Simple exercises that will transform your body in just 4 weeks

Anyone who, like the version of the site, made a promise to do in the new year, lastly, sports and increase the level of physical activity (and lose a little extra kg) is dedicated to the idea of her podborka.Osnovnaya - Sports a long time do not need to!

Planck - static exercise. Movements in it, the most important thing here - to keep the body properly. To properly make the bar, follow the example in the photo: you need only draw on his elbows, forearms and toes. It is important that the back was straight, lower back does not sag, the priest is not sticking out. If you are easy to stand in the bar on the elbows, then you are doing something wrong. In this position tighten the muscles that hold your body just in upright position; is pumped not only the stomach but also the muscles of the arms, the back and front of the thigh.

To correct push-ups to take the strap as the starting position. Next repulsive hands up. The main thing in this exercise: back, pelvis and legs should maintain a straight line. This tense muscles not only hands, but also the press. The next step is to as slowly as possible to return the body to its original position.
Toning thighs and yagodits

Starting position - as in the first picture: Stand on your hands and knees. Next, straighten one leg, while trying to keep it straight, without bending or deflecting sideways. Simultaneously raise your leg and straighten the opposite hand. Then you do the same thing with the other arm and leg.

To make the correct squats important to find a balance: to place his feet on the shoulder width apart and draw on the whole foot as a whole, rather than its individual parts. In this position, you begin slowly to sit on a low chair imagined. Thus knees and feet should be on the same level as the coccyx need to pull as far as possible. you can raise your hands in front of him, as in the photo for balance. Get up to the starting position as slowly as possible.
Exercise press

For this exercise you need to lie on your back, arms stretched above his head. Then slowly raise your bent knee and touch it with his hand, as in the photo. The left leg - left hand, right foot - right hand - it's the main rule. Returns to the starting position and repeat.
Press + yagoditsy

This exercise is carried out in the following manner: relying on the floor with his hands and feet so that your body is a triangle. Leg raises as high as possible, as in the first picture. Then slowly lower the knee and try to get the tip of his nose. Returns to its original position. Repetitive motion with the other leg.

Start position: legs wide apart, knees slightly bent, the back leans against the wall. Next weaves palm or take the ball, as in the photo, and slowly move your hands from side to side, trying to touch the wall. . It is important to always keep the back straight
plan 4 nedeliNedelya 1: Within 6 days, repeat the following exercises:
2 minutes: strap. 1 minute: push-ups 1 minute:. hips and buttocks 1 minute:. press 1 minute:. press + . buttock 1 minute: waist 2 minutes:..
complex 1:.
3 minutes:. strip 3 minutes:. press 3 minutes:. hips and buttocks
complex 2. :
3 minutes:. waist 3 minutes: push-ups 3 minutes:.. press + buttocks
Week 3:. repeat exercises 1st nedeli.Nedelya 4: repeat the exercise 2nd nedeli.Pri proper performance after one month, you will see amazing results as well as a habit of daily exercise, this simple set of exercises, which requires only 10 minutes a day. If you want to continue to engage and achieve even greater changes in your body, repeat the plan to double the amount.
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