50 things every man should do in his life
Usually, making lists of what they wanted to do in life, people write all sorts of nonsense. There's either obvious, or show off. Sex on the plane is boring. The Burning man festival is stupid. Mardi Gras is not as good as everyone thinks. To grow a beard a breeze. Running with the bulls and the conquest of the mountain peaks — better not. Here is a list of things every man should do at least once in your life.
1. Bring your body back in order. There is nothing to argue about.
2. Prepare an exquisite dinner for close friends.
3. Work as a bartender.
4. Make yourself a luxurious gift (for example, a sports car or a nice watch) on some significant occasion.
5. Swim naked, preferably in company.
6. Hire someone to work.
7. Thank you someone.
8. Get drunk as a skunk in Yangon, Kashgar, Zanzibar, Tokyo and Nashville.
9. Take a pet from a shelter.
10. Offered a beer veteran.
11. Read "the Brothers Karamazov" and "don Quixote".
12. Gallop on horses gallop.
13. Shoot from machine gun.
14. Tell one of your best friends, they did not approve of his bride.
15. Give back the bully.
16. You live abroad.
17. Make a large risky investment.
18. Try you-know-what-but-we-not-about-this-to write.
19. Tell your partner what you really want in bed.
20. Buy a tuxedo before 30 years and save the figure in order to get.
21. Visit the Kentucky Derby, world Cup, Olympics or any other major sporting event of your choice.
22. Drive on the racetrack.
23. Surf.
24. Participate in the design and construction of your dream home.
25. Lie to when it will be easier to tell the truth.
26. Start children.
27. Swim with scuba diving.
28. Buy tickets in the first row, on the best places to kiss near the ropes, back behind the bench or get backstage. Do not upload photos to Instagram from there.
29. Call someone you have wronged in the past. Apologize.
30. Give such a tip to the waiter's eyes on the forehead climbed.
31. Take a trip somewhere to relax with dad.
32. Shake hands with the President.
33. Tear voice, rooting for your favorite team.
34. Accompany a loved person on chemo.
35. Show your son how to do a curveball.
36. Arrange a hike to the bars in Patpong (Bangkok). Don't get drunk before losing momentum. Believe me, not worth it.
37. Spend the night in jail. Until the termination of the case.
39. Get an enemy for life.
39. Go out on the boat in the open ocean.
40. You buy me a drink everyone in the bar.
41. Cut down the tree. Ax.
42. Spend your holiday alone.
43. Sign up for a program for adults.
44. Spontaneously buy a plane ticket and go abroad. Buy there clothes.
45. Learn to fly fish. It's cheaper than psychotherapy.
46. Visit a third world country. Remember, that much of the population lives their short lives.
Don't do this, not to hurt myself
The Beauty Of Hatred
47. Spend the night under the open sky. Purposefully. Preferably around a campfire.
48. Become the coach of a sports team your child.
49. Spend the day swinging a shovel under the hot sun. Let your obituary appeared in The Economist magazine. You don't have to be rich, famous or influential people.
50. Simply live an interesting life.published
Source: insider.pro/ru/lifestyle/2016-08-19/50-veshej-kotorye-kazhdyj-muzhchina-dolzhen-sdelat-v-svoej-zhizni/

1. Bring your body back in order. There is nothing to argue about.
2. Prepare an exquisite dinner for close friends.
3. Work as a bartender.
4. Make yourself a luxurious gift (for example, a sports car or a nice watch) on some significant occasion.
5. Swim naked, preferably in company.
6. Hire someone to work.
7. Thank you someone.
8. Get drunk as a skunk in Yangon, Kashgar, Zanzibar, Tokyo and Nashville.
9. Take a pet from a shelter.
10. Offered a beer veteran.

11. Read "the Brothers Karamazov" and "don Quixote".
12. Gallop on horses gallop.
13. Shoot from machine gun.
14. Tell one of your best friends, they did not approve of his bride.
15. Give back the bully.
16. You live abroad.
17. Make a large risky investment.
18. Try you-know-what-but-we-not-about-this-to write.
19. Tell your partner what you really want in bed.
20. Buy a tuxedo before 30 years and save the figure in order to get.

21. Visit the Kentucky Derby, world Cup, Olympics or any other major sporting event of your choice.
22. Drive on the racetrack.
23. Surf.
24. Participate in the design and construction of your dream home.
25. Lie to when it will be easier to tell the truth.
26. Start children.
27. Swim with scuba diving.
28. Buy tickets in the first row, on the best places to kiss near the ropes, back behind the bench or get backstage. Do not upload photos to Instagram from there.
29. Call someone you have wronged in the past. Apologize.
30. Give such a tip to the waiter's eyes on the forehead climbed.

31. Take a trip somewhere to relax with dad.
32. Shake hands with the President.
33. Tear voice, rooting for your favorite team.
34. Accompany a loved person on chemo.
35. Show your son how to do a curveball.
36. Arrange a hike to the bars in Patpong (Bangkok). Don't get drunk before losing momentum. Believe me, not worth it.
37. Spend the night in jail. Until the termination of the case.
39. Get an enemy for life.
39. Go out on the boat in the open ocean.
40. You buy me a drink everyone in the bar.

41. Cut down the tree. Ax.
42. Spend your holiday alone.
43. Sign up for a program for adults.
44. Spontaneously buy a plane ticket and go abroad. Buy there clothes.
45. Learn to fly fish. It's cheaper than psychotherapy.
46. Visit a third world country. Remember, that much of the population lives their short lives.
Don't do this, not to hurt myself
The Beauty Of Hatred
47. Spend the night under the open sky. Purposefully. Preferably around a campfire.
48. Become the coach of a sports team your child.
49. Spend the day swinging a shovel under the hot sun. Let your obituary appeared in The Economist magazine. You don't have to be rich, famous or influential people.
50. Simply live an interesting life.published
Source: insider.pro/ru/lifestyle/2016-08-19/50-veshej-kotorye-kazhdyj-muzhchina-dolzhen-sdelat-v-svoej-zhizni/