33 ways to beat a hangover

Never fill sushnyak plain water, even if nothing more than to have a drink and money on the normal "fire extinguisher" no. Sushnyak will not work, and will be even worse! Orange juice, lemon ...
I would like to tell you a recipe handed down from generation to generation and so it is very simple and very effective: You need 200 grams of natural orange juice one lemon peel, and 100 grams of honey. All this beating on the mixer for about five minutes at the request of one protein can throw. Here in general that's all. Thank you for attention.
Askofen or Kofitsil plus
After high jinks have to overnight, or suddenly wake up one night, too, is not forbidden, you just do not be lazy and go take a pill from the medicine cabinet "askofen" or "kofitsil-plus." Cheap, reliable, practical.
Aspirin + Noshpa + activated carbon
6-8 tablets of activated charcoal
2 tablets noshpy
1 tablet of aspirin
It is necessary to drink it after drinking all night. In the morning "hangover" usually does not happen. Activated charcoal absorbs all sorts of nasty, Noshpa - helps the liver and aspirin thins the blood - pressure is reduced.
Hangover and breath helps vitamin B6 in capsules. Two vials poured into a glass of water and drink in one gulp.
Super recipe for severe cases
1) Even the sober, pour into a jar with a silver object filtered (separated) water or have purchased a key water (from the tap can not be).
2) In one of the night (morning) rising, pour two cups of water harvested.
3) In the first thoroughly dissolve 2-3 tablets of aspirin a simple and add 1 / 3-1 / 2 tsp baking soda, shake.
4) In the second cup of drip 14 - 65 drops korvallola and 2-7 drops of peppermint liqueur, shaken.
5) Pour into the left zhmenyu 3-10 tablets of activated charcoal and 2-5 tablets "No-Spa", hereinafter:
- Lick, not swallowing, all-wheel drive,
- To collect a mouthful of water, wait until otshipit coal,
- Swallow and drink the first glass,
- Knock, breathe.
6) To wash our second glass, kryaknut bainki.
7) Additionally, you can have another drink 1-3 cups of warm mineral water (water) and put under the tongue gastritnikam antacid tablet.
If someone tells you, they say akt.ugol reduce the activity of other drugs - safely spit in his face.
By lunchtime you a full member of society, and can re-elect and be elected.
Air, sun and water !!!
Put himself in a state of combat is not particularly deep hangover you can simply walk. Preferably without cigarettes. Before you walk a couple of pills to take a multivitamin (Dekamevit, Gendevit), drink a glass of juice or broth hips. Then get closer to nature and breathe. Breathing should be skillfully. Doing it the best sitting. Breathe it made no chest and abdomen. Without letting for air, inhale through the expansion of the chest. Then proceed with a sigh, raising his shoulders. Then exhale to make, but in reverse order. The approximate duration of one cycle - 15 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times. If breathing dizzy, you should pause for a few minutes. This breathing can be performed on two or three runs with a break for ten minutes. Then, it is desirable to pour cold water. In Russia, this method of clearing the lungs and the body more than a century have used the clergy. They know a lot about this matter.
Soaked gelatin '25 for 1 hour in a warm boiled water. Dilute 1 liter of boiling syrup, or where vitamins Pobol. Then heated to simmer gelatin, and slowly pour in the syrup. Next the taste of a refrigerator, or directly drink it. Sea and vitamins and glycine is.
From New Year's eve transmission
I decided to share with you a way seen me at some pre-New Year transfer (it seems you did not have it). If you have planned a big feast (New Year's Day, birthdays, etc..) With rapid libation of alcohol-containing liquids, then good for 5-6 hours before the libation drink 50-100 grams of something good (vodka, brandy and so forth.) So way the body gets "vaccination" and time to develop catalytic converters to protect the brain (at first). It checked me repeatedly - works! Becomes more resistant and do not suffer in the morning!
Cabbage with yogurt
If the table has not been sauerkraut, after (or during) can be replenished with fresh, mixing it with yogurt and mash. Very useful and well sobering dish.
Another tip (fits only the male half, and though ...):
When I have a hangover happens I use KVZH principle, these three letters as the three components of Marxism, K-coffee,
In the tub,
It is advisable not to confuse the sequence, so:
You get up in the morning with a hangover in the mouth-ka-ka, his legs were shaking hands, my head hurts. Collect the remains of a fist will go into the bath and turn on the water temperature is determined on the wrist, turn the faucet while you can tolerate.
While filled with water, boil for coffee, it is desirable that a natural of grains, and stronger. All coffee is ready, with a mug and go lie down in the hot tub, yeah, do not forget to undress, if you have something to eat. 5-6 minutes lying down and relaxing, then take a drink of coffee and slow sips enjoying its aroma. (It is important that at this point, you are just a little have a taste for life.)
