Rock of Ages

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
The idea of the most famous songs came to Cobain, when a friend of Kathleen wrote on his wall «Kurt smells like teen spirit». The singer took the phrase as having a revolutionary significance, though it meant that he smelled deodorant Teen Spirit. The record is the song became "Generation X anthem."
Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water
Probably not in the world a man who would not listen to "Smoke on the Water." The song is well known for its recognizable guitar riffs. All of this - an integral part of the Deep Purple. With the soul. How we love.
Queen - We Will Rock You
In order to write a hit at all times, not necessarily rumble all the tools in a row. Two kick and clap hands one - this opens the song accompaniment Queen and it lasts until the end. Add to this the unique vocals of Freddie Mercury and get the We Will Rock You.
AC / DC - Highway to Hell
Once the guitarist Angus Young was asked about touring life AC / DC, to which he replied: "This is the road to hell" (Eng. Highway to hell). Thus was born the idea of writing the same name of the song that was so pleased with all the fans.
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Metallica is known to all their heavy riffs and infinitely beautiful guitar solos. However, their most favorite song is recognized lyrical ballad Nothing Else Matters. Due to the popularity of the composition and ease of performance (compared to the other songs of the group) on it was made a large number of cover versions.
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Irish band U2 is one of the most popular and successful bands in the world. In their active 22 "Grammy" awards, more than any other band in the world. Recorded back in 1982 Sunday Bloody Sunday, is still one of the business cards U2.
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Ozzy Osbourne recalls: "I remember I came home with films and talking to his wife, it seems, we have written a single. She told me: "But you do not write singles!" I told her, "I know, but still rode the train here, this song just drove me crazy!»
Eagles - Hotel California
Classic rock with a touch of folk music, thoughtful lyrics and indescribable energy - all Eagles. During the ten years of its existence (1971-81), the group headed by five times the US pop singles chart and four - hits albums. Hotel California has received the award "Grammy" in 1978 as the best song of the year. The idea of the song is that Hollywood is like a luxury hotel that welcomes guests first, and then luring them into a trap of their own tricks.
Guns N'Roses - Welcome To the Jungle
Guns N 'Roses - one of the most brilliant, talented, outrageous, unpredictable and enigmatic bands in rock history. For a long time they lived in complete accordance with the motto of rock 'n' roll. VH1 called this song the greatest hard rock song of all time.
Scorpions - Still Loving You
Still Loving You song is one of the most successful singles. It unleashed a wave of hysteria among French fans of the band, which is not observed in France since The Beatles.
The Doors - Light My Fire
The next group in our playlist - The Doors. Mysterious, mystical, allegorical lyrics and vivid image of vocalist Jim Morrison, made her perhaps the most famous and still is a controversial group of his time. At the closing concert in New Orleans 'warehouse' December 12, 1970 «Light My Fire» was the last song played by a group of four, and the last song Morrison, the performance of the stage.
Blur - Song 2
Just 2 minutes and 2 seconds, 2 verse and chorus took 2 group Blur, to record one of the most stunning and drayvovyh songs Song 2. Although «Song 2" was the working title of the song in the rehearsal it stuck, and guys do not want to change it .
Bob Dylan - Knockin 'on Heaven's Door
Bob Dylan - a cult figure in rock music for five decades. Knockin 'on Heaven's Door («knock on the door of heaven," allegorically Being on the verge of death) - the card musician.
Aerosmith - Dream On
Aerosmith had a strong influence on the development of different music styles, combining in his work elements of hard rock, heavy metal, pop, glam and blues. Vocalist Steven Tyler working on this song for six years, and threw it back. But the time was worth it, the composition turned out just gorgeous.
KISS - I Was Made for Lovin 'You
«I was made for lovin 'you baby, You were made for lovin' me» - lines that have heard even the most vicious opponents of rock. Full of drive, the song became one of the most popular rock songs in history. The point here is not to make up the group wrote it.
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
According Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, the song was written by them for 15 minutes. "I wrote a song, thinking that the group will not like it, and it became a major hit of the summer."
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
Single Personal Jesus enjoyed great popularity, and his promotion was used original way - in the classified ad advertisement appeared with the words "Your own personal Jesus." Later in the advertisement has been enabled in the phone number, calling on which one could hear this song.
Foo Fighters - Everlong
Group formed by a former member of the rock group Nirvana, Dave Grohl, has often been the author of soulful songs that turn inside the soul inside out. One of these is Everlong.
Europe - The Final Countdown
Tu-tu-tu-Tuu tu-ru-tu-tu - the real anthem of the Swedish rock band Europe. The first single from the same album The Final Countdown was the starting point for the success of musicians.
Oasis - Wonderwall
Another classic of the genre. According to lead singer Noel Gallagher, this song is about a girl he met while on tour Oasis. "This song is about an imaginary friend, who will come and save you from yourself" - he says.
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
Seven Nation Army is one of the few songs that found a second life in the face of football fans. She became famous thanks to the recognizable tunes created with the help of semi-acoustic guitars Jack White. According to the author of the song, «Seven Nation Army» - is the name of the Salvation Army (Eng. Salvation Army), as it was heard in his childhood.
Radiohead - Creep
Thom Yorke wrote this song in 1987, before the assembled group. Once at their rehearsal came the producers, but none of the songs of the then they are not caught, but the Creep attracted attention. First they misunderstood the words of Thom Yorke «our Scott Walker song» and took cover behind a song, and when it became clear that it is the author's work of York, with the following single issue was resolved.
Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen
This song - not just a punk rock anthem, but also the voice of a generation of rebels who hate the monarchy. After the plate two runners Sex Pistols, their art directors and producers have been committed armed attack. Music critic Steve Hugh wrote that song changed the musical landscape of the UK and is a turning point in the history of rock music.
The Cranberries - Zombie
Zombie - most famous song The Cranberries, which was written in response to the death of two boys from a bomb terrorist group IRA. According to vocalist Dolores O'Riordan, zombies - that there are members of the IRA, the fault of which go to the light of any innocent people.
The Beatles - Let It Be
This collection would be incomplete if it did not have "the Beatles." Let It Be was the last singles before McCartney announced his retirement. He said that the idea came to him after, during the recording of "White Album", he dreamed of his mother. She told him: "Everything will be fine, just" let it be "(Eng. Let it be).« I felt happy after this dream. This prompted me to write this song "- he said.