Every woman should be...
Four million six hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred fifty four
Ninety million five hundred thirteen thousand one hundred twenty one
These words were written by screenwriter Pamela Redmond Satran mixed up and dresses, wisdom and recipes, love and wine. And, you know, this is the whole essence of a woman.
Site happy to share with you this text.
Every woman should be
enough of their own money to go and rent an apartment,
even if she never wants
or she will never need it.
Every woman should be
something special to wear,
if the interview in the company of her dreams
or date of her life is scheduled in an hour.
Every woman should be
the youth that she is ready to leave behind.
Every woman should be
few sins of youth,
she would be happy to tell in old age.
Every woman should be
screwdriver set, cordless drill
and black lace bra.
Every woman should be
one friend who can always make her laugh,
and one friend who will wipe her tears.
Every woman should be
at least one decent piece of furniture,
she bought herself,
and not inherited from relatives.
Every woman should be
eight identical plates, eight wine glasses
and the recipe of a dish that will delight her guests.
Every woman should be
the sense that she controls his destiny.
Every woman should know,
how to fall in love and not lose yourself in this love.
Every woman should know,
how to quit your job, break up with a man, to argue with each other — and to keep the friendship in all these cases.
Every woman should know,
when to persist
and when to retreat.
Every woman should know,
she can't change the length of your legs,
the width of your hips
and their parents.
Every woman should know,
that her childhood may not have been cloudless,
but it is long gone.
Every woman should know,
what is and what not to do for love
or for something else.
Every woman should know,
how to live alone,
even if she doesn't like it.
Every woman should know,
to whom it may trust and whom not to,
and why can't she take it personally.
Every woman should know,
where to go when her soul needs consolation, on the kitchen gatherings to a friend
or in a charming hotel away from the city.
Every woman should know,
what she can and what can't do today…
In a month…
In a year.
Source Pamela Redmond Satran/Women You Should Know
Translation Of Irina Ageeva
Photo preview of Dolce&Gabbana
See also
It seems to us that men do not know how to feel. But actually it is not so
"Love is not perfect, and those who are looking»
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/lyubyat-ne-idealnyh-a-teh-kto-podhodit-1377465/
Ninety million five hundred thirteen thousand one hundred twenty one
These words were written by screenwriter Pamela Redmond Satran mixed up and dresses, wisdom and recipes, love and wine. And, you know, this is the whole essence of a woman.
Site happy to share with you this text.
Every woman should be
enough of their own money to go and rent an apartment,
even if she never wants
or she will never need it.
Every woman should be
something special to wear,
if the interview in the company of her dreams
or date of her life is scheduled in an hour.
Every woman should be
the youth that she is ready to leave behind.
Every woman should be
few sins of youth,
she would be happy to tell in old age.
Every woman should be
screwdriver set, cordless drill
and black lace bra.
Every woman should be
one friend who can always make her laugh,
and one friend who will wipe her tears.
Every woman should be
at least one decent piece of furniture,
she bought herself,
and not inherited from relatives.
Every woman should be
eight identical plates, eight wine glasses
and the recipe of a dish that will delight her guests.
Every woman should be
the sense that she controls his destiny.
Every woman should know,
how to fall in love and not lose yourself in this love.
Every woman should know,
how to quit your job, break up with a man, to argue with each other — and to keep the friendship in all these cases.
Every woman should know,
when to persist
and when to retreat.
Every woman should know,
she can't change the length of your legs,
the width of your hips
and their parents.
Every woman should know,
that her childhood may not have been cloudless,
but it is long gone.
Every woman should know,
what is and what not to do for love
or for something else.
Every woman should know,
how to live alone,
even if she doesn't like it.
Every woman should know,
to whom it may trust and whom not to,
and why can't she take it personally.
Every woman should know,
where to go when her soul needs consolation, on the kitchen gatherings to a friend
or in a charming hotel away from the city.
Every woman should know,
what she can and what can't do today…
In a month…
In a year.
Source Pamela Redmond Satran/Women You Should Know
Translation Of Irina Ageeva
Photo preview of Dolce&Gabbana
See also
It seems to us that men do not know how to feel. But actually it is not so
"Love is not perfect, and those who are looking»
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/lyubyat-ne-idealnyh-a-teh-kto-podhodit-1377465/
In Italy, installed a fountain, dreamed of every tourist
The teacher found an unusual way to make students more attentive