are then thundered across the country, and around the world. Vysotsky's poem, taken from these lines is called - "Forty-nine days».
Barge T-36
Began as those famous "49 days" January 17, 1960-year. On the island of Iturup - one of the four, and still "controversial" Kuril Islands - a soldier's service were four lads: Askhat Ziganshin Tatar, Russian Ivan Fedotov and two Ukrainians: Anatoly Kryuchkovsky yes Philippe Poplawski. Four soldiers and four friends met the morning of January 17 self-propelled barge aboard the T-36. Rocky shallows is not allowed to deliver goods directly to the bank, and T-P6 served for cargo ships as a kind of floating dock. Barge hundred tons displacement had a waterline length of 17 meters, its width was only three and a half meters, and sludge - a little more than one meter. With these dimensions, plus a maximum speed of 9 knots, the T-36 could afford to move away from the coast most of 200-300 meters. As she looked, this is the T-36 barge, one can imagine a photograph of its exact model.
By nightfall zashtormilo. In fact, to the windswept Bay stormy weather it was not anything unusual, but the storm turned out to be particularly strong. As later recalled, many years later, Anatoly F. Kryuchkovsky, "in a few seconds up huge waves, torn from our barge mooring mast and began throwing it at bay as the splinter." Fearing that the barge to throw stones, they launched two diesel T-36 and tried to resist the squally wind and waves multimeter. They fought until the end of the fuel. They did not break on the rocks, although hole barge still won. But they are not broke, do not. They just issued to the ocean ...
Of course, they were looking for could not help but look. When the weather conditions allow. But hardly are searching different special urgency: there is little doubt that sudёnyshko type T-36 to withstand ocean storms were not able to. In addition, during that storm washed overboard a large chest with coal, and then found on the banks of its fragments like
Private Anatoly Kryuchkovsky
... About all the details of what happened, what, why and how we are now is difficult to judge. In any case, the fact remains that the January storm that raged for several days, drove the barge in the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean - the barge did not ocean-class, uncontrollable and not self-propelled, badly tattered, devoid of radio, de-energized, with hastily clamped a hole in the bottom . It later emerged that sudёnyshko with four people on board were picked up by powerful ocean currents, Japanese fishermen who gave the name "for death." Every hour, every minute barge T-36 farther and farther, to the shores of the family. And another fatal accident, which quadruple learned almost immediately, to be discovered in the cabin of the newspaper "Red Star": in a note reported that just in this part of the ocean held training missile launches, in connection with which the entire area was declared unsafe for navigation. This meant that already in the near time they did not have even a slim chance to meet any ship
Private Ivan Fedotov
Ocean currents carried the barge T-36 in the direction of Hawaii. In principle, it is hope for salvation would be possible - provided that the new storm will not happen and the barge did not sink. And yet, provided that they have an adequate supply of food and fresh water - a stock for a few weeks or even months.
... All four of them had a loaf of bread, two cans of stew, a bank and a little fat cereals, also in jars. Look for more, and two buckets of potatoes, but it fell apart during a storm on the engine room and soaked in fuel oil. Then it overturned and scuttlebutt, and to fresh water to cool the engines mingled with salty water. Yes! one more thing: there were a few bursts "Belomor." Do not eat, so at least for a smoke ...
They smoked. Cigarettes have finished first. Very quickly ended stew and pork fat. Tried was to cook the potatoes, but could not bring myself to eat it. Because of the heavy fuel oil.
Private Philip Poplawski
More in a few days she became impregnated with fuel oil potatoes seem to them a delicacy ... The remaining food and water have decided austerity. Its commander, Askhat Ziganshin, the boys entrusted to most-most importantly, to prepare and distribute food portions. The calculation was - hold out until the end of the declared missile launches. First, for each day I had two spoons of cereal and two potatoes. Then - on the potato for four. Once a day. Then - in a day ...
They drank the most water from the cooling system. Initially, they were drinking it three times a day, every three mouthfuls. Then this rate was halved. Then over and the water, and they began to collect rain water. Each battered its throat every two days ...
Last potato was eaten on the day after the festival on 23 February. I passed a month of being alone in the ocean. The barge during this time claimed by their banks hundreds of miles ... And any products they no longer had.
