In Italy, installed a fountain, dreamed of every tourist
What does not amaze tourists from different countries! And certainly normal water source is now no surprise. But in the Abruzzo region in Central Italy set sight of dreams — the wine fountain.
The website will tell you about this amazing place, which will satisfy any traveller and will leave pleasant memories.
The miracle fountain is located in the vineyard Dora Sarchese. This place is magical not only because instead of water there is pouring red wine rather because it is available 24 hours a day. And all this pleasure absolutely for free!
To find this place you will be able to Ortona province of Chieti. According to locals, this is a joint project of the vineyard owner and the nonprofit group that is working to protect the pilgrimage route. The authors of the project were inspired by such a wine fountain, which is mounted for pilgrims walking the Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) in Spain.
The vineyard with its highlight is open for all travelers, eager to try a glass of local wine.
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