East and West: two views of a healthy diet based on olive oil

Nutritionist, MD conventional and ayurvedic medicine Kurlyandskaya Tatiana (Tatyana Kurlandski) talks about the differences between the western and eastern attitudes towards healthy eating.
West view of the power does not work
According to the most common point of view, overeating causes obesity problem. It is believed that people get excess calories or nutrients. This approach assumes that people with overweight greedily consume food at each its reception, and for them the only way to get rid of extra kilograms - is to carefully monitor the amount of food eaten, "shut your mouth" and to conduct half-starved lifestyles. In this case, human life becomes a perpetual struggle against one's own nature.
East view of the healthy food
In the East, believe that the human body, by its nature, is intelligent. From the perspective of traditional medicine, obesity - the result of the fact that the person is deprived of the right, the necessary knowledge. Such a person does not get what it needs, but not saturated, as suggested by the European view. Thus, the aim should be not weight loss, and learning how to make your life more rich and fulfilling, not just the desire to make up for the lack of pleasure at the expense of food eaten.
In traditional oriental medicine overweight is regarded as the accumulation of fluid and mucus. Food - this matter, and our digestive system - a fire that transforms matter into energy. If the digestive fire is weak, the matter is not completely burned, the remains accumulate; result - weakness, weight and follow them health problems. On the other hand, if the digestive fire is strong, he will be able to convert large volumes of suitable food in abundance, so we needed, vital energy.
How to help digestion
In healthy people usually slender good appetite. Many people think that the key to weight loss is to reduce and even suppress appetite. But usually it leads to more weight gain. Therefore, appropriate treatment of excess weight includes not suppression, but rather to stimulate appetite. Valuable, easily digestible food increases appetite. High-quality olive oil in the amount of two tablespoons per day, fueling digestion. Increases appetite correct application of herbs and spices. Most people are advised to use when cooking a lot of herbs and spices: ginger, turmeric, kumun, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, chives, mustard, oregano, thyme and a little red pepper; they can be used for those who want to lose weight.
For the recovery and weight loss play a huge role physical and breathing exercises. Those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, experiences thermal load to replenish energy costs have to consume large amounts of food, and it happens that from time to time they overeat. However, most often the result of overeating is emotional factors.
Love affects overweight
According to experts, being with your loved one, you can be so happy that we forget about the food. At this time, you feel little need for physical food. But when a person does not get love, is not experiencing happiness, he feels lonely and rejected. In this case, food can become a substitute for love for him. Attempts to silence the meal feeling of dissatisfaction with life, loneliness, sadness, grief or feelings of depression is an emotional and mental cause overeating. According to statistics, overeating is more common in the more emotional by nature women than in men.
Test overeating
There is a way to check whether the emotional hunger cravings for food or a real biological need. Drink some tea from licorice root, chamomile or mint. If hunger is emotional nature, the warm soothing tea will help get rid of it, and you will feel more comfortable. If you are really hungry and need food, tea does not reduce your appetite.
To soothe emotional compulsive craving for eating well to eat a ripe banana, cut it into pieces and add a teaspoon of ghee and a pinch of cardamom. Whenever you feel the urge to eat, take a walk for 20 minutes at a fast pace in the fresh air.