Ml. Sergeant Askhat Ziganshin
Almost half a century later, Askhat Ziganshin recalled:
... Hunger tormented all the time. The cold barge rats were not. If I had, we would have eaten them. Flying albatross, but we could not catch them. They tried to make fishing gear, catch fish, but that we could not - come out on the board, as the wave you will, and you're running back quickly ... I was lying, almost no strength left, fumbled the belt. And suddenly I remembered the school teacher told me about sailors stranded and suffering from hunger. They flayed with masts, cooked and ate. Belt-I had a leather. We cut it finely, like noodles, and add to the soup instead of meat. Then cut the strap on the radio. Then he thought that we still have the leather. And besides boots, up to what is no longer guessed ...
Experienced people say that in the position in which there was this quartet, people often go crazy and cease to be a people: panic, thrown overboard kill for a sip of water, kill to eat. These same guys kept the last effort, supporting each other and the hope of salvation. Hopeless hungry and thirsty all the harder endured Ivan Fedotov. Sometimes it is covered insane fear, and under the pillow with him, just in case, lay the ax. At such moments, we came to the aid of others: encouraged, inspired hope, even if they themselves it was already a little ...
"And what is the taste of leather boots?" - Asked Anatoly Kryuchkovsky half a century.
... It is very bitter, with an unpleasant odor. Do you think then to taste it? I wanted nothing more than to deceive the stomach. But just do not eat the skin - too rigid. So we cut off a small piece and burned. Tarpaulin When burned, it turns into something like a charcoal, and becomes soft. This "delicacy" we smeared with grease to make it easier to swallow. Several of these "sandwiches" and make up our daily diet ...
Surprisingly, it's not that fights between them was not - none of them had never even voice on the other is not raised. Probably, in some mysterious instinct they felt that any conflict in their position - a certain death. And they lived, lived with hope. And work as much as they allow power: standing waist-deep in cold water, scooped bowls are constantly coming into the bilge water.
Anatoly Kryuchkovsky:
... In recent days began to hallucinate. I heard that somewhere near a forge, talking people buzzing machines. And when you climb to the deck, you see - around a void, solid water, that's where it gets really scary. We agreed that if one of us feels that he can not continue to live, just say goodbye and everything. Remains the last to write our names. Just the day we passed by ship. We began to give him signals, but because of the great distance we have not noticed. It was March 2. Another ship we saw on March 6. But it is also passed by ...
Salvation came on March 7 in the evening, when they had to live quite a bit: their lifespan was measured while only three matches, but polchaynika fresh water, but the last uneaten boots. They were discovered by an American aircraft carrier «Kearsarge» about a thousand miles northwest of Midway Island. Thus, their waterlogged, with a broken bottom of the barge was able to overcome in the Pacific Ocean halfway to Hawaii and took more than a thousand nautical miles - and it is also like a miracle ...
Salvation came to him just from the sky in the form of two helicopters. The Americans dropped to the deck and rope ... and there was a pause. Askhat Ziganshin ... They cry, and we're waiting for somebody of them come down to the deck, and we put its conditions: "Give us food, fuel, and we are home to doberёmsya." Some helicopters hung there, the fuel is over - flown. Arrived others. Look - a huge ship on the horizon appeared the aircraft carrier. When these helicopters and fuel was over, they disappeared with the ship. And here we truly frightened. So, when a couple of hours the ship came close to us, we have not driven a fool. I first climbed ...
The initial attack of unprecedented pride is explained very simply: the moment the guys concerned with is not so much of their own destiny (it was clear that they were saved), but the fate of the socialist property entrusted to them, that is a barge T-36. Ziganshin and got a first name, in order to explain this slow-witted Americans: need some lift to take with them to the carrier and barge. Oddly enough, but the lifts for lifting barges on the aircraft carrier for some reason was not, and had to be satisfied with the promise Ziganshin Americans suffering barge that will take another ship.
USS «Kearsarge»
Soviet soldiers met on the American aircraft carrier with a capacity. Literally the whole team, from the captain to the very last sailor, took care of them like a child, and tried to do everything possible for them. Lose weight "from 35 to 40 pounds," the guys still can, albeit with great difficulty, to stand up and even walk on their own. They immediately dressed, fed and taken to the shower. There Ziganshin tried to shave, but lost consciousness. He woke up in the hospital, where he saw a number of his comrades peacefully sleeping in the next bed ...