After the (already collected a little easier) you abruptly get up and turn on only cold water and a water jet start vigorously ground to particularly useful to massage whiskey nose (the hole where converge the nose and forehead), back of the head at the base of the skull (the hole where your spine is connected with his head, so it is useful to massage the eyeballs. Well, anatomy done now is very simple, gentle wake up his girlfriend or wife or girlfriend wife (who is at hand) and have sex with her. (That sex and not love like the love of the game in this state is very easy to imagine) It is desirable to repeat the last point of the recipe once or twice, and then good night's sleep.
If you are able and can make yourself an enema - to do before going to bed. Because of extreme intoxication and hangover - it is poisoning. The better you clean the body of toxins and booze - the easier it cope with what has already been absorbed into the blood.
Coffee + lemon + brandy
The recipe is simple: take a cup of hot coffee (if someone has a heart problem, you can use tea), throws back a slice of lemon (sugar - to taste), pour a couple tablespoons of brandy and the whole mixture is drunk hot. Warning for smokers: refrain from cigarettes after that at least 15-20 min., Or can backfire. Improved health occurs already during drinking the mixture. The truth is I was found a strange side effect after drinking this coffee-brandy mixture always somehow pulls much sleep that sometimes may be quite out of place (especially at work), but if you endure, somewhere in half an hour passes drowsiness.
"Bloody Mary in obschezhitski»
Ingredients: tomato paste, water - 200 gr., Vodka - 50 grams (do not mix)
Preparation: tomato paste to taste squeezed into a glass of water and stir to give a red drink, like tomato juice, add a glass of vodka and drink is stirred.
Bloody Eye
Known such prescription counter-hangover funds called "Cocktail Bloody Eye": a glass of tomato juice placed yolk (egg yolk with the juice not to interfere, let them float) continue to drink it all in one gulp. It must be said that the means have never been tested since the juice drink in the evening ... but if you wake up in the tomato field next to the chicken coop, you can try ... :). Never fill sushnyak plain water, even if nothing more than to have a drink and money on the normal "fire extinguisher" no. Sushnyak will not work, and will be even worse!
Lemon ice
I can not share :)
From morning to kill the hangover quite nicely in the following manner:
1 large cup of stuffing ice
2. throw back a slice of lemon
3. Void pour mineral water (Narzan, Yasnogorsk Biba shorter does not matter, not mineral water).
4. You look at it all exactly one minute (by the hour) that it may samoohladilos.
5. After a long time you drink.
6. Transition to claim 1
Observe sequence
One elderly man advised - I checked and approve. Often on a table stand and vodka, and cognac. And their effect on the body is different! Drink vodovku first, and then polish the cognac - the consequences will be far less sad!
More vitamins
In the morning:
Two aspirin + 3 liters of mineral water (stretch before lunch). At lunch - fruit or juice. You can not much high-calorie food.
Medical prescription
Medical prescription, but proved to themselves (in experiments the animals did not suffer :))
In the morning, or better to say after the event, to use a higher dose of activated charcoal tablets. Then 10-15 minutes to drink all you like cucumber and sour cabbage pickle, you can even eating a cucumber. The procedure is preferably carried out near room zadsedany and communicating with the press. If you repeat the procedure several times, then the head is not worried, and very different place. Then go to visit other participants rygaty. Greetings from the big hangover!
Nuisance ...
Good times !!! I want to be very interesting podetsya their supervision, but not only based on my experience I would express :-) libations in the best traditions of recipes from a hangover, but warned that this recipe is only observation, not past due on stage inspections sufficient "test" :-) ... But it is quite interesting.
& quot; ... If you were to mix vodka with beer, which happens quite often and, moreover, vodka and wine Other options "cocktails" hehe. Alya "Kiss Aunt Clara, the force», & quot; Bitches Brew & quot; or "Tear Komsomol" (see. venechkom unforgettable Yerofeyev), in this case, "aggravate" ie are mixed all that is at hand, and in the store, cough.
If you really "are mixed", that will not be worse, but !!!, here is a variant of the resurrection from the dead is possible. & Quot; This recipe has passed a scientific basis in the person of Dr. Kochkina, but only applies strictly voluntary and addressed to those who honor the memory venechkom and follow his call - if we drink, to explore this process fully, so as not to turn the creative process into a banal booze, for & quot; ... in the morning I was cowardly and weak for the evening - what in me the abyss !!! & quot;
With a very strong repolarization is better not to drink beer, mineral water and steep. I prefer "Mirgordskuyu." But everyone can choose for themselves. Nothing, that after a while you'll scare the toilet (that's you scare him, but he is not you), but Horsch ochitites, and appetite will be.
I read a lot of your recipes, but the best and check it: After a hearty herring without drinking before going to bed to drink half a liter of milk is necessary, in the morning you will be perplexed, and whether or not yesterday booze. Will be as good as new, nothing hurts. Use.
Hangover sound
The corresponding rank Tea Party should be accompanied by a chant or end add-on. And who of us have heard the bells ringing in the morning, trying to understand ... and such? The bells, they say, heals. A Russian folk songs? Songs of our women, as well as any amount of alcohol in the morning - can bring up any. Moreover, Russian folk melodies ennoble any company. A song in the morning - it's almost a massage.
