Legendary Burpee exercise: a record number of burning calories!
Those of our readers who buy fitness magazines and read blogs on fitness, already used here and there to see this strange word - "burpee" (sometimes translated as yet Burpoe)
. What lies beneath it, and how effective this exercise? We investigated here and now. After this article, we will ensure that you put the laptop aside and make a few Burpee!
Burpee (burpee) perfect in its simplicity and directness. Nothing fancy and sophisticated, easy to memorize, easy to repeat, you can carry wherever you want.
Asked what specific impact Burpee has on the body, it should be noted that during exercise the necessary load get all the joints and muscles. You literally feel that iznemozhen, after a few approaches. Hardest working the muscles of the upper body, abdominals, as well as calf and gluteal muscles.
However, the main reason for the popularity Burpee exercise is the ability to record burning calories and a significant increase in endurance. Besides Burpee can be used as an effective interval cardio training: just do a two-minute break after each set of 30 seconds Burpee
. Technique exercises Burpee
It's very simple - follow GIFCA:
1. sit down, resting his hands on the floor -. Starting position
2. Jumping make moving legs back and take a position for push-ups.
3. Immediately return the leg to the starting position.
4. From the starting position to jump as high as possible.
To carry out the above sequence of operations is necessary as soon as possible. Just a few minutes of training will prove that the load from its own weight - it is very, very effective
! Burpee Exercise extra load
The body has to get used to the property vile load. How to avoid it? In time complicate the exercise!
1. With a classic push-ups. During the stop lying performed push-ups.
2. by prying wave. During the stop lying performed push-wave.
3. tightening. During the jump you need to grab the horizontal bar and pull himself up.
4. jogging in place. While running on the spot, at specified intervals is necessary to perform the Burpee.
Burpee Exercise to practice
Modern experts have developed several systems Burpee for people with different backgrounds:
1. For beginners. Performs two-minute rounds in four stages, with a rest period of not more than one minute between each dose.
2. The average level. Performs two-minute rounds in six receptions, with a rest period of one minute.
3. High level. Performs three-minute rounds in six receptions, with one minute of rest in between.
4. The mode for the most experienced. It performed in strict accordance with the high level of reduced only rest time - thirty seconds
. Benefits Burpee
1. Strength. Burpee trains all the muscles at once, making the human body is much stronger. Each exercise gives a great burden on the arms, legs, hips, and the press, resulting in all those parts of the body in perfect condition.
2. Burning fat. During the Burpee tightens the whole body. Moreover, it relates to high intensity exercise, whereby there is a process more effective burning of fat. According to studies, Burpee burn 50% more fat than any weight training. Moreover, it greatly accelerate metabolism, which increases the efficiency of the daily calorie burning. That is why - this is an excellent option for those who need to lose weight
. 3. Maintaining the form. Most people spend countless hours in the gym. It is necessary for them to order to bring your body in perfect shape. Undoubtedly, it looks not bad, but the good of these muscles is not great when overweight face. Burpee Exercise - this is the most effective exercise to get rid of excess weight, as well as the development of endurance and energy, which are so necessary to overcome various obstacles
. Burpee with Jumping
4. sparingly. To regularly Burpee exercise there is no need to pay for a gym, swimming pool or a personal trainer. All that is needed - this body, smooth surface, and of course a great desire
. 5. No restrictions. Burpee can be done anywhere - at home, in the gym, in the park or any other place
. 6. Anaerobic performance. Burpee improve anaerobic performance and endurance of the body. As a result, regular Burpee you will increase your own lung capacity, improve heart function, will become faster and stronger.
If you want to lose weight and at the same time keep yourself in great shape, Burpee - great. No cost, minimum time spent, moderate exercise for a very short time can give an incredibly slender body and a healthy appearance.
. What lies beneath it, and how effective this exercise? We investigated here and now. After this article, we will ensure that you put the laptop aside and make a few Burpee!

Burpee (burpee) perfect in its simplicity and directness. Nothing fancy and sophisticated, easy to memorize, easy to repeat, you can carry wherever you want.
Asked what specific impact Burpee has on the body, it should be noted that during exercise the necessary load get all the joints and muscles. You literally feel that iznemozhen, after a few approaches. Hardest working the muscles of the upper body, abdominals, as well as calf and gluteal muscles.
However, the main reason for the popularity Burpee exercise is the ability to record burning calories and a significant increase in endurance. Besides Burpee can be used as an effective interval cardio training: just do a two-minute break after each set of 30 seconds Burpee
. Technique exercises Burpee

It's very simple - follow GIFCA:
1. sit down, resting his hands on the floor -. Starting position
2. Jumping make moving legs back and take a position for push-ups.
3. Immediately return the leg to the starting position.
4. From the starting position to jump as high as possible.
To carry out the above sequence of operations is necessary as soon as possible. Just a few minutes of training will prove that the load from its own weight - it is very, very effective
! Burpee Exercise extra load
The body has to get used to the property vile load. How to avoid it? In time complicate the exercise!
1. With a classic push-ups. During the stop lying performed push-ups.
2. by prying wave. During the stop lying performed push-wave.
3. tightening. During the jump you need to grab the horizontal bar and pull himself up.
4. jogging in place. While running on the spot, at specified intervals is necessary to perform the Burpee.
Burpee Exercise to practice
Modern experts have developed several systems Burpee for people with different backgrounds:
1. For beginners. Performs two-minute rounds in four stages, with a rest period of not more than one minute between each dose.
2. The average level. Performs two-minute rounds in six receptions, with a rest period of one minute.
3. High level. Performs three-minute rounds in six receptions, with one minute of rest in between.
4. The mode for the most experienced. It performed in strict accordance with the high level of reduced only rest time - thirty seconds
. Benefits Burpee
1. Strength. Burpee trains all the muscles at once, making the human body is much stronger. Each exercise gives a great burden on the arms, legs, hips, and the press, resulting in all those parts of the body in perfect condition.
2. Burning fat. During the Burpee tightens the whole body. Moreover, it relates to high intensity exercise, whereby there is a process more effective burning of fat. According to studies, Burpee burn 50% more fat than any weight training. Moreover, it greatly accelerate metabolism, which increases the efficiency of the daily calorie burning. That is why - this is an excellent option for those who need to lose weight
. 3. Maintaining the form. Most people spend countless hours in the gym. It is necessary for them to order to bring your body in perfect shape. Undoubtedly, it looks not bad, but the good of these muscles is not great when overweight face. Burpee Exercise - this is the most effective exercise to get rid of excess weight, as well as the development of endurance and energy, which are so necessary to overcome various obstacles
. Burpee with Jumping
4. sparingly. To regularly Burpee exercise there is no need to pay for a gym, swimming pool or a personal trainer. All that is needed - this body, smooth surface, and of course a great desire
. 5. No restrictions. Burpee can be done anywhere - at home, in the gym, in the park or any other place
. 6. Anaerobic performance. Burpee improve anaerobic performance and endurance of the body. As a result, regular Burpee you will increase your own lung capacity, improve heart function, will become faster and stronger.
If you want to lose weight and at the same time keep yourself in great shape, Burpee - great. No cost, minimum time spent, moderate exercise for a very short time can give an incredibly slender body and a healthy appearance.
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