The aircraft carrier, meanwhile, headed for San Francisco. Three days later, when our boys to sleep off a little and came to their senses, the ship arrived specially called from Hawaii translator. And the first question he asked Askhat Ziganshin, was the question: "What's wrong with our barge?". Americans eagerly confirmed their earlier promise to take care of her. (Of course, they cared only about making Ziganshin not worried. The barge was destroyed a long time, since, in terms of the Americans, it does not represent any value, and leave her afloat and unattended was simply not safe).
On the deck of the US aircraft carrier
The aircraft carrier, meanwhile, headed for San Francisco. Three days later, when our boys to sleep off a little and came to their senses, the ship arrived specially called from Hawaii translator. And the first question he asked Askhat Ziganshin, was the question: "What's wrong with our barge?". Americans eagerly confirmed their earlier promise to take care of her. (Of course, they cared only about making Ziganshin not worried. The barge was destroyed a long time, since, in terms of the Americans, it does not represent any value, and leave her afloat and unattended was simply not safe).
Shave yourself at Ziganshin not strong enough:
After weeks of loneliness, despair, desperate hunger and thirst came to life four neizbalovannyh our lads really happy days. They were under constant medical supervision, fed them almost with a spoon and a special diet. Every morning they visited the commander of an aircraft carrier, asked about health. Ziganshin once asked him why the carrier has not approached the barge immediately as soon as they were discovered. "We were afraid of you" - Admiral joked. The Americans, warning and smiling, did everything possible to them on the ship was not boring. Guys do not remain in debt, and Americans showed a unique focus: this is when grasping troё himself one soldier belt.
Here they saw such Americans. Poplawski and Ziganshin:
Here I have to digress to remind readers that all this proiskhodilov 1960, the last year of the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the midst of the "cold war." And while the barge T-36 committed its unparalleled ocean voyage, her mysterious disappearance was not our favorite journalistic theme. Knowing nothing about the fate of the ship's crew, the competent authorities thoroughly check the version of a possible defection of four soldiers. Their relatives were informed that the boys were missing, and the place of their possible appearance were placed under observation. I do not exclude the version of the escape all fours to the West. And it is only at first glance looks strange Askhat Ziganshin response to a question about what is the point in all this epic them personally for him the worst:
... It was not even 49 days on a barge. This fear came after we had saved. At first I departed three days. Then he sat down and thought. I Russian soldiers. Whose help we received? From Moscow, for us too, so long we did not go. We could not decide how to contact the right thing. It was hard. I almost even in the loop is not useful ...
Like this. Nightmares about fifty days in the ocean, which is frightening and difficult to come up with something - a "real fear" came to him in the warmth and comfort of the American aircraft carrier. This was the time.
A happy rescue all fours US State Department informed the Soviet embassy in Washington a few hours after the children were on board the aircraft carrier «Kearsarge». And all that week until the carrier went to San Francisco, Moscow hesitated: who they are - traitors or heroes? Throughout the week, the Soviet press was silent, as the correspondent of "Pravda" Boris Strelnikov, contact them by phone on the third day of their idyll on an aircraft carrier, it is strongly advised to keep the boys' mouths shut. " They were kept as they could ...
By the time of arrival of an aircraft carrier in San Francisco, after weighing all the "pros" and "cons", in Moscow finally decided: they are heroes! And the article "Stronger than Death", which appeared in "Izvestia" March 16, 1960, launched the ambitious propaganda campaign in the Soviet media. Of course, the American press started even earlier.
Why is that?
Miraculously surviving teens 14 -15 years have picked up the fishermen, fished tuna near Fiji. As reported by BBC, is now the boys are in the hospital.
They have been missing since ...

the annual sports event, which took place on the islands of Tokelau, the 5th of October. Their small aluminum boat disappeared in the area of the atoll of Atafu.
After the search, with the participation of New Zealand military aircraft have not been successful, teen found dead. Relatives have long held their funeral.
However, on Wednesday afternoon the fishermen noticed the boys to the north-east of Fiji.
"They were in a fairly good mood for the people who drifted at sea for nearly two months", - said the first mate of a fishing vessel Tai Fredriksen. - "Boys terrible burns. Their bodies were discovered every day tropical sun ».
Fishermen have teenagers first aid, smeared their skin soothing cream and given water.
Fredriksen added that now the boys are happy, listen to music and watching cartoons.
