Be sure to exile himself from the "aunt" and turn the girl !!!

"- The syndrome of" aunt "you will not read in any of the medical reference Though in life it represents a very real phenomenon: the state of discouragement, grumbling, fatigue, multiplied by the extinct view, asexuality and unwillingness to dream Edakii cocktail negativity and suffering from this disease... unfortunately, among us a lot ...
Once I started up "aunt" in me. Not right away. At first, she "ran just a minute" my light, reckless, but at the same time strong, confident "inner girl". This occurred in the form of "out of nowhere who took" sagging thrift, commitment to cleaning and washing. But most importantly - in the form of grunts at home, "that no one, except for me, in this house does not need anything." But the "inner girl" quickly deport overstayers guest. And everything again becomes easy and fun.
True, after the birth of her son intruders began to look to me more often, hiding under the social masks encouraged by a sense of duty and responsibility. After the birth of her daughter, "aunt" had moved me for ever. Roughly, and cynically. With all belongings - sadness, melancholy, boredom, thrifty and being overweight.
She has audited in the house and put his hand tight the door girlish wardrobe and quite Pelevin forbidden to wear shoes with heels. When I timidly suggested to go to the lingerie shop, "aunt" was relentless: "Where ?! The son is not the overalls! ".
Every day, she boldly giving directions to the house, from which the children were less likely to laugh, friends - come to visit, and my husband is whispering in your ear all sorts of tenderness. But one sunny spring day in my "inner girl" something jumped: life became unbearable. Having bought the boots on a hairpin and repainted in a bright-red color, I was kicked out of his house evil thick economic "aunt" with its soup, grumbling, fatigue and a sense of duty.
And he wrote for himself the commandments to fight syndrome "aunt»:
Commandment 1: Do all things with ease and love
As philosophers say, that inside, then outside. If you are happy about the world, enjoying every minute of life, and become outwardly beautiful, attractive: and for others, and for luck. Your good mood, like the ripples extend to all who are near. Only the "aunt" forget that happy mom - happy children with happy wives - husbands happy.
Commandment 2: Erect ladies delight in rank vital Remember the song from the movie "Midshipmen, forward!". "Smart is not born a cunning secret male mind - either there or not. Women's beauty - another matter, it will come with time .. "So what do we" make our money, "pampering yourself various women's tricks - perfume from Chanel, thong with rhinestones and an annual subscription to" Natalie "? Femininity! Charm! Coquetry! The ability to drive one crazy! No "tёtkovosti". Only the feeling that you're still hoo. Regardless of age!
Commandment 3: I am nothing to anyone should not
a sense of duty ( "I have", "I need") should be spent on a range of mental health. Classics of the genre: I hate to cook (washing, cleaning), but obliged. And instead of simply refuse unloved cases raping myself irritated at all, becoming embittered "aunt." Although "all" is not to blame: they did not ask me the same three o'clock ugorayu in the kitchen to please their five course meal? From childhood instilled with the belief that without a hearty borscht husband will run away, and the children will die of hunger, you need to get rid of! The heroine of the movie "You can not dream" on the tediousness homeroom teacher: "My girl, when you grow up, you will have a husband. You will understand how good it is when a person has a sense of duty, "he replied as follows:" And in my opinion, only love is able to manage everything. "
Commandment 4: I do not care what people will say.
The main thing - what about yourself think I
But currently it is only necessary to think well. And if anyone thinks differently - that's his problem. About that, "Shaw Luda will say" experiencing only "aunt." "Girls", as Castaneda warriors "seeking perfection only in his own eyes." Straight back, tripping, chin raised: does anyone doubt that you - the goddess, well, flawless, happy woman? No! And by the way, will be less then the gossip.
Commandment 5: high heels and sexy outfits, even with children in their arms - yes! A shopping bag and shapeless clothes even in the absence of her husband - no
! Did you know that the largest number of used lipstick ... guess not! Women Arab Emirates. Long could not understand - why? They go in a burqa! It turns out that simple! We women give himself up when they go out into the street, at work, on a visit. When her husband go to the robes, without hair, no makeup - in general, know yourself. And they have the opposite. For people oriental lady and can not preen, but at home - with her husband and friends - they look like a queen. The golden rule, is not it? Only the "aunts" say "no strength", "tired", "busy", "do not want to." "Girls" include imagination, leaf "Kama Sutra", engaged in Tantra, Taoist sexual practices, Arabic dances.
Commandment 6: Women's mission - not to serve and inspire man
! My father said that from their wives, who perfectly prepared and well-washed shirts, husbands do not go away. He had three (!) Wife. All perfectly cooked and washed ... He did not understand a simple thing: a housewife and wife - it's not the same thing. First - Concerned about the economy, with a scoop and an apron. The second - is able to "elevate" the life, to become a muse, inspiration, family, a think tank in the end - all that you want - just do not "aunt"!
Commandment 7: I am, and already this is enough for joy
! Another such is not and there will be no-COH-da! Agree criminally feel miserable, to kill a daily, often far-fetched problems unique identity and become a bore!
Expel intruders, I again began to love and enjoy, at times making crazy things and shopping. I can spend all the money in the beauty salon - without remorse for the half-empty refrigerator. My husband just said with mock reproach: "Oh, these women!" And lovingly stroked my luxurious tresses. I go down in the white jeans with a children's slides with little son and draw with chalk on the pavement. Who says that adult women can not? "Aunt"?! I mind showing her tongue ... and go to roller skate! "
author: A. Krasouski