Depending on the actual sugar
Upon cancellation of the sugar in the first few days it will not be easy. Many are beginning to lean heavily on food containing more carbohydrates to compensate for the lack of sugar.
There are four components of any relationship: the constant use, breaking, thirst and cross-sensitization (getting used to the same substance, you become prone to the emergence of other, more addictive)
. The constant use of sugar over time leads to long-term development of dopamine and high excitation of brain areas responsible for obtaining pleasure. And over time, to achieve the same effect, you will need more than sugar, because the brain becomes tolerant to it.
Breaking with the refusal of sugar too real
With tens of popular diets and bestsellers about nutrition we are familiar with the concept of "sugar addiction". They mentioned and breaking in case of failure of the sugar, which usually entails a craving for food, leading to disruption in the diet and impulsive eating anything and everything. There are dozens of articles, which describes the boundless energy and re-found happiness experienced by people who refuse to sugar.
Do you still want to give up for a while from sugar? Then you probably are wondering how long will have to deal with cravings and other side effects. Unfortunately, there is no exact answer - all individually. But once you overcome the most difficult the first few days, and your brain's response to change. If you try to eat something sweet after several days of non-sugar, you feel that it is too sweet. Tolerance to the sugar disappears.
Do not give up sugar completely. It is better to do it gradually. For example, when having tea with two spoons of sugar, while drinking one - so the body will be easier to get used to a new lifestyle
. Do not drink sugary drinks. Soda and most packaged juices quench the thirst not, but the sugar usually contain a lot of.
When eaten the forbidden candy, model the is - do the exercises. Physical activity also contribute to the production of dopamine, the brain will thus receive a dose of this pleasure. And the next time you will probably want to make a couple of sit-ups, you eat a bar of chocolate.
Eat less than usual. As we already mentioned, add sugar, even in those products where it is in theory should not be. For example, in semi-finished products so that they last longer.
Replace the sugar fructose. Fructose - a natural sugar that is present in all fruits, vegetables, honey. So, if you want something sweet, a great substitute for regular sugar, but less caloric.