What would be a good idea for us to borrow animals

"Certainly, man, if feels like the pinnacle of creation — a being in the physical sense is extremely fragile, says Nikolai Drozdov, Professor of MSU, doctor of biological Sciences, host of "animal planet". - Yes, we in principle do not need to be able to run with the speed of a Cheetah — that's what we managed to invent an airplane and high speed train. There is no need for us to be able to raise the nose of gravity — we have created a crane and other construction equipment. And the voice is loud, like an elephant, we don't need — we relate to each other phones and computers. But something to keep animals, we would do well". What? We have listed the most obvious, we lost.
To read the thoughts of each other.Elephants in minute nervous shock bring to mind each other's trunks. It is assumed that in this way they are able to quickly share knowledge.

The ability to sacrifice. Cat, feeling the approach of death, try to hide or even to leave home. So do some wild animals. For example, wolves, the part of the felines. This step, bordering on self-sacrifice, because a weakened animal may attack, — allows members of the "family" not to waste energy on protection and feeding of the dying.
There are no other children.Almost all species of animals are able to adopt other people's Pets. We will not mention those rare occasions when a domestic dog nurses kittens. But straying from its herd, the baby elephant will be adopted by another herd, and the chosen female will assume without question a mother's duties in full, until ready to sacrifice life for the sake of the baby. A lost human baby will feed not only wild dogs, but also deer herd. Proven.

Discipline. It is difficult to imagine the wolf-revolutionary. In pack hierarchy, as noted by another Kipling, each animal has a clear role, and most importantly the punishment for it is banishment. Of course, animals have no ability for introspection and philosophizing that doesn't allow them to reach our level of development. But they have the ability to obey and follow orders, that sometimes it is necessary for the survival of not only individuals, but communities of animals in General.

To improve species diversity. The seals males much more than women. Therefore, the DOE annually changes of the male, allowing him to educate the young born in their marriage. Re-be husband the same females at the seal has no chance. Therefore, at the end of the season males often commit the attempted murder of a friend — so she wouldn't get another. Of course, from the point of view of human morality such flighty females deserve censure. Nevertheless, this approach allows the seals to endlessly improve the breed, constantly bringing to it a variety. The people in the choice of the partner of the first violin playing men. The financial aspect is: the richer the man, the more he has children from different ladies.
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