As I took a chance to start all over again in 49 years, and finally became happy

Are you afraid to take the plunge and change your life, because "the time has gone»?
< Website and Psychologies publish the story, the hero who proved that it is never too late to live your life. In 49 years, Andrew left his job, change habitual way of life, and eventually became a student. Now, four years later, he received his law degree, which he dreamed all his life. And his story.
My sister read the ad in the newspaper that the notary is urgently needed an assistant who knows how fast blind typing on the computer. And he called me: "You're a good print and you have always dreamed of jurisprudence. Try, all of a sudden it's your chance? "I'm really a youth dreamed of becoming a lawyer. < But just like that, suddenly, almost 50 years to turn from the path that was a big part of his life ... It was very strange, and I was scared.
By education I am a chemist, but during his studies at the Institute started working in the supply chain. This profession is fed me, was not very interesting, but allowed to live under the free schedule. Procurers needed everywhere, and I needed to work as close to home - I took care of the parents, who have long and seriously ill
. After 40 years, he has already lost his mother and then his father, the first time I thought about what I can change jobs, and maybe get a second degree. I first appeared free time for myself, and I dreamed, planned. But to make the law as a profession, and even come directly from the street to the notary's office and say, "I want you to work" - I imagine this could not. After all this work need a diploma of faculty of law, need to be included in the professional environment with youth ... Make a bold step prevented and uncertainty in the forces and the fear that in my years I will look ridiculous and pathetic as a freshman.
However, everything turned out this way: I, 49-year-old man who had just endured several operations on the joints, even with the stick came to the notary and said: «Do you need an assistant? Take me! I know how to touch-type with ten fingers, I'm not a lawyer, but failed to win on their own court of arbitration in the dispute with the failed bank, which burned my contribution. And I know very well the laws »
I was happy For years, I had a double life:.. On the job I was doing, taking into account material assets, but all the free time spent on the study of laws, and at night I read the Civil Code. The reason for such a passionate interest in the law was that I have for many years led the struggle against bureaucracy officials. In seeking for themselves and their friends just solutions, I acted as a self-taught lawyer. My fascination began with an unsuccessful campaign to a notary public - when you make a case of inheritance, he refused to take into account the benefits that have been my father, a war veteran. I was indignant, studied law, and the truth was on my side. Then I made an arguable claim to the Ministry of Justice Office of the Moscow region, and the arguments have worked. The notary called, apologized for not delving into the situation ... In the end we even became friends with him. He was a very competent lawyer.
This event inspired me. I began to help friends and colleagues, was for their statements of claim, the rules of the texts of treaties ... And clearly understood that many officials shamelessly use our legal illiteracy. And they can win their own weapons, just need to not be lazy, carefully read the law are controversial interpretation of the provisions, and most importantly - correctly and clearly state the circumstances of the case on paper. Unexpectedly, I began to receive pleasure from this struggle. Defending the rights of other people, protecting them from injustice, I felt proud when managed to win the case, to prove the officer that no one should be "otfutbolivat" zamorochitsya head incomprehensible gobbledygook of legal terms.
< Now in notary's office I began to delve into the work of legal counsel. Subscribe to e-mail updates on the legislative framework, codified laws and regulations in various areas of civil law. I read a lot of literature. And clearly I understood that to be a lawyer-lover and legal professionals - it's not the same thing. I did not have a system of knowledge, basic knowledge of the law, and most importantly - without a law degree about any promotion and speech could not be. The chief, who has always encouraged my enthusiasm became increasingly say that I need to get a law degree. But another year passed before I decided to go to law school. < The bald, middle-aged man - as I sit behind a desk with a beardless boys The thought disturbed me?. Afraid to make a mistake with the choice of high school, I studied the ratings institutions, went to the exhibition devoted to the second formation, and as a result went to the Institute of State and Law.
Not once I admitted at work, which again became a student - I was embarrassed. It seemed that no pull that learning is difficult: not the memory, not the attention ... But gradually I was involved for three years of study only once got four, so now I say with full responsibility: to learn at any age
Five in zachetke and now diploma - it is a source of great satisfaction. I like to learn, and learn well. But it is much more important to me that my professional career is finally moving in deliberately chosen me, not by coincidence given vector as it was in his youth, and then another for many, many years. < I know that I can be proud of.
Friends have said many times that needed serious motivation and a certain courage to start from scratch, to decide to change profession 49 years, when everything is said about the near pension. But it was the opposite for me. < The decision to change the profession has brought great relief: I no longer need to perform boring work only for money
His purpose in life, I see it is to help people to exercise their rights. My professional knowledge can protect them from the arbitrariness of bureaucrats and help to restore justice, and it gives me strength and brings satisfaction
A salary of the supplier, I grew nine months after the arrival of the notary office:. I increased each quarter salary. I've got a diploma and are now getting ready to pass a qualifying exam to obtain a professional license. The future as a lawyer I think it is achievable. I am quite satisfied with their lives and know that I am in the right place. I was able to overcome fear, to overcome their complexes, and I have a strong incentive: Maybe it sounds too loud, but I want to contribute to the fact that our country has become a little more comfortable for people to legal nihilism gave way to respect the law . < In other words, I was able to find his true calling, and it fills my life with meaning, which I lacked
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