Imagine - "a huge table, spiked with candles" - a lot of guests, all words and all. Drink, such as the over, but the discrepancy guest does not come, and here comes into force a law of accumulation - all still want to express - but not everyone can. (And not a chemical you - the number!). If at this moment to arrange a chant; who may be of the women (if any) will tighten that be popular ... view all huddled in the present uncertain point. when it is possible to avoid some of the hassles, etc. :) And the main thing: the consumption of alcohol ends with chants (although it may blame the Tea Party) SOUND ennobles our women folk melodies, leads ... but what's there - in the morning easy.! 02/06/2000 fifth hour, almost morning - they're singing. Poor neighbors.
Enjoy Your Bath!!!
The method known. Bouncer broom hops from the body for a long time was a purely Russian tradition. But in any case it is impossible to overdo it - steam can greatly strain the cardiovascular system and it is unknown how it will affect the already ravaged body. When shortness of breath and heart failure, rhythm fun with a broom and steam better stop. Doctors tend to benefit even before the Russian sauna bath. Hot and dry air will remove the hangover relative safety. But around the need moderation. After a bath or sauna - alkaline mineral water type "Borjomi", hot strong tea with sugar or lemon. The only inconvenience pair hangover - after bathhouse can be no labors.
Thanks to medical
retseptik zaveduyuchego from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology MGMI othodnyaka from the morning: a cup of strong, hot, sweet tea much baralgina + tablet + tablet furosemide (Lasix).
There is such a thing called "Spirulina" is a kind of alga. For sale in pharmacies and looks like a powder greenish-gray color, removes toxins from the body and has a bunch more medicinal properties, they say that if in the morning after a stormy booze consumed a third of a teaspoon and drink water, good hangover cures. I have not tested the recipe.
"Musketeers broom»
Camoe the best that has been thought up to opohmelku or more precisely to clean our poor bowel after a heavy drinking - is "Musketeers broom»:
- 2 pieces of sauerkraut
- 1 part fresh cabbage
nashinkovanoy - 1 part of grated carrots
- Half cup cucumber pickle
Stir and consume ... 15-20 minutes will be sitting on the toilet and emptied safely ... PS Sagittarius toilet was not ...
Raw cereal
This thing is all unique: it can be and how ispolzvat normal meal. Raw cereal (ovsyannae, wheat and so on but not necessarily the category "Extra") pour yogurt or fermented baked milk at the rate of 1st. spoon flakes 100g. kefir. You can pokislit, posaharit, someone like that. In spring and summer, you can add fresh herbs. Although, to give a couple of hours of infusion.
Testing nationality
The fact that opohmelku - a purely individual characteristics of each individual. Some individuals have a weight of an enzyme produced by the liver, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (what I wrote). Therefore, after a stormy night or day there are no problems - a huge amount of this enzyme with no problems coping with alcohol in the body, splitting it into harmless substances (which I do not remember exactly, but in the book is a reluctance to climb). Objects that are not lucky and they do not have sufficient reserves of this enzyme, which is caused by individual genetic characteristics, the morning is very hard because C2H5OH stayed in their body. What to do: washed, takes a sip, lie down. But here comes another problem: C2H5OH is in the habit of consuming it again. Therefore Chukotka so quickly and becomes an inveterate drunkard. All in the genes! - A lack of the enzyme. So genetically Russian nation has developed a resistance to alcoholism. Drink too much, obviously, those whose genes are not splashing pure Russian blood, and with someone's impurity.
"Morning Happiness»
Once with a friend in the morning on arrival at the institute, we found a most unpleasant symptoms of drunkenness to gluuubokoy night polutorachasovoga sleep and standby attestation work (which the beginning of the night and tried to prepare). The result - headache and muscle pain, pain in the eyes, the almost complete lack of presence in reality. Well, not very nice. And saved us the following:
Two cups of coffee with lemon (plentiful), than at first - no sugar, the second - with ~ 2lozhechki (sweet). And all this is to drink mixed with half a bottle of light beer unsweetened. For every 60-70 kg weight of the victim;)
15 minutes after the start of treatment, we were able to move themselves realized. After another 15 minutes - to speak and think without significant hesitation.
It helps to put himself in a dignified sense of Armenian dishes like hash. Armenians, it should be noted, Orthodox people, and therefore, unlike the Muslim southerners that the Koran forbids communication with the Green Serpent, have strong skills postalkogolnoy combat depression. One of the methods of Armenian war drums with a hangover was and remains a hash. The recipe is quite simple, but requires long-term training. To prepare Hashanah is necessary to take a big chunk of cow legs. Preferably with the thickest brain Mosley. Thoroughly rinse and toss it in the pan. Cover with water and cook. No need to add salt. Cook should be long and hard, for at least six hours that way. Once the brew comes in ready to use, remove Mosul, separate the meat, cut into the bone (knocking out her brains) give dogs (if any), and all the rest back into the pan.