Tokelau Islands - territory in the South Pacific, New Zealand dependent.
from here: infox.ru/accident/incident/2010/11/...a_50_dnye.phtml
From childhood to remember a similar case:
taken from here: vilavi.ru/sud/251008/251008.shtml
Two Ukrainian, Russian and Tatar
As the Pacific floats barge with dudes
Dudes do not lose heart - to play rock gormoshke
Ziganshin boogie Poplawski -rok
Ziganshin ate second boot ...
Ziganshin crepe held,
Bodrov himself pale, like a shadow,
And what was going to say,
He said only the next day:
"Friends!" An hour later: "Dear!»
"Children! - After another hour, -
After all, we did not break the element,
So you break the hunger we?
Forget the food, then there,
And remember about our soldiers ... »
"I would know, - he becomes delirious Fedotov, -
And what we have in terms of eating »...
This line - nearly half a century. Young Vladimir Vysotsky wrote them in 1960, wrote about their peers, whose names are then thundered across the country, and around the world. Vysotsky's poem, taken from these lines is called - "Forty-nine days».
Barge T-36
Began as those famous "49 days" January 17, 1960-year. On the island of Iturup - one of the four, and still "controversial" Kuril Islands - a soldier's service were four lads: Askhat Ziganshin Tatar, Russian Ivan Fedotov and two Ukrainians: Anatoly Kryuchkovsky yes Philippe Poplawski. Four soldiers and four friends met the morning of January 17 self-propelled barge aboard the T-36. Rocky shallows is not allowed to deliver goods directly to the bank, and T-P6 served for cargo ships as a kind of floating dock. Barge hundred tons displacement had a waterline length of 17 meters, its width was only three and a half meters, and sludge - a little more than one meter. With these dimensions, plus a maximum speed of 9 knots, the T-36 could afford to move away from the coast most of 200-300 meters. As she looked, this is the T-36 barge, one can imagine a photograph of its exact model.
By nightfall zashtormilo. In fact, to the windswept Bay stormy weather it was not anything unusual, but the storm turned out to be particularly strong. As later recalled, many years later, Anatoly F. Kryuchkovsky, "in a few seconds up huge waves, torn from our barge mooring mast and began throwing it at bay as the splinter." Fearing that the barge to throw stones, they launched two diesel T-36 and tried to resist the squally wind and waves multimeter. They fought until the end of the fuel. They did not break on the rocks, although hole barge still won. But they are not broke, do not. They just issued to the ocean ...
Of course, they were looking for could not help but look. When the weather conditions allow. But hardly are searching different special urgency: there is little doubt that sudёnyshko type T-36 to withstand ocean storms were not able to. In addition, during that storm washed overboard a large chest with coal, and then found on the banks of its fragments like
Private Anatoly Kryuchkovsky

... About all the details of what happened, what, why and how we are now is difficult to judge. In any case, the fact remains that the January storm that raged for several days, drove the barge in the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean - the barge did not ocean-class, uncontrollable and not self-propelled, badly tattered, devoid of radio, de-energized, with hastily clamped a hole in the bottom . It later emerged that sudёnyshko with four people on board were picked up by powerful ocean currents, Japanese fishermen who gave the name "for death." Every hour, every minute barge T-36 farther and farther, to the shores of the family. And another fatal accident, which quadruple learned almost immediately, to be discovered in the cabin of the newspaper "Red Star": in a note reported that just in this part of the ocean held training missile launches, in connection with which the entire area was declared unsafe for navigation. This meant that already in the near time they did not have even a slim chance to meet any ship
Private Ivan Fedotov

Ocean currents carried the barge T-36 in the direction of Hawaii. In principle, it is hope for salvation would be possible - provided that the new storm will not happen and the barge did not sink. And yet, provided that they have an adequate supply of food and fresh water - a stock for a few weeks or even months.
... All four of them had a loaf of bread, two cans of stew, a bank and a little fat cereals, also in jars. Look for more, and two buckets of potatoes, but it fell apart during a storm on the engine room and soaked in fuel oil. Then it overturned and scuttlebutt, and to fresh water to cool the engines mingled with salty water. Yes! one more thing: there were a few bursts "Belomor." Do not eat, so at least for a smoke ...
They smoked. Cigarettes have finished first. Very quickly ended stew and pork fat. Tried was to cook the potatoes, but could not bring myself to eat it. Because of the heavy fuel oil.
