As I was drowning: the true story that may save a life!
The purpose of this writing: to convey to travelers the information about the danger from the ocean (sea). Please take my experience seriously and share them with family and friends. This is the case when knowledge can save a life.
The next day, after he almost drowned in the ocean, I gave in his Twitter a link to the article with the eloquent title "How not to drown in the ocean" and asked friends and everyone who reads me to retweet (repost). I know that a little less than seven hundred accounts that follow me, at least 50 people who wonder what I write and many of them are friends. The fact that in the end the census did only two people and a few friends on Facebook (for what to them many human thanks) once again confirmed the folk wisdom that "man is not able to learn from the mistakes of OTHERS". "It will happen to anyone, but not with me." Awesome position in life, but it is not suitable for the real world. Please, don't follow it blindly. What I'm about to say can happen to anyone. ATTENTION! Information relevant to oceans and seas. In the risk zone all waters subject to ebb-tides from the Baltic sea to the East coast of Australia. About the sea robovie flow (pneumatic or reverse flow) I knew from friends and from "here and there" appearing in Internet articles, comments friends. Life itself gives clues and warnings in advance. Ironically, just a few days before I'm approved here's a review on my blog:I Want to draw attention to security measures when sailing on the South coast of Bali. In many places there are strong currents, repeatedly described in various sources. Their name rip current and they have killed the majority of the people on these beaches. Be sure to read how to behave in this course, You may save a life... But in General, bathing in Bali is great. In addition, all the guys I always warn about the rip and how to swim out of them if anything. But all this is not particularly helpful because I, like many believed that it would happen with anyone... but not with me. I can't call myself superficial, but even living on the ocean for some reason did not bother more in-depth study of the theory in question. And for good reason.So, the 2nd January, at half-past evening, our company, composed of 13 people along the route got to the beach Green Bowl Beach. After a few minutes half of us were in the water. The beach itself is quite small and as time was low tide, we chose a place a little deeper, but even there, near the shore of water in the knee, we swam a little further. To the real depth was very far away and we don't peace of mind we enjoyed.The photos below (all photos made in the evening) clearly visible blue cleft between the corals where we went:
Everyone who went swimming — excellent or just good, but know how to swim. We chatted with each other and come to their senses only when the current carried to the line of the breakwater (pictured above is already far to the right outside the photo). It all happened in a few moments, we are awake only when turning back was no longer there. In the photo below that was taken just 10 minutes after the first picture (above) you can see their heads bathed (our) already out of the WA of all the forces desperately trying to swim to shore. While everyone on the shore at this point are not even aware that is happening only a hundred meters from them, and some just swim to swim in our direction.
We rapidly carried away into the open ocean. To understand what is happening, to understand where to go to escape was difficult, we got into the meat grinder of chaotic high-frequency waves. In fear and panic (where the same without them) tried to swim back to shore. But the force of the current could not be overcome, its speed reaches 3 meters per second. Without a clear understanding of what to do in such a situation we can only pray to God. That's what I did when the waves flung us who where and I was alone. The beach was visible very far away. According to various estimates, took us 500 meters from the beach (then did measurements on google maps). In this situation, I managed to overcome the panic and have realized (remembered) that I need to get out of the flow to the side. But the strength that I spent on the resistance remained. Besides, the waves were constantly covered with the head so hard that I had swallowed water. For reference:the Drowning — death or terminal condition, resulting from the penetration of water into the lungs and respiratory tract. When drowning in fresh water is blood thinners. This is due to the flow of water from the lungs into the bloodstream. Occurs due to the difference of osmotic pressure of fresh water and blood plasma. Due to the blood thinners and a sharp increase in blood volume in the body is heart failure (heart is unable to pump such a large volume). While drowning in salt water is the opposite process — the thickening of the blood (haemoconcentration). Eventually I was saved by a miracle. I have already mentally said goodbye to life, realizing I have no more than three minutes, I saw Andrew. He was carried further and there he accidentally found... bamboo sticks, the chip from the boat or raft. We hung together and floated to the side, where could be seen the breakwater. This gave the opportunity to restore power and turn on the brain. To swim then it was already a matter of technique and time and after about 1.5-2 hours after entering the water we were back on shore. For another 20 minutes in the queue came out the other. Survived all seven! Bamboo I took:
WHAT HAPPENED (debriefing) We picked up a so-called rip current and dragged with a decent speed in the open ocean. In the beginning we tried to resist and swam to shore. It took precious strength. Then somehow got out of the flow towards and along with the wave reached the shore. If you are in a rip current, which foreigners call a Rip Current, the first thing you need to navigate to understand how to get out of it. This flow perpendicular to the coast, so to exit you have to swim parallel to the beach, or at a slight angle. Width is usually around 5-10 meters, but in our case it was 50 meters. However, you have to swim to the side of the big surf waves, you can see them from afar, they are white horses. They stand on the shore, the truth may hit the coral. A typical scheme of a pneumatic flow looks like this:
I'm not going to delve into the theory. Already written many articles, will result useful as a reference:
For do not ask who you are and your name. If you don't know how to behave in such situations even when he is in the water just 3 meters away from the shore you run the risk of mortal danger. With the same outcome it can happen anywhere: on the Black sea and in the Pacific. P. S. That evening (2 January 2013), I now consider it my second birthday and ultimately it was a really happy day. It all came out. Now to me it seems incredible, but handled it all!!! Life presents us with many lessons and amazing when the most tragic of them we pay only the price of horrible memories. published Author: Shamil Minnullin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fkmi78.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_14.html
The next day, after he almost drowned in the ocean, I gave in his Twitter a link to the article with the eloquent title "How not to drown in the ocean" and asked friends and everyone who reads me to retweet (repost). I know that a little less than seven hundred accounts that follow me, at least 50 people who wonder what I write and many of them are friends. The fact that in the end the census did only two people and a few friends on Facebook (for what to them many human thanks) once again confirmed the folk wisdom that "man is not able to learn from the mistakes of OTHERS". "It will happen to anyone, but not with me." Awesome position in life, but it is not suitable for the real world. Please, don't follow it blindly. What I'm about to say can happen to anyone. ATTENTION! Information relevant to oceans and seas. In the risk zone all waters subject to ebb-tides from the Baltic sea to the East coast of Australia. About the sea robovie flow (pneumatic or reverse flow) I knew from friends and from "here and there" appearing in Internet articles, comments friends. Life itself gives clues and warnings in advance. Ironically, just a few days before I'm approved here's a review on my blog:I Want to draw attention to security measures when sailing on the South coast of Bali. In many places there are strong currents, repeatedly described in various sources. Their name rip current and they have killed the majority of the people on these beaches. Be sure to read how to behave in this course, You may save a life... But in General, bathing in Bali is great. In addition, all the guys I always warn about the rip and how to swim out of them if anything. But all this is not particularly helpful because I, like many believed that it would happen with anyone... but not with me. I can't call myself superficial, but even living on the ocean for some reason did not bother more in-depth study of the theory in question. And for good reason.So, the 2nd January, at half-past evening, our company, composed of 13 people along the route got to the beach Green Bowl Beach. After a few minutes half of us were in the water. The beach itself is quite small and as time was low tide, we chose a place a little deeper, but even there, near the shore of water in the knee, we swam a little further. To the real depth was very far away and we don't peace of mind we enjoyed.The photos below (all photos made in the evening) clearly visible blue cleft between the corals where we went:

