7 essential tips that will help you to communicate with aggressive people
Conflicts happen in everyone's life, and it is sometimes difficult to negotiate with someone. What if you just feel coming from the opponent's aggression and is about to explode by themselves?
Fortunately, there are some really useful steps that will help to solve the problem, and not to fall face in the dirt. Remember, will probably come in handy.
As the great Carlson (and was damn right), "calmness, only calmness!". Rave is completely useless, even if you feel like you're bursting with anger. Deep breath and a small workout will help to relieve tension and not to say the wrong thing.
Don't forget that everyone makes mistakes and you and your partner including. Try to imagine yourself in the place of the opponent and to look at the situation from his point of view — what would you feel? Perhaps, in his life story, and that is what causes anger and aggression.
Even if a person has a thousand reasons for aggression, don't let him throw it at you. Talk in an even tone and don't raise your voice. This will inspire confidence, not the desire to "drown" you. If the degree of dialogue is getting higher, don't forget to remind the interlocutor about mutual respect.
In conflict there is nothing easier than to snap back. Try to keep yourself and react to words of the interlocutor calmer. A little practice and soon you will be able to see something good even in the evil man.
Do not take insults, aggressive people close to my heart. Most use the pronoun "I" instead of "you" ("I feel", "I offended", "I feel angry" "I think"), try to have a dialogue to your "maturity" with his "maturity" — without insulting words, of provocations and accusations. This "adult" tone will blow the kicker out of the rut and force me to listen to you.
If a man possess emotions, already it does not matter how strong the argument is in his hands. Say only what you believe, and most focus to clearly explain their position. Don't forget that truth is subjective — look for the original unifying meaning, that is what is behind the words.
If your conversation is more like a quarrel and to establish communication fails, discharge the situation, and enable a sense of humor. Set a man to smile, to laugh at the situation and you will disarm him at the same moment, erasing the remnants of aggression and anger.
Translation Of The Website
According to the materials of brightside.me
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