15 cases, when mom was really right

Remember, as in childhood often did not listen to the advice of their parents and considered them dull, boring and completely wrong? Then it seemed to us that the whole world is against us, and the mother just does not understand our problems. Only as adults, we finally realize that mom was always right.
The website has gathered for you the most intelligent and wise motherly advice that turned out to be true.
Some friends can really bad for you to influence

Probably everyone in childhood was a friend occasionally glancing disapprovingly our mother. "This girl has on you bad influence!" was all she said. And it was right most likely. Trust not only my intuition, but my mom's hunches.
This guy is not worth your time spent

In some situations, your mother may be the last person on earth that you want to hear about your personal life. However, many years later, most likely, it turns out that mom was right.
There's no need to shake people dirty Laundry

We often Express our opinion on the pages of social networks, do not hesitate in expressing their feelings. But sometimes you should think twice before you post. Listen to mom and take out the dirty linen in public.
In 40 years you this piercing is not useful

Usually our parents are strongly against radical changes in our appearance. I want a tattoo or piercing in the response from moms we often hear that there are other things that are more important than appearance. And she's right.
You are what you eat

In childhood we often refused to eat useful and healthy food, but I loved coke and chips. Today we recognize that broccoli is useful and even tasty! We finally realized that healthy food means a healthy stomach and a fresh Outlook. And then my mother too was right.
You have the power to change your life for the better

If you were in a desperate situation — don't despair! Your life is in your hands. You get from life exactly what you put into it. Even in the darkest times you can find happiness, the main thing is to emit light. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
Stand up for yourself

No one will take care of you better than you do. The admission of guilt and taking responsibility, leadership qualities and the ability to stand up for themselves — it is these qualities of character are laid by our parents in childhood, and then transferred into adulthood.
Put away some money for a "rainy day"

Remember, thanks to the "stash" in any emergency you will always be able to quickly solve the problem. This can be damage to the plumbing or emergency repairs of the apartment — in any case, if you haven't started to save for a "rainy day", start now.
Find someone who actually listens to you

The ability to listen is not just to sit in front of the interlocutor with an open mouth. Is the ability to give weight and meaning to your companion. Of all human skills the ability to listen is one of the most difficult. Practice and you will succeed.
Trust me man, even if he may be wrong

Yes, even the most naughty student in the class or harmful to the colleague at work. You never know who people really are. So try to be really open and nice to people, even if they think something is wrong.
Work hard and bring it on myself

For any person to achieve success without assistance, its feasible labour — one of the greatest achievements in life. The main thing — to always strive for more, and eventually you'll become a person who can solve problems without anyone's help.
Not every battle's worth the fighting

In adult life, sometimes you have to deal with "fights", whether it's desired position or the one remaining dress in the store. Remember, not every battle is worth the nerves and effort. Find a compromise and try to choose those "fights", in the victory which you are 100% sure.
Learn how to talk about their feelings

The ability to Express their thoughts will help you avoid conflicts with people. For example, try to use in their arguments the word "I". This means that instead of saying to someone: "You were a real jerk", say "I feel frustrated".
A good pair of boots is what you need

Very often the mother told us: not everything that is beautiful, comfortable. And we have fought to fashion, buying uncomfortable heels. And even as we got older, mom still is interested in what we go warm in the winter and if we have boots.
Time heals

No matter how corny it sounded, but it really works. No matter how much we suffered as a child because of the twos and unrequited love, time passed and we crossed over it. Do not forget that after ten years, and today's minor setback will be just one of your memories.
Photo on preview El Deseo S. A.
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