10 "holes" through which flows away your strength

What are the actions of a person he makes himself weak and wasting your vitality:
1. Incomplete, not finished dela.Vsyaky time, when you take over any business, you start something, but not until the end of the arguments, wasting not only material resources. The mind, like a computer, is hanging unclosed process that is not understood, but time devours attention and energy.
This includes: a promise and not do, to borrow, to start a business and quit, take on cases beyond our strength
2.. Lying to others and himself sebe.Kogda person is lying, he has to spend a lot of energy to maintain the fictional images. In addition, the curved flow between the throat chakra and the heart chakra. Because they say "hypocrite." From the lies she really bends.
What should be eradicated: the hypocrisy, self-deception, trying to appear to be what are not a
3.. Insults, isolation, and any other form of samoizolyatsii.Chelovek - an open energy system. And if it is isolated, it will weaken. Similarly as in the blockade of the city, the country or port. Isolate physically, economically or even awareness of any object - and it will begin to wither
. When this happens when you refuse from kinship, forget ancestors despise their native land and homeland, from insults to people, life or anything else. When a person is not included in any community or group of people, it also weakens. Loss of communication with God or their cultural egregore - it is also a loss of energy
4.. Fear, mistrust, vrazhdebnost.Ot unnecessary fear and distrust there is the same as for the offense. In addition, the consumption of energy resources in vain, because the body is always in war mode, and is ready to fight or flee. It's exhausting.
5. Physical, emotional or informational overload or lack of exercise and contact with nature, pereohlazhdenie.Kogda man loads himself with work or experiences beyond measure, it quickly dissipates its power. In the information processing by the brain takes a lot of energy at the empty feelings in vain spent adrenal hormones, which leads to kidney failure.
6. Wrong and insufficient son.Esli sleep at the wrong time, or lack of - the body can not fully recover their strength in a dream. Accumulating toxins slipping biorhythms, brain overloaded undigested information.
7. Overeating, alcohol intoxication, cigarettes, narkotikami.Zastavlyaet body wasting resources on neutralization and elimination of toxins. Peretruzhdaetsya nervous system, kidneys and intestines.
8. Excessive talking, inner dialogue in your mind, it suetlivost.Vam may seem insignificant, but in fact it takes on a tremendous amount of energy, often in vain. This becomes more noticeable after the practice of silence.
9. Diseases unhealed injury and any form of energy leaks, bad external circumstances, parasites and energy vampiry.Syuda are unpleasant and harmful people in the environment, geopathic zones, industrial pollution, injuries and other damages.
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