Powerful harmonizing point Qi Guan
The point Qi Guan, helps with pain in customerrormessage impact on the point Qi Guan has a therapeutic effect for rheumatism and joint pains.The strongest therapeutic effects of the point Qi Guan affects wrist and finger joints of the upper extremities, as well as, hip joint, knee and fingers of the lower extremities.
Point Qi-Kuan located on the inner surface of the tibia below the lower edge of the patella 2 CUN.
Point defined in the sitting position with a bent leg.
How to act on the acupuncture points?For acute pain and primary treatment shows the use of a light circular massage of the point that is the tip of the index finger. Duration of massage – from one to five minutes.
In case of chronic diseasesdepending on the patient's General condition, it is better and safer to use acupressure massage of medium strength. It is recommended that multiple massages during the day. Duration of acupressure to thirty seconds (depending on circumstances).
Strong pressuroy is produced mainly using the thumb, but in particular cases there are other options.
When the desired point was found on the body, with the tip of a forefinger or big toe slightly touching the skin, then you begin to make circular movements with your finger push the skin relative to the bone or muscle tissue in the rhythm of two turns per second.
We should pay attention to the fact that the finger remains on the same (necessary) point of the body.
For a symmetrical impact on the acupuncture points should be especially careful. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_4194

Point Qi-Kuan located on the inner surface of the tibia below the lower edge of the patella 2 CUN.
Point defined in the sitting position with a bent leg.
How to act on the acupuncture points?For acute pain and primary treatment shows the use of a light circular massage of the point that is the tip of the index finger. Duration of massage – from one to five minutes.
In case of chronic diseasesdepending on the patient's General condition, it is better and safer to use acupressure massage of medium strength. It is recommended that multiple massages during the day. Duration of acupressure to thirty seconds (depending on circumstances).
Strong pressuroy is produced mainly using the thumb, but in particular cases there are other options.
When the desired point was found on the body, with the tip of a forefinger or big toe slightly touching the skin, then you begin to make circular movements with your finger push the skin relative to the bone or muscle tissue in the rhythm of two turns per second.
We should pay attention to the fact that the finger remains on the same (necessary) point of the body.
For a symmetrical impact on the acupuncture points should be especially careful. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_4194