2 rules that will change your personal life forever
There are only two rules in sex life that work. They are suitable for both men and women. And those who does not know them, are doomed to waste time and nerves on the wrong people.
Five million nine hundred fifty three thousand nine hundred eighty two
The first rule. In a relationship should be easy. Easily should be from the beginning. From the first minute. People immediately feel like old friends, for whom we need to Woo over the years. Fella you in fifteen minutes ready to be alone in the toilet Mall better someone you seven years of writing letters without a response. The girl, who immediately shows interest in you better unapproachable beauties, which we must take to the Bahamas. Just – so good. Difficult is bad.
It is an axiom. It is not necessary to prove it. Nothing necessary in the relationship to prove at his own expense.
No need to seek, to adjust ourselves to anyone and not for anyone to run. Once you've done that, you'll do it every day, and in response to only see a cranky unhappy face. If it was a disaster, not lit, not lit – do not pull the cat's tail. So – not your man. Complex relationships are suitable only for those who are bored and who have a lot of free time. All the rest, these sufferings only spoil nerves.
It is not necessary to take complicated relationship to yourself. A relationship where you just do what you're dancing to someone else's tune – humiliating. Sooner or later the limit of your patience runs out. Do not let yourself be drawn into a complicated relationship.
The second rule, but no less important. Relationships should bring joy. This statement also needs no proof. Once relationship ceased to bring joy and began to bring the stuff, to stop this phenomenon in the Bud.
Don't get used to the fights, the tears and the smashing of crockery. Express long conversations, accusations, recriminations. This is not normal! This is the way to hell! Just out of the relationship goes joy – they become useless. It would seem – what could be simpler.
Facts about the psychological characteristics of a person that will surprise You
A woman of good Fortune
But because many people chew chew-chew hay their grievances! They occupy your brain with unnecessary squabbles! No need to do this! Once you understand that your words take away the joy – shut your mouth. Starts disassembly – go. People only want to accuse and blame – don't allow you to plant the guilt. Depart! Relations are necessary for joy. All other relationships "for the kids", "because everything is live", "the habit", "because without it, even worse" you can just take and take in the trash.
For me, the main rules are only two. You agree with them?published
Author: Morena
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/559054.html
Five million nine hundred fifty three thousand nine hundred eighty two
The first rule. In a relationship should be easy. Easily should be from the beginning. From the first minute. People immediately feel like old friends, for whom we need to Woo over the years. Fella you in fifteen minutes ready to be alone in the toilet Mall better someone you seven years of writing letters without a response. The girl, who immediately shows interest in you better unapproachable beauties, which we must take to the Bahamas. Just – so good. Difficult is bad.
It is an axiom. It is not necessary to prove it. Nothing necessary in the relationship to prove at his own expense.
No need to seek, to adjust ourselves to anyone and not for anyone to run. Once you've done that, you'll do it every day, and in response to only see a cranky unhappy face. If it was a disaster, not lit, not lit – do not pull the cat's tail. So – not your man. Complex relationships are suitable only for those who are bored and who have a lot of free time. All the rest, these sufferings only spoil nerves.
It is not necessary to take complicated relationship to yourself. A relationship where you just do what you're dancing to someone else's tune – humiliating. Sooner or later the limit of your patience runs out. Do not let yourself be drawn into a complicated relationship.
The second rule, but no less important. Relationships should bring joy. This statement also needs no proof. Once relationship ceased to bring joy and began to bring the stuff, to stop this phenomenon in the Bud.
Don't get used to the fights, the tears and the smashing of crockery. Express long conversations, accusations, recriminations. This is not normal! This is the way to hell! Just out of the relationship goes joy – they become useless. It would seem – what could be simpler.
Facts about the psychological characteristics of a person that will surprise You
A woman of good Fortune
But because many people chew chew-chew hay their grievances! They occupy your brain with unnecessary squabbles! No need to do this! Once you understand that your words take away the joy – shut your mouth. Starts disassembly – go. People only want to accuse and blame – don't allow you to plant the guilt. Depart! Relations are necessary for joy. All other relationships "for the kids", "because everything is live", "the habit", "because without it, even worse" you can just take and take in the trash.
For me, the main rules are only two. You agree with them?published
Author: Morena
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: morena-morana.livejournal.com/559054.html
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