Exercises for the arms tunnel syndrome
Pain in the hands, especially in right wrist caused by long work behind the computer, acquired the name tunnel syndrome, or carpal tunnel syndrome, and also has the status of occupational disease of computer scientists (programmers, secretaries, typists and others whose work is associated with a computer).
The cause of the pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. It can be caused by swelling of the tendons passing in close proximity to the nerve, and swelling of the nerve itself. This is due to the constant load on the same muscles, which occurs when a large number of repetitive movements (for example, when working with the mouse), in the awkward position of the hands when wrists are in constant tension.
It is worth noting that pain in the hands can be caused not only by the pinching of the carpal nerve but also various pathologies of the spine osteochondrosis, hernia of intervertebral disk, etc. — in which damaged the nerve going from the spinal cord.
For the prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome should take care about the ergonomics of your workplace, as often as possible to stop and perform a small set of exercises for hands.
Correct hand position:
1. When working with the keyboard angle bend arms at the elbow should be straight (90 degrees).
2. When working with the mouse, the hand must be straight and lie on the table as far as possible from the edge.
3. Chair or chair should be with arms; it is also desirable to have a special bulge for the wrist (cushion of the mouse pad, keyboard special forms or computer Desk with similar bumps).
Gymnastics for hands
1. Raise the arms up and with the force of gripping into a fist and unclench my fingers.
2. Shake in the air relaxed wrists, gradually raising them to the sides and up.
3. To connect palms together in front of chest, with tension by pushing the ends of the fingers, tilt your hands from side to side.
4. To connect palms together, then alternately retract to failure fingers at the expense of 1-4, starting with the little fingers.
5. Linking hands and leaning on the tips of your fingers, take the Foundation brush in hand, no slipping of the ends of the fingers.
6. Extend hands forward and to produce rotational motion of the brushes to the sides and inside.
7. With hands bent with the power to compress and decompress the fingers.
8. Elbows pressed to your sides, palms facing forward. Gradually compress and unclench fingers of phalanges.
9. Interlace your fingers and do the compression movement.
10. Gradually stretch the weakened fingers in turn: first the right hand on the left, then Vice versa. Kneading should start with the end of the fingers and to the ground. Finish circular rotating motion.
11. Press your elbows to the sides, fingers squeeze into a fist and rotating brushes to the opposite side.
12. Shake the relaxed hands in the air, raising his hands up and lowering down. All the movements are repeated 5-6 times.published
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pc-shporgalka.com/read-article77.html

The cause of the pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. It can be caused by swelling of the tendons passing in close proximity to the nerve, and swelling of the nerve itself. This is due to the constant load on the same muscles, which occurs when a large number of repetitive movements (for example, when working with the mouse), in the awkward position of the hands when wrists are in constant tension.

It is worth noting that pain in the hands can be caused not only by the pinching of the carpal nerve but also various pathologies of the spine osteochondrosis, hernia of intervertebral disk, etc. — in which damaged the nerve going from the spinal cord.
For the prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome should take care about the ergonomics of your workplace, as often as possible to stop and perform a small set of exercises for hands.
Correct hand position:
1. When working with the keyboard angle bend arms at the elbow should be straight (90 degrees).
2. When working with the mouse, the hand must be straight and lie on the table as far as possible from the edge.
3. Chair or chair should be with arms; it is also desirable to have a special bulge for the wrist (cushion of the mouse pad, keyboard special forms or computer Desk with similar bumps).

Gymnastics for hands
1. Raise the arms up and with the force of gripping into a fist and unclench my fingers.
2. Shake in the air relaxed wrists, gradually raising them to the sides and up.
3. To connect palms together in front of chest, with tension by pushing the ends of the fingers, tilt your hands from side to side.
4. To connect palms together, then alternately retract to failure fingers at the expense of 1-4, starting with the little fingers.
5. Linking hands and leaning on the tips of your fingers, take the Foundation brush in hand, no slipping of the ends of the fingers.
6. Extend hands forward and to produce rotational motion of the brushes to the sides and inside.
7. With hands bent with the power to compress and decompress the fingers.
8. Elbows pressed to your sides, palms facing forward. Gradually compress and unclench fingers of phalanges.
9. Interlace your fingers and do the compression movement.
10. Gradually stretch the weakened fingers in turn: first the right hand on the left, then Vice versa. Kneading should start with the end of the fingers and to the ground. Finish circular rotating motion.
11. Press your elbows to the sides, fingers squeeze into a fist and rotating brushes to the opposite side.
12. Shake the relaxed hands in the air, raising his hands up and lowering down. All the movements are repeated 5-6 times.published
Also interesting: How to relieve the pain in the supraspinatus muscle
How would be lived back, if she had a head
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pc-shporgalka.com/read-article77.html