Private Philip Poplawski

More in a few days she became impregnated with fuel oil potatoes seem to them a delicacy ... The remaining food and water have decided austerity. Its commander, Askhat Ziganshin, the boys entrusted to most-most importantly, to prepare and distribute food portions. The calculation was - hold out until the end of the declared missile launches. First, for each day I had two spoons of cereal and two potatoes. Then - on the potato for four. Once a day. Then - in a day ...
They drank the most water from the cooling system. Initially, they were drinking it three times a day, every three mouthfuls. Then this rate was halved. Then over and the water, and they began to collect rain water. Each battered its throat every two days ...
Last potato was eaten on the day after the festival on 23 February. I passed a month of being alone in the ocean. The barge during this time claimed by their banks hundreds of miles ... And any products they no longer had.
Ml. Sergeant Askhat Ziganshin

Almost half a century later, Askhat Ziganshin recalled:
... Hunger tormented all the time. The cold barge rats were not. If I had, we would have eaten them. Flying albatross, but we could not catch them. They tried to make fishing gear, catch fish, but that we could not - come out on the board, as the wave you will, and you're running back quickly ... I was lying, almost no strength left, fumbled the belt. And suddenly I remembered the school teacher told me about sailors stranded and suffering from hunger. They flayed with masts, cooked and ate. Belt-I had a leather. We cut it finely, like noodles, and add to the soup instead of meat. Then cut the strap on the radio. Then he thought that we still have the leather. And besides boots, up to what is no longer guessed ...
Experienced people say that in the position in which there was this quartet, people often go crazy and cease to be a people: panic, thrown overboard kill for a sip of water, kill to eat. These same guys kept the last effort, supporting each other and the hope of salvation. Hopeless hungry and thirsty all the harder endured Ivan Fedotov. Sometimes it is covered insane fear, and under the pillow with him, just in case, lay the ax. At such moments, we came to the aid of others: encouraged, inspired hope, even if they themselves it was already a little ...
"And what is the taste of leather boots?" - Asked Anatoly Kryuchkovsky half a century.
... It is very bitter, with an unpleasant odor. Do you think then to taste it? I wanted nothing more than to deceive the stomach. But just do not eat the skin - too rigid. So we cut off a small piece and burned. Tarpaulin When burned, it turns into something like a charcoal, and becomes soft. This "delicacy" we smeared with grease to make it easier to swallow. Several of these "sandwiches" and make up our daily diet ...
Surprisingly, it's not that fights between them was not - none of them had never even voice on the other is not raised. Probably, in some mysterious instinct they felt that any conflict in their position - a certain death. And they lived, lived with hope. And work as much as they allow power: standing waist-deep in cold water, scooped bowls are constantly coming into the bilge water.
Anatoly Kryuchkovsky:
... In recent days began to hallucinate. I heard that somewhere near a forge, talking people buzzing machines. And when you climb to the deck, you see - around a void, solid water, that's where it gets really scary. We agreed that if one of us feels that he can not continue to live, just say goodbye and everything. Remains the last to write our names. Just the day we passed by ship. We began to give him signals, but because of the great distance we have not noticed. It was March 2. Another ship we saw on March 6. But it is also passed by ...
Salvation came on March 7 in the evening, when they had to live quite a bit: their lifespan was measured while only three matches, but polchaynika fresh water, but the last uneaten boots. They were discovered by an American aircraft carrier «Kearsarge» about a thousand miles northwest of Midway Island. Thus, their waterlogged, with a broken bottom of the barge was able to overcome in the Pacific Ocean halfway to Hawaii and took more than a thousand nautical miles - and it is also like a miracle ...
Salvation came to him just from the sky in the form of two helicopters. The Americans dropped to the deck and rope ... and there was a pause. Askhat Ziganshin ... They cry, and we're waiting for somebody of them come down to the deck, and we put its conditions: "Give us food, fuel, and we are home to doberёmsya." Some helicopters hung there, the fuel is over - flown. Arrived others. Look - a huge ship on the horizon appeared the aircraft carrier. When these helicopters and fuel was over, they disappeared with the ship. And here we truly frightened. So, when a couple of hours the ship came close to us, we have not driven a fool. I first climbed ...
