20 Strange Pictures, who understands Woman Only
Despite the fact that boys and girls are very different from each other, they are always trying to do everything possible to establish a rapport between. And some even think that they succeed. Especially the boys. But there are things that no man is simply unable to understand!
Do not believe me? Well, try to understand.
1. How can cripple an elastic band for volos
2. Going to the bathroom. Each time the question "Why are you dragging a bag?" She makes such litso
3. How can they not come to an end at the same time ??? 2,858,519
4. Men will never understand what lipstick and windy day, together vzyatye
5. The only thing that I want to do as soon as possible at the end of the day
6. When the blood stops without a chas
7. When you wash in the shower head and a hair happens to be where it should not be
8. This is just awful !!! 43,778,193
9. And these spots? .. 65,103,412
10. And this is what is done, you know? That's right, not to drain zabilsya
11. When you want to sneeze, and she had just inflicted tush
12. When the girl "These days," and she wants to sneeze or kashlyat
13. The dress code for both boys and devochek
14. All the girls is ponimayut
15. When terribly sleepy, but still need to wash kosmetiku
16. When you pass by a group of guys and one of them you oklikaet
17. The most shocking part of this stulev
18. The girl - it is always part of the abstract iskusstva
19. The costs of owning a thick volosami
20. When the tail is too tight ...
Bonus: This eternal fear grates ...
: Vicer.ru
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Do not believe me? Well, try to understand.
1. How can cripple an elastic band for volos

2. Going to the bathroom. Each time the question "Why are you dragging a bag?" She makes such litso

3. How can they not come to an end at the same time ??? 2,858,519
4. Men will never understand what lipstick and windy day, together vzyatye

5. The only thing that I want to do as soon as possible at the end of the day
6. When the blood stops without a chas

7. When you wash in the shower head and a hair happens to be where it should not be
8. This is just awful !!! 43,778,193
9. And these spots? .. 65,103,412
10. And this is what is done, you know? That's right, not to drain zabilsya

11. When you want to sneeze, and she had just inflicted tush

12. When the girl "These days," and she wants to sneeze or kashlyat

13. The dress code for both boys and devochek

14. All the girls is ponimayut

15. When terribly sleepy, but still need to wash kosmetiku

16. When you pass by a group of guys and one of them you oklikaet

17. The most shocking part of this stulev

18. The girl - it is always part of the abstract iskusstva

19. The costs of owning a thick volosami

20. When the tail is too tight ...

Bonus: This eternal fear grates ...

: Vicer.ru
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