Poslenovogodnyaya fun ..

They say if you woke up with a hangover, you looked in the mirror and found no one there, then you - irresistible. Hangover - a long-standing problem and many times described. Vladimir Dal in an explanatory dictionary gave the following definition: "a hangover - the human condition when he was drunk, sobering up by drinking from; nausea, headache, and a new urge to intoxicating. " In Russia, this state is also called "bird disease" or hangover.
10th place: Russian "hangover": in the dictionary Dahl gives the following meaning of the word - "brute izvazhennaya hit the horn, or more than a poke." Now the word is not called the beast, and the corresponding state.
9th place: Estonians did just - we have borrowed the word pohmelus.
8th place: The French drink to the state «guelle de bois» - wooden snout or sick shag (mal aux cheveux).
7th place: The Germans traditionally drunk before the cat howling (katzenjammer) or sulfur woes (das graue Elend).
6th place: The Portuguese clearly feel very thirsty, their «ressaca» translated as "rollback surf" (or sea tide), the Spaniards are similar in their feelings. In Spanish: tener resaca - literally - "to receive sludge, returned tide».
5th place: In the Norwegian head the morning after the holiday there are carpenters in the head (jeghar tommermenn).
4th: Musical Italians drink up to stonato - breach of musical structure or spranghetta dopo la sbornia - «serious condition after intoxication».
3rd place: British the morning afte & quot; - The next morning - and hangover (meaning of the word is close to our "hung") closest to the Russian hangover.
2nd place: In Japan, heavy hangover called almost un-American, "Monday blues", while the Americans characterize this particular state, as "the wrath of grapes».
1st place: Serbian untranslatable "mamurlyuk" still can be interpreted as "the one who looks at you from the mirror in the morning." In Mexico, the hangover is called el crudo (crudo) - and has long been anyone and could not be translated.