There is a suspicion that the red is not quite human. And escaped from the country of fairy tales

I recently started going out with a red girl.
You know, there are red and have red. < I suspect that these people are not really red
Share your observations.
She has very long hair that she sometimes cuts, with her words, "when they begin to get confused in the legs." What happens is, with her words, every six months. Her hair is not whipped.
Rubber bands for hair - consumables. By the way, special rezinochki to dread (s?) -. It is the same as the special rezinochki for small dogs, and they are in a pet store ten times cheaper
On a first date she brought a box of his own candy cobbled together. Nearly four dozen. Three of them starting with a lethal dose it pepper. Ate together, all pepper got me.
One day she decided to show me acupressure and nearly stopped my heart.
She can call me in the middle of the day and tell you how to doctor the procedure (as she had affectionately calls "our main Impaler") began to operate properly some sore in the intestine and the entire operating flooded with blood. And the blood soaked robe doctor and new leather shoes. He left home, munching these shoes. Pulling over socks bahilly. And so much fun at the same time laughing ...
A red - smart: Redhead was the second special robe and rubber slippers. And because she was on a date is not smeared with blood.
< She can purr.
And now I have a house, you can find a long red hair. Sometimes -. Neatly knotted around the buttons or tabs on clothes
On 23 February she was ready food Me With her she brought spices that, with her words, the store did not buy.. She them somewhere orders through special people, and when she cooked soup, a couple of times I have heard some whisper quiet. In the end, I asked what kind of spices, which she glared her green eyes, and I fell off the wall painting.
I'm here, of course, not an expert, but the role of a love potion perfectly mastered brawn. A delicious soup turned out just
And yesterday on her face was three times more freckles So I can say with authority:.. Spring came
. And yes, red kiss - good luck
. Author: Poznayushij
Preview: Sergiy Neroda
via 500px.com/photo/68000557/oksana-by-sergiy-neroda
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