What you need to know about the normality
There are things that you learn when you grow, and you wonder why I have not talked in class 1? Why not tell this to anyone in one class?
Here the curve is just such a thing:
She knows every biologist, chemist, physicist, mathematician, economist, sociologist ... But anyone who has tried to sort out the pile of random data. She has a very simple meaning: if you take a lot of objects - for example, 100 different dishes - and the measure, for example, their volume, the average of cups will be more likely. Those who are bigger and smaller, will meet less often. A very small and huge - there will be only a few pieces
. If you take the 100 elephants and see what size they are, you get the same thing: a lot of medium-sized elephants, giant and tiny - little
. If you take the 100 boys and measure their growth, or how many goals they score, or how many different assessments they bring home - guess what happens
? If you take 100 girls and ask clothing size, count the number of spots on their forehead, learn how problems were in mathematics, they can decide - what will be the result of how you think
? Here the curve. It occurs very often. The property, which depends on many independent factors - and this growth, and acne, and for mathematics - the majority of people will be average, but some who are too full, there will be more or less. Sometimes much more, sometimes much less.
But what I would like to hear in class 1, so is the name of the curve. < It is called "normal distribution».
This distribution, in which someone does not know how to play football, someone does not receive fives on geography, someone full of acne, one multiplies five-digit numbers in his mind, someone remembers the text of the page at a glance someone combines it all but still stutters. And it is neither good nor bad - it's normal
. I wanted to tell me that in five years, and even earlier - when taught to say "hello" and "thank you." I wanted to tell us all this in five years. Maybe then we would not have been "fat women" and "weaklings" for each other (and themselves) and "SWOT" with "Losers" (and yourself!), And normal
Alice Shimer specifically for the Website
Picture on preview: Nikulina Tatiana / shutterstock.com
via www.shutterstock.com/pic-414641503/stock-vector-vector-cartoon-image-of-a-funny-brown-cockroach-with-antennae-and-six-legs-standing-and-smiling-on.html?src=pp-photo-415194622-h6RUcBMoKpSV_jwYIW5x3A-7
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