Massage to relieve hangover syndrome: the pain and the hangover will be gone in 5 minutes
Hangover massage of the head and neck helps:
Head massage do in the direction of hair growth, your fingers should touch the skin, the hair roots.
Comb is parted in the middle from forehead to neck in the middle of the hairline.
Four fingers (all but large) you need to gently Pat your head three or four times from front to back along the parting.
Repeat the previous step, but with great force.
Then, one hand holding the scalp, you need the other hand to RUB the scalp in circular or zigzag movements.
Thumbs of both hands to move-to stretch the skin in the direction of forward and backward across the surface.
The index and middle fingers are not strong shock (vibration).
Next is another parted a few centimeters from the first, right or left. Thus, repeating all the operations you can get a whole head in the transverse direction, the left hand supported his head.
You can also massage the neck: the patient should sit or presideth in the chair, head reclined on the headrest. The masseur should from the front or side.
The palm is placed on the lateral surface of the neck (thumb at the jaw, and the fingers under the ear). Masseur stroking the neck down, gradually going down. Palm falls to the collarbone. Then everything is repeated for the other side of the neck.
Also repeated surgery, but with rubbing and kneading, no bumps. You need to follow, to avoid pressure on the jugular vein (may cause fainting or dizziness).
Massage front of the neck: the right hand is placed under the lower jaw, his left hand supported his head. Masseur stroking the neck down, from jaw to chest.
Also interesting: Oriental massage: an effective tool in the fight against allergies
Massage opens up the internal reserves of the body
With a hangover we need to actively massage the middle of the palm near the base of the thumb. After 5 minutes the pain goes away and the hangover.
On the index fingers are points belonging to the large intestine Meridian. Therefore, carefully massage both index fingers as a long time.published
Source: vk.com/massage_ru?w=wall-23903469_813
- to improve cerebral circulation,
- reduce headaches
- the speedy restoration of health.

Head massage do in the direction of hair growth, your fingers should touch the skin, the hair roots.
Comb is parted in the middle from forehead to neck in the middle of the hairline.
Four fingers (all but large) you need to gently Pat your head three or four times from front to back along the parting.
Repeat the previous step, but with great force.
Then, one hand holding the scalp, you need the other hand to RUB the scalp in circular or zigzag movements.
Thumbs of both hands to move-to stretch the skin in the direction of forward and backward across the surface.
The index and middle fingers are not strong shock (vibration).
Next is another parted a few centimeters from the first, right or left. Thus, repeating all the operations you can get a whole head in the transverse direction, the left hand supported his head.
You can also massage the neck: the patient should sit or presideth in the chair, head reclined on the headrest. The masseur should from the front or side.
The palm is placed on the lateral surface of the neck (thumb at the jaw, and the fingers under the ear). Masseur stroking the neck down, gradually going down. Palm falls to the collarbone. Then everything is repeated for the other side of the neck.
Also repeated surgery, but with rubbing and kneading, no bumps. You need to follow, to avoid pressure on the jugular vein (may cause fainting or dizziness).
Massage front of the neck: the right hand is placed under the lower jaw, his left hand supported his head. Masseur stroking the neck down, from jaw to chest.
Also interesting: Oriental massage: an effective tool in the fight against allergies
Massage opens up the internal reserves of the body
With a hangover we need to actively massage the middle of the palm near the base of the thumb. After 5 minutes the pain goes away and the hangover.
On the index fingers are points belonging to the large intestine Meridian. Therefore, carefully massage both index fingers as a long time.published
Source: vk.com/massage_ru?w=wall-23903469_813
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