The evaporation of black holes
Given the fact that people liked our previous in which human language for the humanities and middle managers we talked about the theory of "imaginary time" Hawking, we decided gash another, and unscrupulous manner, in violation of all scientific approaches and traditions, to talk about that is, according to modern scholars, the evaporation of black holes.
2. The fact that a black hole (in space), we will not go to bat for a long time - all watch TV and know that this object is an incredibly large mass and small volume, which have the force of gravity is so strong that even the fast particle in the Universe - a photon - flying at the speed of light can not escape from a black hole.
3. It should be noted that the black hole has a boundary, after crossing which, from it will not break. This boundary is called the event horizon of a black hole. What's behind this border, no one knows, because the known laws of physics refuse to work in such places - where there are things called a dirty word "singularity." It's kind of like division by zero, only in physics. However, our educational program is not about the structure of black holes.
4. For a long time it was believed, they say, everything that falls into a black hole can not get from there, and the black hole will grow with time, absorbing the matter around and through the universe will indefinitely consist of a plurality of giant black holes (the collision of two black holes This amusing thing for any fantasy Astrophysics).
And here someone Hawking suddenly announced that black holes with time reduced in weight by ... what do you think? .. Due to evaporation.
Hawking has made an impossible thing in modern science: applied at the same time the theory of relativity and quantum physics - these are two scientific theories, oh, it does not play well with each other (both of which are proved). Apply, and showed how these two theories can explain the surprising phenomenon together: the evaporation of black holes.
5. Few people know, but modern science is convinced that the vacuum is not nothing, emptiness. A very interesting and sudden form of matter.
If you greatly increase the vacuum (in fact, we will never be able to do so technically), and significantly slow down over time, we see that the vacuum is not a vacuum, and the raging sea of substance. Boiling water, chaos, bedlam!
Vacuum - a huge number of particles of matter and antimatter, which interact with each other, collide with each other (annihilate) and generate new particles that annihilate again. The amount of energy of all the particles is zero, so we do not notice anything suspicious. Oh, I forgot to say that all this mess going on at least four-dimensional space (and according to some estimates - into a 13-dimensional).
The vacuum in the micro-micro-micro-level ... .mikro called the quantum foam and paint it for clarity somehow like this:
6. Under normal conditions, the vacuum is a vacuum of all - the emptiness from which nothing useful not take, because, it seems, is not in the nature of power and tools to tear vacuum in matter and antimatter.
But Hawking said - is such an opportunity! And the factory on the splitting of the vacuum is a black hole.
I will not tell why (it is necessary to pass the strict language textbooks: all there polarization, the second law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of energy, the Casimir effect and other pleasures eggheads), but at the boundary of the black hole quantum foam vacuum as it is ordered and there is an interesting chance vacuum is still divided on the matter and antimatter forever.
Here Hawking drew us to this process, but it seems clear picture him alone.
7. So close to the event horizon of a vacuum is split into particles and antiparticles, which in theory should immediately annihilate each other, but it prevents the black hole with his huge attraction. A particle with positive energy flies away from the black hole (as it has not crossed the border, then it has a good chance to shift away from the hole), and the particle with negative energy falls into a black hole.
And once the particle has a negative energy (anti-matter, she was, uh-huh), this reduces the particle energy of the black hole, and hence its weight (hello Einstein with his formula E = mc2). The black hole, having eaten antimatter begins to lose weight on the weight of this very antimatter.
Well, we see a particle with positive mass, fly away from a black hole, and it seems that the black hole emits them lose weight. That is kind of like a black hole evaporates naturally. This radiation, by the way, called "Hawking radiation."
8. Such are the cases.
It remains to add that the Hawking radiation has no experimentally discovered, although some little idea of its scientists are finding. But for this world must stop all wars, srachi wantonly "potreblyatstvo" and focus on the development of near-Earth space.
Secondly, the right way of thinking about the evaporation of black holes Hawking planted by Soviet scientists (wit us always on top, yes).
To date, the hypothesis of the evaporation of black holes has a number of significant issues, but in general, the theory seems very reasonable, and if ever she is confirmed, Hawking will be at the same level as Newton and Einstein for his services on the knowledge of the world.
Thank you for attention. Comments on the literacy campaign in the comments, if something goes wrong. Strictly do not judge - simplified explanation of samoё "I can not».
Link to the previous topic: forum23/topic790731.html

2. The fact that a black hole (in space), we will not go to bat for a long time - all watch TV and know that this object is an incredibly large mass and small volume, which have the force of gravity is so strong that even the fast particle in the Universe - a photon - flying at the speed of light can not escape from a black hole.

