Acting on this point can be get rid of excess weight
This method of obesity treatment uses only one point. Adhering to this method, during the course of self-massage should not affect the other points.
Point Guan-yuan (see Fig.) is located on the midline of the abdomen 3 CUN below the umbilicus.
You need to lie on your back, push the point Guan-yuan pad of his thumb, a stick or a ballpoint pen with a smooth rounded end and rotating movement within 30 minutes. Pressure point corresponds to a harmonizing method.
The course of treatment lasts not less than 25 days.
Seventy five million eleven thousand one hundred fifty eight
This technique proved effective in 80% of cases, helping to relieve within 25 days from one to five pounds.
The best results were obtained in cases when the massage point was accompanied by a reasonable diet and exercise. published
"Acupressure for weight reduction", Irina Medvedev, Medvedev Alexander
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Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7596
Point Guan-yuan (see Fig.) is located on the midline of the abdomen 3 CUN below the umbilicus.
You need to lie on your back, push the point Guan-yuan pad of his thumb, a stick or a ballpoint pen with a smooth rounded end and rotating movement within 30 minutes. Pressure point corresponds to a harmonizing method.
The course of treatment lasts not less than 25 days.
Seventy five million eleven thousand one hundred fifty eight
This technique proved effective in 80% of cases, helping to relieve within 25 days from one to five pounds.
The best results were obtained in cases when the massage point was accompanied by a reasonable diet and exercise. published
"Acupressure for weight reduction", Irina Medvedev, Medvedev Alexander
Two are better than one: the second human brain
When tired feet, tired all the body: How to properly take care of your body
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7596