On his experience I have come to the conclusion that syroednye food is a step back in the living power.
My friends, long time did not write anything, it was the cause. Maybe later I'll write about them, but now I want to share a valuable observation. One and a half months I completely abandoned the seeds, nuts, sprouts. Put simply, that I eat only fruits (citrus, avocado, apples, bananas rarely), dates, very rare vegetables, roots do not eat.
Such a diet I really liked, I began to eat less, sleep better, feel good. In training, it had no effect. I lift the same weight as before. Until then, I ate in principle also, but ate more seeds, flax seeds, chia, sprouts (green buckwheat, lentils and chickpeas) an average of about 100 grams of seeds and seedlings 50 grams.
This article will tell his feelings of syroednyh dishes.
It so happened that at the beginning of October 2015, when he was two weeks in Moscow, I was eating in a cafe syroednom. I ate there every day syroednuyu pizza, burgers, salads and sweets. This is a very high-calorie food, and you get used to it quickly. I want to eat after her constantly. As soon as I left Moscow, I decided to eat only fruits and seeds with sprouts.
A month later, I went back to the old food. Nothing prepared only did every day of salad vegetables, herbs and sprouts, and 80% had fruit. And from mid-December 2015 all began to eat 90% of fruit and some vegetables. Zhor disappeared, it became much warmer (in the hole even bathed twice), a better sleep.
About a dream I want to tell apart. Topic sleep I've been studying, and from May 2015 to track their sleep phase, through the bracelet. I noticed this feature as soon as I start to eat seeds, nuts and sprouts, then immediately longer sleep time, and the phase of deep sleep decreases. In the morning I wake up very late, the broken state. But as soon as I eat some fruit, it improves sleep just a few days.
5 and 6 February 2016 g, I visited syrokafe again. In this I ate pizza, salad and bread. My body remembered the forgotten tastes, and I ate too much.
The first day I ate a little, quickly satiated. While driving home, I felt weak, wild heaviness in the stomach and I felt cold. Although I received many calories eaten per meal. The whole evening I was tormented by drowsiness and sleep at night is very poor (from 8-hours of sleep only 2 hours of deep sleep will put a screen) .Utrom woke up swollen, and immediately wanted to eat. On the morning hunger fruit pleasant, but here zhor incomprehensible.
On the second day, I again wanted this meal. In the afternoon I went to syrokafe and again stuffed salad, bread and cabbage cutlets. On the way home I felt worse than before. I wanted to go to bed on arrival. Energy somewhere was gone, I began to feel cold. I do not believe that live food can so act on me. Previously, this did not feel. Apparently, six months, which I spent mostly on some fruits, gave the result. This evening, I ate dates and drank a lot of water.
I slept a lot of 10.47 hours. Minutes of their deep sleep 1.34 ch.Utrom climb was hard, I could barely open his eyes and went back to sleep. Finally woke up after 2 hours swollen, and very thirsty. I drank water and ate a lot of tangerines in the end decided to stick to the whole day of the diet. Also in the morning I noticed that his nose was laid. There was the smell of the body, of which the fruit was not. Head some wadded, lost clarity of thought. Then during the day I felt a strong need for food, which dates muffled.
I would like to summarize these two days. I made conclusions for themselves:
1) even syroednye dishes have a negative impact on the state, so it's best not to mix.
2) seeds, nuts and sprouts very load our body, they are very sleepy.
3) from syroednyh dishes zhor appears, you eat more food than you need.
4) by mixing merzlyavost appears (at least in my 100%).
5) there is the smell of the body.
6) lays down the nose and throat discomfort (a feeling that catch a cold).
7) lost the clarity of thought and ease in the body.
In conclusion I want to say that the transition syroedcheskie dishes are very helpful. They are much better than traditional thermally processed foods. But if you want to progress further, it is worth to give up the mixing and cooking. It is best to eat fruits, vegetables and herbs. From seeds, nuts and sprouts refuse or minimally reduce their number.