10 ways to make coffee is better than in the restaurant

To cook really good coffee, you need to know some tricks, which the Website willingly shares with you.
Mix half a teaspoon of sugar cane to coffee, a little warm up on low heat, and only then pour in the water. < Sugars caramelize and give the drink a unique taste and flavor. To pour coffee without sludge , add a teaspoon of cold water in Turku with coffee and wait half a minute. Coffee grounds settle to the bottom and drink can be spilling no straining. Iced coffee on a hot day, what could be better? But instead of ice cubes, that spoil the taste of the beverage, it is better to use special coffee cubes
In combination with spices coffee becomes simply delightful! Put in Turku with the ground coffee a little cardamom, ginger, nutmeg or cinnamon stick and heat over low heat. < Drink great smelling spices. 2-3 small crystal of salt added to the coffee, will enhance the flavor of the beverage and slightly soften its taste. If you want to most intense and tart taste , remove the Turk from the heat as soon as the coffee starts to boil and rise. Remove the foam mix of coffee and then put on fire. Desirably repeat this three times. Coffee can not only drink, but it is! For example, in the form of coffee ice cream , which is nice to refresh you on a hot summer day, and cook it is very simple.

To the coffee has become more soft and velvety taste , add it during cooking half a teaspoon of butter. If you prefer coffee without caffeine, add the cardamom seed Turk 2-3. This spice breaks down the caffeine without altering the useful features of the coffee, and gives the drink a spicy aroma. In order to grind grain better disclosed their flavor and aroma, calcined coffee in Turku half a minute, without adding water. Based on materials housebeautiful,
See also:
6 recipes for coffee, for which you want to wake up
10 cool ways to make iced coffee
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/10-krutyh-sposobov-sdelat-holodnyj-kofe-1291365/
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