3. It should be noted that the black hole has a boundary, after crossing which, from it will not break. This boundary is called the event horizon of a black hole. What's behind this border, no one knows, because the known laws of physics refuse to work in such places - where there are things called a dirty word "singularity." It's kind of like division by zero, only in physics. However, our educational program is not about the structure of black holes.

4. For a long time it was believed, they say, everything that falls into a black hole can not get from there, and the black hole will grow with time, absorbing the matter around and through the universe will indefinitely consist of a plurality of giant black holes (the collision of two black holes This amusing thing for any fantasy Astrophysics).
And here someone Hawking suddenly announced that black holes with time reduced in weight by ... what do you think? .. Due to evaporation.
Hawking has made an impossible thing in modern science: applied at the same time the theory of relativity and quantum physics - these are two scientific theories, oh, it does not play well with each other (both of which are proved). Apply, and showed how these two theories can explain the surprising phenomenon together: the evaporation of black holes.

5. Few people know, but modern science is convinced that the vacuum is not nothing, emptiness. A very interesting and sudden form of matter.
If you greatly increase the vacuum (in fact, we will never be able to do so technically), and significantly slow down over time, we see that the vacuum is not a vacuum, and the raging sea of substance. Boiling water, chaos, bedlam!
Vacuum - a huge number of particles of matter and antimatter, which interact with each other, collide with each other (annihilate) and generate new particles that annihilate again. The amount of energy of all the particles is zero, so we do not notice anything suspicious. Oh, I forgot to say that all this mess going on at least four-dimensional space (and according to some estimates - into a 13-dimensional).
The vacuum in the micro-micro-micro-level ... .mikro called the quantum foam and paint it for clarity somehow like this:

6. Under normal conditions, the vacuum is a vacuum of all - the emptiness from which nothing useful not take, because, it seems, is not in the nature of power and tools to tear vacuum in matter and antimatter.
But Hawking said - is such an opportunity! And the factory on the splitting of the vacuum is a black hole.
I will not tell why (it is necessary to pass the strict language textbooks: all there polarization, the second law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of energy, the Casimir effect and other pleasures eggheads), but at the boundary of the black hole quantum foam vacuum as it is ordered and there is an interesting chance vacuum is still divided on the matter and antimatter forever.
Here Hawking drew us to this process, but it seems clear picture him alone.

7. So close to the event horizon of a vacuum is split into particles and antiparticles, which in theory should immediately annihilate each other, but it prevents the black hole with his huge attraction. A particle with positive energy flies away from the black hole (as it has not crossed the border, then it has a good chance to shift away from the hole), and the particle with negative energy falls into a black hole.
And once the particle has a negative energy (anti-matter, she was, uh-huh), this reduces the particle energy of the black hole, and hence its weight (hello Einstein with his formula E = mc2). The black hole, having eaten antimatter begins to lose weight on the weight of this very antimatter.
Well, we see a particle with positive mass, fly away from a black hole, and it seems that the black hole emits them lose weight. That is kind of like a black hole evaporates naturally. This radiation, by the way, called "Hawking radiation."

8. Such are the cases.
It remains to add that the Hawking radiation has no experimentally discovered, although some little idea of its scientists are finding. But for this world must stop all wars, srachi wantonly "potreblyatstvo" and focus on the development of near-Earth space.
Secondly, the right way of thinking about the evaporation of black holes Hawking planted by Soviet scientists (wit us always on top, yes).
To date, the hypothesis of the evaporation of black holes has a number of significant issues, but in general, the theory seems very reasonable, and if ever she is confirmed, Hawking will be at the same level as Newton and Einstein for his services on the knowledge of the world.
Thank you for attention. Comments on the literacy campaign in the comments, if something goes wrong. Strictly do not judge - simplified explanation of samoё "I can not».
Link to the previous topic: forum23/topic790731.html
