On September 1, we celebrate Red Cats Day, pets attract money to the house

Red cat in the house It concentrates the energy of goodness, light, positivity and fun. But did you know, dear subscriber, that September 1st in the world celebrates Red Cat Day? In honor of this, we have prepared interesting facts about cats of this color. Let's dive into the world of funny fluffy carrots, oranges or peaches.

Red cat in the house to meet fluffy With a single-colored coat is almost impossible. This is due to the fact that almost all red cats are representatives of tabby (tabby) color. Simply put, they are all striped and can also have an expressive letter “M” on their face. It is believed that tabby is a wild color of the animal, given to him by inheritance from ancient four-legged ancestors.

In addition, the unusual hair color in cats and humans is responsible for the same pigment - pheomelanin. Red-haired people can often boast sprinkle on his face. And cats do not lag behind this trend. If you look closely, then some red cats on the face may also have freckles. They are easily found closer to the eye, mouth, and vibrissae area.

Most red cats are males. Fully red cats are also found, but much less often. Among purebred animals there is no specific breed that would have more red cats. Golden beauties are also found among Persian cats, British, Siberian. However, a huge number of redheads are found among breedless animals. Why is that? A mystery.

Many owners of red cats mention that their pets are quite tricky. It has nothing to do with the color of the coat. But, in truth, it is the red cats in movies and cartoons that are the most brazen and crooked. For example, Garfield from the cartoon of the same name, a cat from the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” or a goose from the superhero film “Captain Marvel”.

Do not mistakenly think that the pedestal of four-legged magicians was occupied only by black cats. Redheads are not inferior to them. Moreover, it is believed that it is a red cat that can easily identify bad-energy human and neutralize her. How do you see that? For example, you can pay attention to how the cat meets the guest. Hissing or running away? Is he sighing wool or hiding? Perhaps the character of a person or his thoughts are not entirely favorable.

The sun color of the fur of red seals in ancient times was associated with magic animal. Kotek could be attributed to healers to find out whether they pose any threat to humans. Moreover, cats even conducted love rituals love spells or lapels. In the ear of the animals whispered the name of the beloved and let him go in the direction of the sun.


Whatever it was in ancient times, but now to find a red fork at the door of your house is a good sign. Such a kitten, like a ray of the sun, will add atmosphere warmth, joy, fun and comfort. Red cats bring good luck to their owners, and are also considered excellent doctors.

Redheads are able to attract good luck to their owners in business and finance. To enhance this effect, you can even name your favorite accordingly. Pay attention to the unusual names of the world currency. What if one of them gets really deep in the heart? Or add fantasy so that your red magnet for good luck becomes Bucks, Golden, Zlatomir.

Red cat in the house attracts happiness Bright purring for a reason will be pet. Red cats not only take away bad energy, but in return give their good ones. Who knows, maybe their magical past really works. Or maybe a person just rejoices in how his cute pet purrs and tramples him with soft paws.

Put a big bowl on the redhead so there's more good in the house. And your favorite will take care of attracting positive, rich, good luck to the home. It is not for nothing that some people choose only golden-haired. Maybe you own a red cat too? Be sure to tell us about his character. It will be interesting to read some fun facts about your pet.


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