The initial attack of unprecedented pride is explained very simply: the moment the guys concerned with is not so much of their own destiny (it was clear that they were saved), but the fate of the socialist property entrusted to them, that is a barge T-36. Ziganshin and got a first name, in order to explain this slow-witted Americans: need some lift to take with them to the carrier and barge. Oddly enough, but the lifts for lifting barges on the aircraft carrier for some reason was not, and had to be satisfied with the promise Ziganshin Americans suffering barge that will take another ship.
USS «Kearsarge»

Soviet soldiers met on the American aircraft carrier with a capacity. Literally the whole team, from the captain to the very last sailor, took care of them like a child, and tried to do everything possible for them. Lose weight "from 35 to 40 pounds," the guys still can, albeit with great difficulty, to stand up and even walk on their own. They immediately dressed, fed and taken to the shower. There Ziganshin tried to shave, but lost consciousness. He woke up in the hospital, where he saw a number of his comrades peacefully sleeping in the next bed ...
The aircraft carrier, meanwhile, headed for San Francisco. Three days later, when our boys to sleep off a little and came to their senses, the ship arrived specially called from Hawaii translator. And the first question he asked Askhat Ziganshin, was the question: "What's wrong with our barge?". Americans eagerly confirmed their earlier promise to take care of her. (Of course, they cared only about making Ziganshin not worried. The barge was destroyed a long time, since, in terms of the Americans, it does not represent any value, and leave her afloat and unattended was simply not safe).
On the deck of the US aircraft carrier

The aircraft carrier, meanwhile, headed for San Francisco. Three days later, when our boys to sleep off a little and came to their senses, the ship arrived specially called from Hawaii translator. And the first question he asked Askhat Ziganshin, was the question: "What's wrong with our barge?". Americans eagerly confirmed their earlier promise to take care of her. (Of course, they cared only about making Ziganshin not worried. The barge was destroyed a long time, since, in terms of the Americans, it does not represent any value, and leave her afloat and unattended was simply not safe).
Shave yourself at Ziganshin not strong enough:

After weeks of loneliness, despair, desperate hunger and thirst came to life four neizbalovannyh our lads really happy days. They were under constant medical supervision, fed them almost with a spoon and a special diet. Every morning they visited the commander of an aircraft carrier, asked about health. Ziganshin once asked him why the carrier has not approached the barge immediately as soon as they were discovered. "We were afraid of you" - Admiral joked. The Americans, warning and smiling, did everything possible to them on the ship was not boring. Guys do not remain in debt, and Americans showed a unique focus: this is when grasping troё himself one soldier belt.
Here they saw such Americans. Poplawski and Ziganshin:

Here I have to digress to remind readers that all this proiskhodilov 1960, the last year of the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the midst of the "cold war." And while the barge T-36 committed its unparalleled ocean voyage, her mysterious disappearance was not our favorite journalistic theme. Knowing nothing about the fate of the ship's crew, the competent authorities thoroughly check the version of a possible defection of four soldiers. Their relatives were informed that the boys were missing, and the place of their possible appearance were placed under observation. I do not exclude the version of the escape all fours to the West. And it is only at first glance looks strange Askhat Ziganshin response to a question about what is the point in all this epic them personally for him the worst:
... It was not even 49 days on a barge. This fear came after we had saved. At first I departed three days. Then he sat down and thought. I Russian soldiers. Whose help we received? From Moscow, for us too, so long we did not go. We could not decide how to contact the right thing. It was hard. I almost even in the loop is not useful ...
Like this. Nightmares about fifty days in the ocean, which is frightening and difficult to come up with something - a "real fear" came to him in the warmth and comfort of the American aircraft carrier. This was the time.
A happy rescue all fours US State Department informed the Soviet embassy in Washington a few hours after the children were on board the aircraft carrier «Kearsarge». And all that week until the carrier went to San Francisco, Moscow hesitated: who they are - traitors or heroes? Throughout the week, the Soviet press was silent, as the correspondent of "Pravda" Boris Strelnikov, contact them by phone on the third day of their idyll on an aircraft carrier, it is strongly advised to keep the boys' mouths shut. " They were kept as they could ...
By the time of arrival of an aircraft carrier in San Francisco, after weighing all the "pros" and "cons", in Moscow finally decided: they are heroes! And the article "Stronger than Death", which appeared in "Izvestia" March 16, 1960, launched the ambitious propaganda campaign in the Soviet media. Of course, the American press started even earlier.
Why is that?