Everyone who went swimming — excellent or just good, but know how to swim. We chatted with each other and come to their senses only when the current carried to the line of the breakwater (pictured above is already far to the right outside the photo). It all happened in a few moments, we are awake only when turning back was no longer there. In the photo below that was taken just 10 minutes after the first picture (above) you can see their heads bathed (our) already out of the WA of all the forces desperately trying to swim to shore. While everyone on the shore at this point are not even aware that is happening only a hundred meters from them, and some just swim to swim in our direction.

We rapidly carried away into the open ocean. To understand what is happening, to understand where to go to escape was difficult, we got into the meat grinder of chaotic high-frequency waves. In fear and panic (where the same without them) tried to swim back to shore. But the force of the current could not be overcome, its speed reaches 3 meters per second. Without a clear understanding of what to do in such a situation we can only pray to God. That's what I did when the waves flung us who where and I was alone. The beach was visible very far away. According to various estimates, took us 500 meters from the beach (then did measurements on google maps). In this situation, I managed to overcome the panic and have realized (remembered) that I need to get out of the flow to the side. But the strength that I spent on the resistance remained. Besides, the waves were constantly covered with the head so hard that I had swallowed water. For reference:the Drowning — death or terminal condition, resulting from the penetration of water into the lungs and respiratory tract. When drowning in fresh water is blood thinners. This is due to the flow of water from the lungs into the bloodstream. Occurs due to the difference of osmotic pressure of fresh water and blood plasma. Due to the blood thinners and a sharp increase in blood volume in the body is heart failure (heart is unable to pump such a large volume). While drowning in salt water is the opposite process — the thickening of the blood (haemoconcentration). Eventually I was saved by a miracle. I have already mentally said goodbye to life, realizing I have no more than three minutes, I saw Andrew. He was carried further and there he accidentally found... bamboo sticks, the chip from the boat or raft. We hung together and floated to the side, where could be seen the breakwater. This gave the opportunity to restore power and turn on the brain. To swim then it was already a matter of technique and time and after about 1.5-2 hours after entering the water we were back on shore. For another 20 minutes in the queue came out the other. Survived all seven! Bamboo I took:

WHAT HAPPENED (debriefing) We picked up a so-called rip current and dragged with a decent speed in the open ocean. In the beginning we tried to resist and swam to shore. It took precious strength. Then somehow got out of the flow towards and along with the wave reached the shore. If you are in a rip current, which foreigners call a Rip Current, the first thing you need to navigate to understand how to get out of it. This flow perpendicular to the coast, so to exit you have to swim parallel to the beach, or at a slight angle. Width is usually around 5-10 meters, but in our case it was 50 meters. However, you have to swim to the side of the big surf waves, you can see them from afar, they are white horses. They stand on the shore, the truth may hit the coral. A typical scheme of a pneumatic flow looks like this:

I'm not going to delve into the theory. Already written many articles, will result useful as a reference:
- about rip current
- how not to drown in the ocean (theory and practice)
- how to drown in the ocean

For do not ask who you are and your name. If you don't know how to behave in such situations even when he is in the water just 3 meters away from the shore you run the risk of mortal danger. With the same outcome it can happen anywhere: on the Black sea and in the Pacific. P. S. That evening (2 January 2013), I now consider it my second birthday and ultimately it was a really happy day. It all came out. Now to me it seems incredible, but handled it all!!! Life presents us with many lessons and amazing when the most tragic of them we pay only the price of horrible memories. published Author: Shamil Minnullin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fkmi78.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_14.html