9 ways to get rid of a hangover
Twenty four million seven hundred seventy four thousand three hundred eleven
Most drinkers will tell you that the best cure for a hangover is drinking in the morning alcohol.
In this case, someone limited to a glass of beer, and someone starts to lean on the stronger drinks that ends at the same story in the morning. Pohmelitsy, you can immediately feel the relief. This is because alcohol is a great analgesic.
However, such a method of treatment of toxic substances in your body will be even greater. The consequences can be dire. So if you can't stand the pain, it is better to drink a couple of SIPS of beer, but no more.
Thus, a hangover is not just the consequences of a fun evening. It is, first and foremost, a signal to your body that the amount of alcohol that you drink, is unacceptable.
So it's better if you to control yourself and not drink everything is on the table. Then a hangover you don't worry.
Try to eat plenty of fluids, because under the influence of alcohol your body is dehydrated. At restoring the balance of substances in the body have a positive effect beverages containing vitamin C.
Sixty one million six hundred seventy four thousand nine hundred sixty six
1.It can be juice or broth hips. You can simply water, preferably mineral, to dissolve a small amount of lemon juice. Most popular liquid for a hangover is a cucumber pickle. The use of such tools is justified, because it normalizes water-salt balance.
2.In addition, a good helping of dairy products such as kefir or fermented baked milk. A constant flow of fluid in the body will improve your circulation, which will contribute to the rapid excretion of toxic substances.
3.Relieve your condition may fruit juice from apples, oranges or pomegranates. These drinks contain large amounts of fructose. It will help to neutralize alcohol in the body. These same properties, and honey. So a few spoonfuls of this sweet money will definitely not be superfluous for you.
4.When alcohol, ethyl alcohol indicates a huge irritant effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. That is why frequent symptoms of a hangover are nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. To restore the normal functioning of the digestive system will help a steaming mug of broth. It is not necessary to stand at the stove and cook chicken. You can just dissolve in hot water cube, which probably has among the home of spices.
5.Strong coffee or lemon tea will improve blood circulation and help you regain your strength. The drink should be sweet. However, if you feel that your condition is from a fluid deteriorates, it is better to abandon it. So your body this method of treatment hangover does not fit.
6.Break in the Cup one egg, add a few drops of vinegar, a little salt and pepper. All this mix thoroughly and drink in one gulp. Instead of pepper you can apply a small amount of ketchup or tomato juice. This method helps a great many people.
7.In hot milk add a little castor oil. Once the drink has cooled a bit, it also has to be drink in one gulp.
8.Sauerkraut or a glass of kvass in the morning after a holiday will help restore the balance of minerals in the body and, accordingly, to alleviate your condition.
9.Some people with hangover face cold. In this case, to ease breathing, you need to clean the sinuses. For this you can use special drops that are sold in every pharmacy. You can get a nose aloe juice, rinse with saline or breathe in the vapors over the boiling water in which you have dissolved a little salt.
Source: /users/1077